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Chapter 697

The Zhechong Mansion under Xue Kui's jurisdiction is just outside the city, less than a mile away, with broken wooden fences surrounding the broken tents.

Chu Qing did not question why there was no one standing guard outside the camp. The yellow sand swept outside and it was easy for his feet to be buried in the yellow sand even if he stood for a quarter of an hour. There was no need to suffer this.

Walking into the military tent, I looked around and saw nothing but yellow sand. There were more than ten tents. There were no stables, no weapon racks, and even no camp flags. Half of the general standing platform was buried in the yellow sand.

Normal tents should be white, but the tents here are colorful and full of patches, like an irregular balloon or a bloated rotten flesh, squirming slightly, the wind has never stopped, and the shaking has never stopped, as if the tent will collapse at any time.

Like being swept up into the air by a strong wind.

"Sir, would you like to order?"

Chu Qing shook his head: "I'm just a weapons supervisor, I don't need to order a general."

Looking at the patched tents, Chu Qing's face was filled with undisguised disgust.

Fu San noticed Chu Qing's strange look: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"If the war at the border is tight, the soldiers of Zhechong Prefecture will also go to the border to climb the city wall, so they are also soldiers at the border, and they are also border troops. And the border troops live in tents like this, tents full of patches. I

Every second you stay, the more you can understand Feng Shuai."

Xue Kui hesitated for a moment and asked, "Master Chu, don't you like this kind of military tent?"

"Yes, the tent, the porridge containing gravel, the lack of food and drink, all of which I don't like."

"But Master Chu, don't you think that what you said is extremely intoxicating?"

Chu Qing narrowed his eyes: "Shenzui?"

"Yes." Xue Kui showed a smile that Chu Qing had never seen before, facing the wind and sand, and said softly: "The biggest enemy of the frontier army is not the cool thieves, but the yellow sand, strong wind, broken city walls, and cold

The food, the swords full of gaps, and the patched military tents all make every soldier intoxicated, because the victorious frontier army has defeated these enemies. They live here, here

Endure everything and defeat everything, so the frontier army knows that they are victorious and invincible. It is the things you hate and dislike that create the victorious frontier army, the victorious frontier army.

, can defeat any enemy, Liang Rong, rebels, and any foreign enemy."

This is the first time Xue Kui has spoken so many words, with so many words on his dark face, with a hint of blush, not excitement, but pride and pride.

This was also the first time that Chu Qing recognized what Xue Kui said.

Everything that makes the border troops hate is also everything that makes them intoxicated, because these pains make them strong. What enemy is more vicious than everything at the border?

So-called rebels, rebels, foreign enemies, all of them, who can survive the hardships at the border?

The border troops have overcome the "hardship" at the border. They even think they have defeated "Heaven". So what do people have to fear?

"Hun'er." Chu Qing murmured: "Hun'er, the Hun'er of the border army."

He finally knew what the soul that Feng Shuai was talking about was. This was the soul of the frontier army, the soul of the frontier army!

Be tenacious and brave!

Fight against heaven and earth, win every battle!

Chu Qing stared at Xue Kui, and asked in an equal dialogue manner: "I want to order generals, no, not generals, I just want to see them, is that okay?"


With a word of "wei", Xue Kui started running, shouting loudly, as if showing his most cherished treasure to others, with an inexplicable look on his face.

There are not 600 people. Zhechong Mansion, at least the Zhechong Mansion here, is not full of people.

The old pawns appeared, silent and silent, and lined up quickly. No one looked at Chu Qing and others, but their eyes were lowered.

The official army of the Chang Dynasty Zhe Chongfu soldiers, the armor is not full body armor, but an extremely complicated cloth back armor, with a shirt on the inside, a band on the upper arm, which is a half arm, and a wide cuff on the lower arm, with a thread on the wrist.

The ropes are tightened, the black trousers, and the cuffs of the trousers are also tightened. Except for the navy soldiers, all the major battalions are almost the same. The difference is the outer armor, which is the actual combat armor. The armor worn in war is, respectively.

There are five kinds of armor: fine scale, chain, leather, horse, and infantry.

Different actual combat armors are also divided into different types of arms and battlefields.

There were only more than 200 people, arranged in four rows, wearing ordinary clothes without armor.

These Zhechongfu soldiers are very thin and look like they have no vitality at all. Their faces are all dark and their skin is extremely dry, as if every inch is covered with cracks.

