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Chapter 658 fat, strong

Everything is revealed.

Liang Rong has never started a war, and has never issued a letter of credence.

The second group of envoys were just Liang people from a small tribe, whose relatives had been captured by the border army. The border army asked them to come and send them fake credentials.

Liang Ren never let Chu Qing go there to die. All this was arranged by Feng Luo.

Fu San and Jiang Yuesheng both cried, feeling as if there was a big stone in their hearts. They were wronged. The two men from the border army were both wronged, but they knew better that their brothers at the border were even more wronged than they were.

The border troops never thought of rebellion.

They just want to fight. Only by fighting will they get what they deserve. Only by fighting will they be fed and clothed. Only by fighting will the court give them pensions even if they die. Only by fighting will their relatives be able to get what they deserve.

It will be a little better.

Tao Ruolin hid her face in her hat, her shoulders twitching.

Chu Qing didn't cry, he just remained motionless, eyes wide open, breathing heavily.

He couldn't imagine that the border soldiers who defended their home and country would be so miserable?

The salary of the military is only a few dozen yuan a month?

It is not even as good as the common people who go to work, or even less than what some common people make in a day.

Feng Luo slowly stood up, shaking, wiping his tears vigorously, wiping his tears again and again, and knelt down in front of Chu Qing with a "pop" sound.

Chu Qing looked shocked and tried to stand up, but hit the corner of the table and almost fell down.

Feng Luo's skinny palms were like iron pliers, tightly grasping Chu Qing's legs.

Jiang Yuesheng and Fu San quickly ran up and tried to help Feng Luo up.

"Go away, go away!"

With an angry shout, Jiang Yuesheng and Fu San had no choice but to grit their teeth and retreat to the sides.

The British Lord, the commander-in-chief of the frontier army, does not need to kneel to anyone, because no one is worthy of the kneeling ceremony of this old man.

Their young master is not good and not qualified, and their adults are also not qualified. Not even the emperor, not even the gods, have such qualifications.

"Old man, I know, I know that you once said some heroic words in the court. The country should pay attention to the army and the soldiers!"

Feng Luo raised his head and looked at Chu Qing, who was already pale and unable to help him. He gritted his teeth and said, "You also said that you will take care of all injustices in the world!"

"You have said a lot, and you have also done a lot. You are a good boy, a good boy who does what you say, and a good man. You dare to say what others dare not say, and you dare to do what others dare not do!"

"I don't blame the court, the emperor, or the emperor. I know that the country has no money and no food. I don't mean to treat the border troops poorly!"

"I only blame myself, my own incompetence, my inability to give the border troops everything they deserve."

There was a "bang" and his head hit the ground. Chu Qing's knees softened and he knelt in front of Feng Luo.


"It's funny." Looking at Chu Qing who was also kneeling in front of him, a blush rose on Feng Luo's face: "I have always begged for help in my life, and I have begged countless people. Today, I also want to beg for help.

Commander-in-Chief of Chu, go to the border pass, go to the border pass, take a look, take a look, tell the emperor, the courtiers, and the people of the world what you see and hear. If the Commander-in-Chief of Chu really has the ability to turn stone into gold, please save them, save them.

Save the border troops."


"The old man knows that it is difficult for others to do it, but the soul of the frontier army cannot be lost. The new soldiers are getting worse every year. No one wants to join the army anymore. No one wants to join the army. The soul of the frontier army is the old man. He is the old man.

Forged with a lifetime of hard work, he dares to kill, dares to sacrifice his life, no matter how much hardship he endures, he is loyal to the emperor, and must serve the country. The soul of the border army is that no matter how much blood is shed, and he is unarmed, he must use his flesh and blood to resist the city gate.

Under this, the soul of the frontier army cannot be lost. If it is lost, it will never be found again. If it is lost, Chang Chao will be finished. The old soul, the soul of the frontier army, soul, soul

Son, soul, it cannot be lost."

Feng Luo cried bitterly again, lying on the ground like a helpless and bewildered child, murmuring continuously.

Hun'er, Hun'er, Hun'er, the Hun'er of the border army.

Yes, everything is because of this soul.

