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Chapter 65 Changjing people don't lie to Changjing people

After Chu Qing returned to his mansion, he locked himself in the bedroom again and used bamboo slips to draw some drawings that only he could understand.

After writing and drawing for a while, Chu Qing finalized the draft on yellow paper.

He was eager to finish the matter of Taowu Palace as soon as possible, and his father would return to the Ministry of Works office earlier and continue to be the left minister.

When he first entered the house, Chu Qing saw his father playing swordplay in the back garden, with many wine jars on the table.

I originally thought that my father was a big-hearted person, but now he has lost his temper. It is rare for him to have some free time and rest a lot.

But gradually, Chu Qing realized that his idea was undoubtedly wrong.

It is true that the left minister of the Ministry of Industry has no real power, but no longer has real power. He is also a minister and an official. He wears official robes and goes to the government hall every day to become a part of governing the country.

Just like what Fu San said, after more than ten years of guarding the country at the border, I don’t know how many times I was born and died. Now, the court will treat meritorious ministers like this. The new emperor will treat meritorious ministers like discarded shoes.

Throw it away after use?

Dad is undoubtedly not willing to give in. It is not that he is greedy for power, but he is just unwilling and feels that it is not worth it.

It is precisely because of this that I laugh and drink every day, but I feel sad, but I cannot and dare not express it.

Chu Qing had seen this situation before. In his previous life, an old man lived downstairs in his house and was in charge of some kind of kiln, the kind that made ceramics.

The old man rode a broken bicycle for six years. He retired early when he was less than sixty years old. Many leaders came to visit him. The old man also carried a bird cage every day and laughed and said that it was rare to have leisure time. But after half a year,

Sick, heartbroken, bedridden.

After some time passed, Chu Qing heard from the old man's boss that the old man was ill because he was unwilling to give up and so he resigned. It was either because he was greedy for power or because he felt unwilling and couldn't keep up with the times. His replacement

The factory director is a "young man" in his thirties, with no management experience at all, but he can speak English, computers, and many things that are difficult for an old man to understand.

In fact, there are too many such people. For their own dreams and ideals, they have devoted themselves to a certain field. More than ten, twenty or even decades have passed, and they have dedicated and sacrificed half their lives. Finally, they found that

I have been abandoned by the times, and there is only a bird cage next to me.

Chu Wensheng was not like this. He was a military general. He had never read a few books, not even a military book. He was completely self-taught in the art of killing people. The more he killed people, the more he would master the art of war.

I followed the Supreme Emperor to kill people and led others to kill people. He only knew how to kill people and fought with his life. When the Supreme Emperor returned to the capital, my father became a civil servant and enjoyed peace in the country. However, the Supreme Emperor stretched his hips and replaced him with a new king.

When a new king ascends the throne, he will be the emperor and his ministers, and the left minister of the Ministry of Industry will also be replaced.

What everyone thinks is that Chu Wensheng has never read, and is either a Confucian scholar or a killer. But who can think of it, is it wrong for this old killer to be loyal to the emperor and patriotism? The emperor is not a king, is it wrong to be loyal to the emperor?

Scholars are all talking about patriotism and loyalty to the emperor. Are those who are not educated not qualified to be loyal to the emperor and patriotism?

Wrong, outrageously wrong, those who defend the country are just these ordinary people, these uneducated killers!

Who would have thought that Chu Wensheng, an old killer who was used to killing people, would go to various places to work hard with the craftsmen all day long in order to be qualified for the position of left minister of the Ministry of Works.

But in the end, Chu Wensheng still didn't understand the way of being an official. He thought that the servant wanted to know about civil engineering and construction, and to provide disaster relief. But little did he know that the servant was flattering and flattering.

Just please the new king.

Chu Wensheng didn’t think he was wrong. He was obviously right. He killed people at the border and built houses in the capital. He devoted half his life and struggled for half his life. Why did he take off my official robe? My blood, my sweat, my blood

Everything you have given is so worthless in the eyes of the new king, in the eyes of the minister, in the eyes of the officials, and in the eyes of the court?

Chu Qing had no way of understanding what the new monarch and his ministers thought of Chu Wensheng. He could only do his best to let his father return to the Ministry of Industry and continue to be a minister.

By the time he finished the drawing and left the bedroom, Chu Wensheng had already gone back to the room and fell asleep.

After calling Fu San, Chu Qing placed the two chapters of drawings on the table.

"Do you know anyone from the Ministry of War? I'm going to discuss a deal."

"The Ministry of War?"

Not to mention, Chu Qing has found the right person. Other government offices are not working, but in this military department, Chu Wensheng and Fu San both have acquaintances, and their official positions are not small. Even Fu San knows many people who are not low-ranking.

of generals.

"Master, what are you doing with the people from the Ministry of War?"

Chu Qing smiled proudly: "When I was out of the city today, I suddenly thought of a way to make money, and I immediately thought of two."

"What method?"

"When people are riding horses, don't they always sway, and there is no place for their feet to step on, right?"

Fu San nodded without knowing why.

Chu Qing gestured with his hands: "How about hanging it on the saddle, on both sides of the horse's belly, and then stepping on it with both feet to stabilize the body. Master, is this idea of ​​mine particularly genius?"

Fusan clapped his hands together: "Master, your method is great and powerful. With these stirrups, can't you stabilize your body?"

Chu Qing laughed loudly: "That's a must..."

Before the necessary word "Xu" was uttered, Chu Qing was stunned: "What did you call this thing just now?"


"how do you know."

"Because this thing is called a stirrup."

Chu Qing: "I..."

No need to think about it, Fu San can already name him. It is conceivable that this thing has been popular for a long time.

"That's not right. I saw many people riding horses before, but I didn't see any stirrups."

"You met me in Beijing, right?"

"Yes what's the matter."

Fu San didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Those are all dandies from the capital. They have the same virtues as you... Just like you, they are young heroes who have read poetry and learned a lot. They deliberately don't step on the stirrups to show off their riding skills."

Chu Qing threw the two drawings away: "Damn, go back to the house and sleep."

Fu San shouted: "Master, you just mentioned one, isn't there another one?"

"What's more, putting shoes on horses, that is, horseshoes, has been invented by others, and I still make a lot of money."

"Put shoes on the horse, horseshoes, iron?" Fu San's eyes lit up: "Young master, you are talking about nailing gold and iron on the horse's soles, so that the horse will not wear out the soles of its feet?"

Chu Qing didn't even look back: "Stop teasing me."

"Third Young Master, your idea is too quick. I'm so impressed that I'm so impressed. It's amazing. It's so tight."

Chu Qing turned around with a look of caution on his face: "Are you kidding me? There really are no horseshoes now?"

"No, if there was, how could I not have heard of it?"



"Then please tell people from Changchao not to cheat people from Changchao."

Fu San nodded repeatedly: "Changjing people don't lie to Changjing people."

"Screw you, sir, you are from Changjing."

Chu Qing turned around and left. He understood clearly that Fu San was quite patriotic and would rather lose his registered residence in the capital than lose his nationality.

Fu San hurriedly caught up and said, "Master, your method is good. How about I go to the Ministry of War to find a general I know well?"

"No, once you open your mouth now, I don't even know whether what you say is true or not. Your old face makes me confused, young master. Do you really have no horseshoes?"

"No, how dare I lie to you? Didn't I say that people from Changjing will not lie to people from Changjing?"

Chu Qing: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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