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Chapter 7

Chu and Qing were walking in front of Tao Mansion, chatting as they walked.

After having a concrete concept of "money", Chu Qing regretted it.

How can I buy this for zero yuan? I was obviously tricked by the shopkeeper.

Looking at the big and small bundles on Fu San's body, the more I thought about it, the more I regretted it.

Take those banknotes and call my father-in-law's bear face so sweet, what poems are you buying?

The most important thing is that Chu Qing has just learned that things are not going well in the mansion. Although his father is the minister of the Ministry of Industry and has some fertile land under his name, he is not from a wealthy family. The banknotes he just spent are enough for the mansion for half a year.

of expenses.

But precisely because of this, Chu Qing was secretly surprised that the man who called himself Huang Si was so wealthy.

The two of them strolled until they arrived outside the Tao Mansion.

The Tao family is a famous family. The Tao family in the capital is the main family, and the other prefectures and prefectures are branches and non-direct families. The head of the Tao family, Tao Yao, is the prince and tutor of the dynasty and the leader among the scholars in the capital. His reputation is far-reaching.

Tao Mansion, two characters of bronzing, bring out the brilliance.

The vassal king calls it a mansion, officials call it a house, and common people call it a family. Although Tao Yai is not a noble person in the sky, the Holy One has specially granted a "fu" plaque today, so the Tao family can be called a mansion, which shows the divine grace.

The lacquered red gate is a bit dilapidated, and the brick wall is slightly mottled although high. Among the two gates of the sub-station, the second gate on the side leads to Nanshi. There are seven or eight sedan chairs in the alley.

"There are a lot of people." Chu Qing stopped and looked around. He saw many people looking for the old gatekeeper to stuff his stuff with. He said with a smile: "They say that the seventh-grade official in front of the prime minister's door is an education profession. There are so many high-ranking officials.

The noble man gives money to the disciple?"

Fu San smiled and said: "Master, that's not a bank note, it's a greeting card."

Chu Qing said, "Where is our greeting card?"

"You don't need a greeting card. Those people want to visit the Tao family. Whether it's successful or not, they just need to submit a message and a gift list. Most of them are to leave an impression on the Tao family. It may not be anything serious."

"Yes." Chu Qing hummed slightly and snapped his fingers: "Let's go, Master will take you to carry the gas."

After striding forward, Chu Qing came to the door of Tao Mansion. Two gatekeepers, one old and one young, all looked over.

Not seeing a sedan chair, not a civil official, not riding a horse, not a military commander, not holding a polite note or greeting card, and not even a merchant, the two disciples couldn't figure out the purpose of Chu Qing's visit for a while.

"This young master, I don't know why he came to Tao Mansion to do this."

The elderly disciple was wearing a commoner, his back was slightly bent, and his eyes were bright.

Chu Qing replied: "Kangmei... is not a marriage proposal."

The young disciple chuckled, and the old disciple glared at him, and then asked Chu Qing: "This young master has a good name."

"Chu Qing."

"Chu?" The old disciple's attitude was a little more respectful: "But the young minister of Honglu Temple, Lord Chu, is a descendant?"

"No." Chu Qing shook his head, and just as he was about to speak, the old man's face changed drastically, and he quickly bowed and saluted: "It turns out that he is a relative of General Chu, the commander-in-chief of Jin Yao Guard. The young man is rude, don't blame me."

"No." Chu Qing shrugged: "I am Chu..."

Before he finished speaking, the elderly doorman showed a surprised look: "This old slave is blind, but he is actually a relative of Concubine Chu. Old..."

"What Concubine Chu? I've never heard of it, and it's not her."

The old disciple was stunned and raised his head with a confused look on his face: "That young master is..."

"The son of the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, Chu Qing."

The old disciple was stunned for two seconds, then twisted his neck and looked into the distance.

"The master is not feeling well. The young master will come back another day. Please take your time to see me off."

Chu Qing wanted to scold her.

Why, my father doesn't deserve to be called an adult.

But Chu Qing couldn't help it, because his father was a minister of the Ministry of Industry, or a minister of the left. Although his rank was high, his influence and power could not be compared with that of the Tao Mansion.