What Feng Luo fears most is losing the soul of the frontier army. Losing the soul of the frontier army.

This soul is not the soul of Dachang Dynasty.

But now, how many people still have this soul? Besides the border soldiers, who else has this soul?

The people with this Hun'er are all at the border, and in the border army, only Hun'er is left, and the Hun'er is gradually dissipating.

It's not that the frontier army has lost its soul, it's that it's about to lose its inheritance.

If even the frontier army lost this soul, the family and the country would no longer exist. This was the reason why Feng Luo woke up from his dreams countless times. He was afraid, afraid that this soul would be lost.

Feng Luo has never enjoyed happiness in his life.

The commander-in-chief of the border army has created a soul for a lifetime.

Even when the British prince arrived in Beijing, he was still worried and afraid, fearing that his soul would be lost, and he did not dare to enjoy any blessings.

The eldest son he valued most was killed in the yellow sand. His hand was cut off and his eyes were shot. Just like those frontier soldiers who committed suicide, they died with a smile on their face because they knew that their death would help more people.

Ladies and gentlemen, live a better life.

His favorite grandson worked hard in the frontier army and went into battle to kill the enemy.

His daughter-in-law went to the frontier army's tent to cry and fuss. All her family's property was used to support the frontier army. After crying and fussing, she took off the last piece of jewelry on her body and left it in the big tent.

The Feng family's property has long been in name only. The land is shaky and the houses are given to disabled soldiers to live in. The largest wealthy family in the border area is just an appearance. There are many people, a lot of land, and a lot of houses, but the people are...

Who is this person, what kind of land is this, what kind of house is this, and who else has such an industry except the Feng family?

Everything he had was dedicated to the frontier army. Everything he loved was only the frontier army.

There is no one in Zhongzhou and Chang Dynasty who cares about and loves this country more than Feng Luo. If you don't love this country, if you don't care, how can you use your own life, the lives of countless people, and the lives of your relatives to create this soul!

Feng Luo finally stood up and helped Chu Qing, who was crying, up.

Gently wiping the tears on Chu Qing's face, Feng Luo's wrinkled face showed a slightly innocent and expectant look.

"Baby, tell me, you can't beat me... can you?"

Chu Qing wanted to shake his head, wanted to say that the fight couldn't be won, but he couldn't say this, his body was so stiff that he couldn't move.

"Okay, if we can't fight, then we can't fight. Then you...then you..."

Feng Luo was extremely nervous. He kept swallowing his saliva: "Then, can you go to the border?"


The one who spoke was not Chu Qing, but Tao Ruolin.

Tao Ruolin, whose face was covered with tears, put the rabbit ears on Feng Luo's head and pulled the rabbit ears hard. It seemed that if you pull the rabbit ears twice, the tears will be withdrawn and the sadness will disappear.

It's useless to pull the rabbit's ears.

But Tao Ruolin thinks it is useful. She believes in herself and Chu Qing. She can do anything that no one can do. This is the third type of person the emperor said. If you believe, you can see!

"My husband will go. Not only will he go, but he will also make the border soldiers fat and strong, just like the refugees before, who were all fat and strong."

Tao Ruolin waved her fist: "If he doesn't go, I will break his dog's legs. If the frontier army is not fat or strong, I will break his dog's legs. If the frontier army loses his salary, I will break his dog's legs."


A fist hit Chu Qing's chest, Tao Ruolin pinched her waist and shouted: "This is the gift you Chu Qing gave me, Tao Ruolin, to find Feng Shuai's soul. If you can't find it, I will never do it in this life."


Chu Qing knelt on the ground with one knee and gave a military salute to Feng Luo.

"The last general, Chu Qing, must serve his purpose. The border troops will be fat and strong. If they disobey military orders, they will come to see you with their heads raised!"

Fu San, and Jiang Yuesheng, also knelt on one knee on the ground.

"Fu San, the last general, must obey his orders. The border troops will be fat and strong. If they disobey military orders, they will come to see you with their heads raised!"

"The last general, Jiang Yuesheng, must serve his purpose. The border troops will be fat and strong. If they disobey military orders, they will come to see you with their heads raised!"

This chapter has been completed!
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