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Chapter 67 General Huang

Chu Qing didn't come to see Taowu Palace. He felt pain in his back teeth just looking at this shabby palace. He came to see the old eunuch Sun An.

The labor cost has been calculated, but materials are still needed. The palace must have them, but the old eunuch won't give them. How to solve the problem? It's simple. Just ask the old eunuch to give them.

But how to get the old eunuch to give it to him? Chu Qing pinched ten guan of silver notes in his sleeve, durian-flavored silver notes.

Chu Qing waited for a moment, and the old eunuch arrived, followed by a man wearing a guard's armor.

The imperial guards in the palace are also called imperial guards. There are two types of imperial guards, ordinary soldiers and permanent guards. Needless to say, ordinary soldiers are the elite soldiers of the six major camps in the capital, 1,800 people, responsible for guarding the palace.

, and there are two hundred people in Suwei.

If the soldiers of the Beijing camp who defended Changjing were selected from the elite soldiers of various prefectures, then the imperial guards were the elite soldiers selected from the soldiers of the Beijing camp, and the Su guards were the elite of the imperial guards.

All Suwei have a grade, at least from the eighth grade or above. If you are selected from any path, you will be downgraded by two levels, which is from ninth grade to eighth grade. If you go to Jingying or other Zhechong Prefecture, you will be upgraded by three levels.

Calculated by addition and subtraction, it means that as long as you become a Suwei, your grade is actually one level higher than your original grade.

The Suwei camp was not only the military attaché, but also the most coveted camp for all the soldiers of the Chang Dynasty. All the imperial guards in the palace were dispatched by the Suwei camp.

A Suwei and a Qianqiying are both under the direct jurisdiction of the Emperor. The Suwei is in charge of the imperial guards in the palace, and the Qianqiying is in charge of all the ways of exploring horses in the world.

Of course, the old eunuch was followed by the fake Suwei real emperor, the new king Chang Chengyou.

Chang Chengyou was tall and slender, wearing Su Wei armor and walking shoulder to shoulder with Sun An.

"Eunuch Sun." Chu Qing waved warmly and hurried over to greet him. Just as he was about to say something about the horse, he suddenly saw the emperor's face clearly.

Looking at Chang Chengyou, Chu Qing said subconsciously: "Hey, you are not the wronged person from Qizhen Pavilion before... No, you are not the deadbeat from Qizhen Pavilion who bought the piano... Nor, what is your name, right?

, Huang Si'er, your name is Huang Si, right?"

The old eunuch was stunned, and so was Chang Chengyou.

The old eunuch's mind went blank: "Your Majesty... General Huang met Mr. Chu in Qizhen Pavilion?"

Chang Chengyou was also confused: "He is Chu Wensheng's son?"

Both of them reacted instantly, and they split up!

It has nothing to do with Mao, the son of Hiroshi, the right minister of the Ministry of Industry. The person who was in Qizhen Pavilion before was not the son of the right minister, but the son of the left minister!

And the talented scholar Hiroko Chi who was praised by the emperor in front of the ministers at the Council Hall... was wrong!

Chang Chengyou looked at Chu Qing dumbfounded: "Didn't you say you are the son of the Minister of Industry?"

"Yes." Chu Qing didn't know why: "My father is the minister of the Ministry of Industry."

“Why not mention left and right?”

Chu Qing looked strange: "Why do you need to mention Zuo Zuo?"

Chang Chengyou opened his mouth.

Yes, you don’t care whether people mention it or not.

The old eunuch came to his senses and smiled silently.

The emperor has always been paying attention to Chu Wensheng, so he has also heard about Chu Wensheng's son. Three characters---a living beast. How could a living beast who is not good at writing or martial arts be able to write so many poems that have been passed down through the ages? Subconsciously,

Don't you just think that this man is the son of the right servant?

Chu Qing looked wary: "Brother, you don't want me to refund the money, do you? You saw it at that time. I spent all the money on Qizhen Pavilion."

Chang Chengyou stared at Chu Qing, still a little hard to accept that the one he was impressed by was actually Chu Wensheng's son?

Chu Wensheng was a Qiu Ba, who couldn't read a lot of Chinese characters, and he hired ghostwriters to write all his memorials. How could his son be so talented?

