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Chapter 637

A wonderful birthday party cost more than 30 jars of food.

It is true that these generals who can run horses on their arms can drink, and it is also true that they drink half of the jar and spill half of it when they raise their necks.

He loved drinking, and he loved beauties even more. When the Emperor was done drinking, he insisted that Jiang Yuesheng call for all the women who had served him wine.

Chu Qing understands men, he also understands old men, and he understands Lao Sepi even more.

More than twenty prostitutes hired by Luzhu returned to the top floor, and the Emperor's birthday party finally reached its climax.

Until daybreak, Chu Qing, who was as cold as a grandson, shivered and asked the detective horses to help the old men who were already lying on the ground snoring into carriages.

Chu Qing and Fusan carried Chu Wensheng, while Sun Ping and Jiang Yuesheng carried the Supreme Emperor, and each went back to his home.

Huang Laosi stayed outside in the carriage and never showed his face. He looked at his father lying on the carriage seat with a smile on his face.

He planned to let Chu Qing take care of next year's birthday. There were more than 20 big girls running around with their bare butts all over the ship. It was so damn exciting.

Time passed and the "ten days" prescribed by the emperor arrived.

The Hanmen Academy, located next to Zhuangzi in the southern suburbs, has been completed.

Looking at the brand new brick walls, study rooms, lecture halls, and dormitories.

Among them, Chu Qing was alone, strolling through one rough building after another.

Everyone came, including the farmers from the Tao family, the unruly people from the southern suburbs, the Tao family, and the scouts from the Qianqi camp.

Tao Ruolin, who was standing at the door, asked Chu Qing to go in first and not let anyone else accompany her.

Everyone expressed their understanding and waited quietly.

This was what Chu Qing deserved, and Chu Qing was able to witness the miracle he had created alone with peace of mind.

Although the academy occupies a vast area, the buildings are a bit crude. There are no carved beams, no glittering signboards, and no green plants. There are only simple buildings connected together.

But no one can deny that this is a miracle, a miracle created under a desperate system.

The Poor Academy, an academy that recruits students from poor families, has never thought that this academy will really appear, appear outside Changjing City, and appear under the noses of aristocratic families. It will be built openly and honestly. In the future, there will be one after another.

Students from poor families study openly and openly inside.

The three largest buildings are called the First Lecture Hall, the Second Lecture Hall, and the Third Lecture Hall, where students are taught.

The name is very ordinary, even a little shabby.

It's not called Wenlou, it's not called Zhuangyuan Hall, it doesn't have any fancy rhetoric, it's very simple, it's extremely ordinary, it's just called the lecture hall, the first lecture hall, the second lecture hall, the third lecture hall, the ordinary ones are just like the students entering school.


There are three lecture halls in the shape of a word. Chu Qing stood in front of the first lecture hall, wanting to cry, laugh, and sing loudly.

He did it. Every brick and tile in front of him was fought back with his life. In the future, he will also protect this place with his life.

Turning around, Chu Qing jumped up high and waved his arms like a child showing off a new toy.

In the future, people who will also use their lives to protect this place will walk in. Everyone will be smiling and filled with emotion.

Tao Ruolin, Fu San, Jiang Yuesheng, Tao Shaozhang, Nangong Ping, Fu Youcai, Wei Changfeng, Qiu Wanshan, Zhai Xiu, Cao Wu and others who took leave today and came here in casual clothes.

This day is a day of miracles. Under the obstruction of the noble families, courtiers, and countless scholars, they helped Chu Qing fight his way through the thorns, and after going through many difficulties and obstacles, the academy was completed!

The farmers of the Tao family also came in, with tears in their eyes. Their children, their descendants, could read and write here.

The people of Zhuangzi in the southern suburbs stretched out their trembling fingers and gently touched the brick wall. After touching it, they suddenly retracted their arms. They were cautious, excited, and a little inferior, as if they were dreaming.

Those children who could study in the academy did not run, make trouble, or chase. They clung to the trouser legs of their elders and tried to understand everything in front of them.

They cannot understand everything, but these children know that this academy will give them a new life, a life that their parents did not dare to dream of.

The guards of the brigade came in. Sun An read the imperial edict and said a lot of words on behalf of the emperor. He said a lot of formal things. He commended Chu Qing and also informed the world that Chu Qing had changed from a county boy to a

County son.

Chu Qing did not go to receive the order. He hid in the first lecture hall, smelling the smell of paint and feeling a bit of warmth in the cold winter. The warmth came from his heart.

The imperial edict was recited for a long time, and after reciting the last word, Sun An found Chu Qing and passed on the emperor's oral instructions. There were only two words, thank you.

Two words are enough, the emperor has not come, but these two words represent too many things.

The emperor wants to see the Hanmen Academy.

Chu Qing had been struggling for so long, but the emperor paid the least. Chu Qing gave his life, the Fu family paid, and others contributed, and the emperor opened his mouth, but he didn't say a few words.

But it is the person who has contributed the least, and only he has the right to have the final say.

After the emperor thanked him, Sun An led the guards away. The two old men, who were more than a hundred years old together, were crying like a man in tears. They were frightened, proud, and dreamy.

, stood in front of Chu Qing.

Two gentlemen, gentlemen from the humble academy.

The first gentleman, named Bao Guisheng, was the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, Chu Wensheng, and the steward of the Chu Mansion.

The second gentleman is Qin An, the oldest servant in the Prince's Young Master's Mansion.

Bao Guisheng was called here by Fu San.

Qin An was brought here by Tao Ruolin.

Both of them have read books and are familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics. They are not qualified to teach real scholars, but they can enlighten children, which is more than enough.

Bao Guisheng choked and was speechless.

In his life, he has no dreams or ideals. He only has one wish, that is, the master and the young master can live in peace and quiet, and the Chu Mansion can be peaceful. This is his wish.

And Chu Qing gave him an ideal, an ideal that he had never thought of, and became a teacher in a poor academy.

Chu Qing also gave him a dream. In time, he guaranteed that Guisheng would cultivate many scholars who came from poor families.

Qin An is also crying.

He and Bao Guisheng are essentially the same. At this age, he has experienced what he should have experienced, endured the hardships he should have endured, and experienced the blessings he should have enjoyed. He thinks that the most wonderful things in life are

The years are spent giving lectures with Tao Yao when I was young.

As he got older, he became the protagonist in the story, not the supporting role of the little book boy carrying a book frame.

"Uncle Qin." General Chu Qing helped Qin An, who was humbled by his admiration, to stand up: "I know that you are both civil and military. You know the virtues of my boy Chu Qing. You like to take advantage the most. You are the one who can do the hard work. You not only teach the students to read

To be literate, you have to take them to keep fit and do two jobs. I can only give you a share of the money, so don’t mind it. If I give you more, other gentlemen will feel uncomfortable in the future."

"It's done, it's done, it's done." Qin An kept nodding, tears dripping down his chin: "It's done even if you don't give me money, it's done, it's done."

This chapter has been completed!
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