Chu Qing did not underestimate the soldiers of Zhe Chong Mansion. Even though these soldiers were very thin and not strong at all. Even if he had the illusion that he could defeat any of the soldiers in a single fight, he did not dare to underestimate these soldiers at all.

He didn't know if these soldiers had killed anyone. He only knew that these soldiers had been here, enduring the wind and sand, living the most difficult life. To this day, they were intoxicated here, and their intoxication allowed them to defeat everything.

of here.

Chu Qing looked at Xue Kui beside him: "Why not Manbian?"

"Eating money."

Xue Kui really seemed to be suffering from a terminal illness, as if he was always looking for reasons for Chu Qing to kill him.

But Chu Qing smiled, because he knew that Xue Kui could say the words "eat empty pay" in front of these soldiers, which meant that he did not eat the free pay alone.

"Okay, let's eat."

Chu Qing understood that there should be no guilt in eating empty pay at the border, because even if they were eating empty pay, these soldiers would not "have enough to eat."

There are 600 people in full force, and 200 people are on empty pay. That is, one person is receiving the food and wages of three people. But can the imperial court really transport the food and wages of three people?

The answer, of course, is no, default, pay less, or even ignore it. The court is not responsible for the empty pay, but the court is the one who is responsible for the shortfall, because even if the soldiers were paid the empty pay, they did not get the food and pay they deserved.

Chu Qing's eyes swept across the faces of the soldiers. These faces were old, numb, a little dull, and extremely lifeless.

Out of nowhere, Chu Qing asked: "How can I make these soldiers have light in their eyes?"

Xue Kui lowered his head again: "Change the rules."

"Can I change it?"

"You can't change it."

It's still the same question from yesterday, still the same answer.

Chu Qing smiled slightly: "I'll change it for you to see, okay?"

Xue Kui lowered his head: "Okay."

"You believe me?"


"Then I'll show it to you instead."


Chu Qing laughed loudly, turned around, and walked outside the camp.

Xue Kui, a fifth-grade general, actually bowed his hand to the soldiers under his command, with a hint of guilt on his face, and then quickly caught up with Chu Qing.

Yes, Xue Kui felt a little guilty.

In Changjing and Guan Nei, there are always some inexplicable people coming. When they come, they have to line up, order generals, and torment these troops who are already very tired, living very tired, and very tired in the wind and sand.

Everyone is used to it, even Xue Kui is used to it, but he still feels guilty.

This is also one of the reasons why Chu Qing doesn't like Xue Kui. This person is too "pretentious" and always looks calm and pretending to be serious.

But Xue Kui was not deep, he was just numb.

Back then, there was a general named Chang who, like Chu Qing, boasted boldly and said that he wanted to change the rules. In the end, he just ran away with his tail between his legs.

Even if this person runs away, everyone is still looking forward to it, because this person was once their colleague, once one of their members, and knows their suffering. Although he ran away, he has the power to change the rules.

Waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, just waiting, but nothing has changed.

Another general named Chang, like the previous one, was younger and also said that he wanted to change the rules. Finally, he left, saying that in order to change the rules, he had to leave.

Everyone waited and waited, and finally got the news. The man was wearing a yellow robe, and the soldiers on the border were rejoicing.

Still waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, that colleague never came back, and no news came from him.

The border troops were not sad because they had experienced a disappointment.

That's how big people talk, just like farting, they let it go, they fool everyone into thinking they are fools, and then they disappear.

There was only one big shot. Although he didn't say that he wanted to change the rules, everyone knew that he wanted to change, and he had to change, because he didn't run away with his tail between his legs. His name was Feng Luo.

But Feng Luo left anyway, and the comrade who originally said he wanted to change the rules was left behind in the capital.

The capital was so far away that the border troops could not imagine what it was like. They only knew that the city would change people's hearts.

In the past, my comrade who was so loyal and righteous had his chest beating loudly, but he returned to the capital and was never heard from again.

Everyone is afraid and desperate, afraid that Feng Shuai will also be changed by that city.

Everyone waited, and waited, and waited, but nothing happened. Just like before, another person came, younger, wanting to see the army, changing the rules, talking shamelessly, shouting, bragging, wanting to come and have a better time.

One day, let's go back to the city that changed people's hearts.

This chapter has been completed!
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