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Chapter 696 Soul-calling Bell

Just after dinner, Xue Kui came, with wounds on his face and a limp in his steps. Qianqiying came to attack people, especially those whom Chu Qing wanted to hit.

Where to kick.

"Sir." Xue Kui bowed: "It's windy at night at the border and the sand is heavy. You have suffered."

The words were words of concern, but Xue Kui seemed to be just doing business.

Chu Qing waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

"Tell me, what do you have to do every day? Tell me about the food and grass dispatching."

"Nothing too busy, just waiting for the letter from Tongcheng. After the general confirms it, he will bring the grain and grass with his brothers. The generals of each camp will send people to pick it up."

"No need to check?"

Xue Kui smiled bitterly: "Tongcheng, give me as much as you want, and the general will take as much as you want."

"This is why I want to kill you. The frontier soldiers are starving and freezing, waiting for you to bring rice and noodles to cook. You are like a dog. You take as much as they give you."

A flash of blush flashed across Xue Kui's face, but only for a moment, and he did not open his mouth to defend himself.

Chu Qing picked up a small stone from the table and gently placed it on Xue Kui's breastplate: "Come here, show me your teeth."

Xue Kui lowered his head and remained silent.

Chu Qing smiled and said: "How can a fifth-grade general be so bloodless? Come on, bar your teeth."

Fu San had already touched the dagger at his waist, waiting for Xue Kui to get angry.

Unreasonably and unexpectedly, Xue Kui still stood there with his head lowered, looking quite resigned.

Chu Qing picked up another pebble: "Don't you like to be greedy for credit? You must be showing off your power in front of the border troops."

The stone was the size of a fingernail. Chu Qing used force this time and threw it hard at Xue Kui's face. He wanted to see how angry this guy was.

Xue Kui still didn't get angry because the stone hit Fu San in the face.

Chu Qing was dumbfounded: "What the hell..."

Fusan had a resentful look on his face. He seemed to move a step to the right, lowered his head, and looked at the ground. He seemed to be measuring the distance. He seemed to be thinking that if the distance was less than five steps, he could still miss?

Chu Qing couldn't argue: "Third brother, I didn't mean it."

"I know, little one." Fu San forced a smile and said, "You never did it on purpose."

After hearing this, you will know that Fu San has solved the case a long time ago. He didn't say the last time, but which time.

Which time means more than one time, that is, except for Li Sen's time, the third brother already knew what was going on with the scabbard on the moon landing.

Chu Qing sighed and was secretly surprised. Is there something wrong with Fu San's face? Why does it always look like this?

Too lazy to continue provoking Xue Kui, Chu Qing said, "Take me for a walk in your Zhechong Mansion."


"Some people are coming out." Fu San shouted, and the guards led by Tan Ma and Tong Gui all ran out.

Chu Qing said: "You don't need to follow so many people. You can just stroll around Jinge Town by yourself. Ask around to see if there is anything about this guy Xue Kui who is corrupt, perverting the law and taking human lives. Just give me more.

Find some reasons to kill him."

Xue Kui still said nothing, just lowered his head, as if he was ready to be beaten and scolded.

He took Fu San and Wang Tongtong, plus Chang Xian and five imperial guards, and headed outside the city.

After leaving the courtyard, Chu Qing turned to look at Xue Kui, who was half a step behind him: "Go in front of me."

Xue Kui did as he was told without asking why.

Everyone continued walking, Chu Qing smiled, but what he said was filled with murderous intent.

"I don't like others walking behind me, for fear that they will kill me. Last night, two detectives went to Tongcheng. They know that your wife, children, and children all live in Tongcheng. I am at the border, whether in Jinge Town, Wangyuan City, or

If you are assassinated anywhere, Tanma will kill your whole family. If you are injured, Tanma will kill your whole family. Even if you think someone will kill me, Tanma will still kill your whole family. If I have any problem, I will kill your whole family. Do you understand?


"The general will keep this in mind."