The old eunuch glanced at Chu Qing, and then at Chang Chengyou secretly. He was not sure what the emperor meant. He just said he wanted to find trouble, but now he found that there was a big mistake, and he didn't know if he would still find trouble.

"Hahahahaha." Chang Chengyou suddenly burst into laughter like a fool, and then winked at Chu Qing: "The dignity of an adult is to pack up the hardships and continue to live happily, haha

Ha ha."

Chu Qing swallowed a mouthful of saliva and turned to look at Sun An, with a questioning look on his face. The general meaning was, is this guy's brain more or less seriously ill?

Chang Chengyou couldn't stop laughing and felt a little embarrassed: "Didn't you do this?"


"Then why don't you smile?"

"Why should I laugh?" Chu Qing was already sure that the guard named Huang Si must be mentally ill.

Chang Chengyou was even more embarrassed.

In fact, the old eunuch was quite embarrassed, so he quickly said: "Mr. Chu, this is General Huang Sihuang, the prince of Suweiying, who is the general of Yiwei Lang."

Chu Qing asked with a strange look on his face: "What grade is it?"

"True fifth grade."

"Ouch." Chu Qing grabbed Chang Chengyou's arm and said, "Hello, General Huang. No wonder when I first met you, I thought you were talented, tall, tall, and had a face that was good at fighting.

Disrespect, disrespect."

Chang Chengyou subconsciously withdrew his arm, and the old eunuch's expression changed slightly. Just when he was about to speak, the former clasped his fists and said, "To each other."

Chu Qing was a little hesitant, should he give up his military career? People with some problems with their brains could reach the fifth rank. So if he joined the army, he could reach the second rank.

The old eunuch didn't know what to say, because he couldn't figure out what the emperor, whose mind was indeed always abnormal, had in mind.

Chang Chengyou's eyes were burning, and he spoke nervously: "Today, you ignore me, but tomorrow, I will make it impossible for you to reach up to me?"

Chu Qing had a question mark on his head.

Chang Chengyou asked: "Did you do it?"

Chu Qing nodded subconsciously: "How do you know?"

"As expected, it's you, hahahahaha, I know Qiu Wanshan doesn't have this literary talent." Chang Chengyou started to be stupid again and said: "I can't afford it, hahahaha."

Without saying a word, Chu Qing took out a ten-guan banknote from his sleeve and handed it to Sun An: "Eunuch Sun, I honor you."

Chang Chengyou, who was completely ignored, was even more embarrassed: "Why don't you smile?"

Chu Qing rolled his eyes: "Why should I laugh?"

"You..." There was already a bit of anger in Chang Chengyou's eyes. He took a deep breath and was ignored or looked down upon again and again. He finally broke out and suddenly turned his head and looked at Sun An coldly: "You again

Why don't you smile?"

Sun An was startled, and he quickly pulled his neck and laughed. It was fake, perfunctory, and exaggerated.

Chang Chengyou snorted: "It's not funny at all, it's boring."

Chu Qing frowned, a little hard to understand.

After all, Sun An is also a great eunuch who takes Buddha dust. It seems that he is quite afraid of this fifth-grade imperial guard.

Too lazy to talk to Chang Chengyou, Chu Qing forced the banknote into Sun An's hand.

Chang Chengyou suddenly sniffed his nose: "What does it smell like?"

Sun An also smelled it, looked at the banknotes that he didn't want to accept, and found the source of the smell.

This time it was Chu Qing's turn to be embarrassed and sneered: "You've never seen a fruity-scented banknote."


"Not bad, durian fruit."

"Why haven't I heard of this?"

Chu Qing shrugged: "There are many things you haven't heard of."

Just then, a little eunuch suddenly ran up from a distance. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Sun An and Chang Chengyou turned around. Before the little eunuch could speak, Chang Chengyou said loudly: "You are here to find Eunuch Sun, right? There must be someone."

It's important for Eunuch Sun to leave quickly, so I'll just accompany Mr. Chu."

Sun An didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only respond and ran towards the little eunuch, with the identity of the emperor beside him.

Chu Qing was anxious: "Eunuch Sun, you haven't confiscated the banknote yet. I have something to discuss with you."

Sun An didn't dare to turn around and answer the question, but he disappeared in a flash.

How much fake wine would you have to drink if you accept bribes in front of the emperor?

This chapter has been completed!
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