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Chapter 654 True and False Corpse

Chu Qing was extremely confused and couldn't figure out why Feng Luo wanted him to go to the border.

Many of the things Tao Ruolin guessed made sense.

Perplexed, Chu Qing recounted the circumstances of his meeting with Feng Luo, and also mentioned Xiao Yi's warning.

After hearing this, Tao Ruolin asked: "Where is Xiao Yi? I have something to ask him."

Chu Qing looked at Fu San: "By the way, where's Xiao Yi."

"In the dungeon."

Chu Qing was dumbfounded: "You haven't released it yet?"

"Young master, please don't open it..." Fu San paused and quickly changed his words: "Jiang Yuesheng, who is so stupid, didn't even open his mouth, so he kept it closed."

Jiang Yuesheng laughed out loud shortly after he came in, with no look of surprise on his face.

Now Jiang Yuesheng has figured out one thing.

Asked, under what circumstances would Fusan scold him.

Answer, when Jiang Yuesheng was panting.

Asked, under what circumstances would Fu San ignore him.

Answer, no.

Jiang Yuesheng took out the key and took Fu San to the dungeon. After a while, Xiao Yi was brought in.

Xiao Yi would scold him as soon as he came in.

He came back to spread the news. He worked non-stop all the way and went through many life and death situations. As a result, he was imprisoned as soon as he arrived at Qianqi Camp. He didn't know how long he was imprisoned. He could only eat and sleep, and he couldn't see the sun and the moon alternate.

Before Xiao Yi could curse, Fu San spoke: "It's finally safe outside now, you can leave the dungeon."

Xiao Yi, who was about to curse, was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Fu San asked back: "Weren't you assassinated before?"


"Then in this capital, apart from the imperial palace, where else is safer than Qianqi Camp?"

Xiao Yi was dumbfounded and nodded subconsciously: "That's true."

"Then besides Qianqi Camp Prison, where else can we hide from others?"

Xiao Yi was dumbfounded again and shook his head: "It seems that there is no more."

Fu San patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder: "My young master is so considerate of others. Thank you."

Without saying anything, Xiao Yi saluted Chu Qing, who looked embarrassed: "Thank you, sir."

Chu Qing waved his hand: "Well, it's okay, it's a small matter. I think you seem to have gained weight recently."

Xiao Yi acted as if he had no brain, and said with a silly smile: "It's true, besides eating, I also sleep. Even though I eat well, I don't sleep well, but I get enough rest. I'm a bit obese."

Chu Qing looked deeply at Xiao Yi.

With this guy's IQ, how did he survive at the border till now?

Xiao Yi's expression suddenly changed: "Sir, I almost forgot to ask, someone in the border army is plotting something evil, does the Emperor have a final conclusion?"

Tao Ruolin turned around: "General Xiao, I have something I want to ask you."

Only then did Xiao Yi see Tao Ruolin, his expression was in a trance, and then he suddenly puffed up his chest, his voice changed, it was very magnetic, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Chu Qing is very familiar with this virtue. In his last life, he also changed his voice like this when he was preparing to pick up girls.

Xiao Yi said affectionately: "This girl, I, General Xiao Yi, are meeting her for the first time. I dare to ask her about her..."

Chu Qing yelled: "You dare to mess with anyone's horse, but you have never seen a beautiful woman?"

"Sir, don't be surprised." Xiao Yi looked embarrassed: "It's not that I have never seen such a beautiful woman, but it's been a long time since I've seen a woman up close."

Chu Qing: "..."

Xiao Yi looked at the roof and said seriously: "It has been seven or eight years."

Otherwise, it is the third brother who knows Chu Qing. Fu San looked at Chu Qing and asked tentatively: "Master, it is said that there are some assassins in the capital. Otherwise, let General Xiao hide in the dungeon for a few more days."

Tao Shaozhang frowned and looked at Xiao Yi: "You are a general of the border army, what rank do you dare to be frivolous to my own girl?"

"Yes, Captain Fengche is not frivolous. He just forgot how to deal with women. I wonder who this lord is?"

"At a young age, you are the captain of Fengche. Who is your father?"