"Keep leading the way."


The wind and sand at the border were cold and hard, but this did not make Chu Qing's heart harden.

The reason why I said such words was just because I was taking credit.

Those border officers and soldiers risked their lives to get out of the border, fight with their lives, kill the thieves, and cut off their heads, but let the black dwarf in front of them take the credit!

This was the reason why Chu Qing kept saying he wanted to kill Xue Kui.

Jinge Town is still as dilapidated as yesterday. The people sitting in front of the houses are old, stooped, and have dull eyes. The only thing they enjoy and can enjoy is the sunshine in the sky.

This world is unfair to the borderland.

In spring, the sun peeks out, but the sky is filled with yellow sand.

In summer, the earth is so hot that it feels like the heaven and earth are a huge oven.

In autumn, the strong wind blows and the sand blows so hard that you can't keep your eyes open.

In winter, when there is sand in the snow and snow in the sand, when you stand outdoors, your skin will appear with invisible bloody cuts, which is extremely itchy.

Here, it couldn't be worse or more miserable. Compared to summer, autumn and winter, it was only early spring. They could sit outside and bask in the sun. The wind and sand were less severe. Although it was cold, it was much better than the other three seasons.

The clear ringtone sounded, very pleasant to the ear, and Chu Qing looked sideways.

In a small house, a thin old man wrapped in a sheepskin coat hung a string of bells under the eaves.

Seeing Chu Qing looking over, Xue Kui reminded: "Master, please don't look at it. If you look at the soul-calling bell, it is unlucky."

"Evocation Bell?"

"Yes, that old ghost's grandson cut his finger when he was in the frontier army and dripped blood on the bell. If he died in the battle, on his birthday, he would hang up the bell and his grandson's soul would hear it.

The sound will come home."

Chu Qing said with a complicated mood and continued walking.

Fu San sighed: "Master, when you hear this ringtone in the future, don't look over it. If you do, you will be possessed."

Chu Qing laughed dumbly: "Jinge Town is so big, so according to what you said, you will have to lower your head when walking in the future. Who knows when the bell will ring..."

Halfway through, Chu Qing's expression changed slightly. He looked at Xue Kui, who was leading the way with his head down, and asked, "In Jinge Town, can you always hear the ringing of the soul-calling bell?"




Chu Qing swallowed a sip of saliva. He finally understood why since seeing Xue Kui yesterday, whenever he walked outside, he always lowered his head and never looked ahead.

It was precisely because Xue Kui walked very strangely, with his head lowered, like a thief, that Chu Qing had an even worse impression of him.

"In Jinge Town, there are only more than 600 households, and every household has soldiers who died in battle?"

Xue Kui still lowered his head and explained as he walked: "No, there are only more than a hundred households."

Chu Qing was not angry this time, and asked in confusion: "Why do hundreds of households hear bells every day?"

"Family, I think."

With the words "family members," Chu Qing instantly broke through his guard.

Yes, my descendants died in the war. I thought about it very much, so I hung up the soul-calling bell. I hope that the heroic souls of my descendants can come back and return home. Where can I wait until their birthdays? I think about it every day, think about it every day, think about it,

Just hang up the bell, and you can hear the bell every day.

Seeing Chu Qing standing there, Xue Kui turned his head, thinking that Chu Qing was afraid of gods and ghosts, and showed a bitter smile: "Sir, don't worry, in fact, it's okay even if you look over, the soul-summoning bell,

It’s a myth, I’ve been in Jinge Town for so many years, and I’ve never seen anything unusual.”

Chu Qing frowned: "Don't you believe that the soul-calling bell can summon souls?"

"The general will not believe it."

"Then why do you always lower your head when walking and don't dare to look at the bell under the house?"

"If the general doesn't lower his head, everyone will know that the soul-calling bell is useless, and they will... stop thinking about it."

Chu Qing was silent for a long time, then stepped forward again and said softly: "Let's walk side by side with me."

This chapter has been completed!
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