This is similar to the professional title of director. They are both called directors. One is the director of the Galaxy Global People's Congress, and the other is the head teacher of the second class of the third year of Yuhong Primary School. Can they be the same thing?

After all, he was here to carry gas. Chu Qing couldn't show his face and asked angrily: "What do you call this uncle?"

"The old man's surname is Qin."

We can also get some clues from this self-proclaimed title: old man, young old man, old slave, they are indeed disciples, and they show respect and inferiority to everyone they meet.

"Oh, Uncle Qin, the concierge. I also know a concierge named Qin. I am disrespectful and disrespectful. Can I ask, when is it convenient for Mr. Tao to see guests?"

"It's been more than a month. I'm just a disciple. I don't dare to make a conclusion. I'll find out after asking the manager of the mansion a few days later."

As soon as he finished speaking, a crimson sedan descended, and out of the sedan came a young man in rich clothes, about twenty years old, with a haughty expression.

The young man didn't say anything, and the servants dressed up quickly came over.

"The second young master of Li Mansion, Li Lin, paid homage to Mr. Tao and asked him to come into the manor to report."

The old disciple nodded and said with a smile: "There is an explanation. If there is an explanation, there is no need to report it. Young Master Li will just come into the house."

After finishing speaking, the door next to him quickly opened the side door, and the young man named Li Lin quickly walked in with his entourage.

Chu Qing was dumbfounded: "Didn't you just say that Mr. Tao was unwell?"


"How can I meet guests if I'm not feeling well?"

The old disciple had never seen such a stupid young man before, and sneered: "Master Li's father is the son of the left minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs at that time."

"My father is also the Zuo Shilang."

"Master Li is the left minister of the Ministry of Personnel."

"My dad..." Chu Qing said angrily: "Okay, old man, please remember. Wait for the day when your house is leaking due to wind and rain, and see if someone can repair it for you."

Fusan reminded in a low voice: "If it is not an official residence, it will not be repaired by the Ministry of Industry."

"Ah?" Chu Qing didn't know why: "Isn't the Ministry of Industry building houses?"

"Construction projects, water conservancy, and government office construction and repairs are not related to the construction of private residences."

"So the Ministry of Industry can't control them, they don't need to offend us, and they don't want to give my father face?"

Fu San was embarrassed to say anything.

The reason why I don’t give face is not because I am from the Ministry of Industry, but because I am... I am a master.

Fu San is an old man in the house, and he knows many things clearly, but he knows that he can't express them with his words, so he can't say anything.

When a new king ascends the throne, he should be expected to show kindness and power at the same time, but who knows that the Ninth Five-Year Plan, sitting on the dragon throne, has only thunderous means to look down on the world. I don't know how many courtiers have been replaced, and the officials of the Ministry of Industry have suffered a great deal.

Shock, officials below the fifth rank are not dismissed, but demoted and transferred, which is no different from being exiled.

At such a critical moment, who would want to deal with people from the Ministry of Works, let alone the right minister of the Ministry of Works, who was a favorite of the late emperor. Once the emperor was the emperor, he would have a courtier. When the late emperor was in power, the left minister of the Ministry of Works was looked down upon by dogs.

What a thing, not to mention that now that the new king has ascended the throne, it is too late for everyone to hide, so how can we get close to him.

If not, how could Chu Wensheng be so cruel as to let his only son come to the Tao Mansion to propose marriage?

It is worth mentioning that Chu Wensheng was a trap for Chu Qing. He just thought that no one would pick up a leak in the gas tank, so how could he imagine that even if it was a gas tank, everyone would avoid the Chu family.

Although Chu Qing didn't know the whole story, he understood the seriousness of it. If he was turned away, he wouldn't be willing to leave like this.

After thinking about it, Chu Qing looked at Fu San: "Take out all the money in your sleeves."

Fu San did not hesitate and handed the thirteen copper coins to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing looked around, and then put the copper plate into the old disciple's hand.

The old man looked down and grinned widely.

It's convenient to give money away, he's seen it before.

But it was his first time to give money while insulting himself at the same time.

Thirteen cents, isn't this insulting?

Fu San couldn't stand it anymore, tugged on Chu Qing's sleeves, lowered his voice and spoke.

"Young master, you are just a disciple. You have given me too much."

Elderly disciple: “…”

This chapter has been completed!
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