"Wang Wang Chang Chengke."

Tao Shaozhang looked shocked. Seeing that Chu Qing and Fu San had no expression on their faces, he suggested: "Don't take them back to the dungeon, just chop them up."

Xiao Yi quickly shouted: "My father and I are at odds with each other!"

Tao Ruolin also didn't expect that this guy turned out to be the son of King Wu. Just as she was about to speak, Tan Ma walked in and said that Liang Rong's corpses had been brought back, twenty of them.

"Let's go check it out."

Tao Shaozhang: "Check, check what?"

Tao Ruolin: "I don't know, you just need to investigate and see if you can find something fishy."

Tao Shaozhang didn't understand what he meant, but he always listened to his sister. He looked at Jiang Yuesheng and told him the tools he needed.

It was only then that Chu Qing found out that Tao Ruolin wanted Tao Shaozhang to do an autopsy.

Just now, he was wondering why Tao Ruolin was calling his elder brother such a useless trick. It turned out that this was his idea.

Everyone came out, and the detectives brought in the frozen and stiff body and placed it outside the main hall.

I have to say that the Ministry of War was very disrespectful. They just threw these corpses into the back warehouse. The temperature in the back warehouse was not much higher than that of the refrigerator, and it was already overtaken by the morgue. It was precisely because of this that the corpses were preserved in the freezing cold weather.

Very complete.

After Jiang Yuesheng asked someone to bring the tools, Tao Shaozhang gestured twice, rolled up his sleeves and shouted, "Bring a saw and a hammer too."

Chu Qing turned around and took Tao Ruolin's hand back to the house.

After a while, the sound of decoration was heard outside.

Tao Ruolin said angrily: "A man, what is there to be afraid of?"

"I had just finished lunch before you came."


Chu Qing said nothing.

Tao Ruolin: "The king of hidden weapons in Zhongzhou."

Chu Qing: "..."

Tao Ruolin: "The one-legged hidden weapon king of Zhongzhou."

Chu Qing looked at the sky.

Tao Ruolin: "The one-legged hidden weapon king of Zhongzhou who can hurt people with hidden arrows."

"Damn." Chu Qing suddenly stood up and opened the door to watch Tao Shaozhang's autopsy.

Tao Shaozhang had just cut open the abdomen of a corpse, and Tao Ruolin's expression remained normal: "What was the cause of death?"

Chu Qing raised his head and took a look. Do you still need to ask? There was an inverted triangle scar on his heart. He must have been shot to death.

Tao Shaozhang did not respond immediately, but knelt on the ground, his face almost touching the corpse. After a long while, he turned his head.

"Neck, stab wound."

Tao Ruolin looked confused: "Machete or straight knife?"

Tao Shaozhang was silent. He didn't look at the wound on his neck or chest. Instead, he stood up and came to the weapon rack. He pulled out a long knife, gestured with his right hand for a while, frowned, and then

He switched to his left hand, and then lightly wiped it on his neck, his expression became even more gloomy.

Kneeling on the ground again, Tao Shaozhang held up the left hand of the corpse and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

Putting down his left hand, Tao Shaozhang reached into the stomach of the corpse again. After a while, he finally confirmed something, something that he could not imagine or understand at all.

Standing up, Tao Shaozhang's voice was extremely hoarse.

"The arrow wound was inserted into the body by an arrow after death. In the stomach, there are remains of Juanhu grass cakes. There was no meat. He ate a lot and accumulated food. He must have died just after eating."

Jiang Yuesheng looked horrified: "Juanhu grass cake belongs to the border troops..."

Everyone, including Tao Ruolin, was stunned on the spot.

Tao Shaozhang continued: "This man committed suicide. He used his left hand well. After eating a lot of food, he used a knife, a Bianjun straight knife, to kill himself. This man is not a Liang man, but... a Han. It is very... very likely that he is a Bian."

Jun, his hands are covered with calluses from using knives."

"How could it be the border troops!" Fu San lost his composure and roared: "No way, the border troops would kill themselves."

Chu Qing pulled Fu San and looked at Tao Shaozhang: "Check again, check every one."

This chapter has been completed!
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