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Chapter 707

Chu Qing stared at Tao Shaozhang, and suddenly realized that he didn't seem to understand him very well, and his understanding of Tao Shaozhang only remained superficial.

Tao Shaozhang, from the Tao family of Shili heirlooms, why does he know about Wuzuo?

Even though I knew I would die if I went to Xiao County, why did I keep going there again and again?

Tao Shaozhang, is he really stupid?

Raising his head and looking at Chu Qing, Tao Shaozhang still looked stupid and said with a smile: "You don't understand, because you are a smart person, a smart person who doesn't understand, a stupid brother who is stupid, has no means, and no brains, so

I can only go to Xiao County, and go there again and again."

"Three times?" Chu Qing's expression changed slightly: "You did it on purpose, deliberately angered Li Mu and made him attack you?!"

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it, but I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of death, because..."

Tao Shaozhang paused and his face turned red: "At that time, I was just thinking that if Li Mu killed me and killed the young minister of Dali Temple, the Li family would definitely fall. The monarchs and ministers would not sit idly by and watch. The aristocratic families in Beijing,

The courtiers all know that Li Mu is not a good person, but no one goes to Xiao County. I just think...if I go, if I really die in Xiao County, the king and his ministers will take action against the Li family. After all, Brother Yu is Dali

Temple Shaoqing, official of the imperial court."

Chu Qing was silent for a long time, then stood up and poured Tao Shaozhang a cup of tea.

"How do you become proficient in autopsies, a thing done by men?"

"Brother Fool has killed people before."

"Have you killed anyone?!"

"Yes." A trace of pain flashed across Tao Shaozhang's face.

"Before dad came to Beijing, my Tao family was just..."

"I know that at that time, your Tao family was doing nothing but farming and studying."

"Yes, it's nothing." Tao Shaozhang smiled, a nostalgic smile: "In Taojia Village, my father taught my eldest sister and me the Four Books and Five Classics. No one disturbed us, and we couldn't see the ugliness in the world."

As he spoke, Tao Shaozhang's smile changed a little.

"It rained heavily for six days and the fields were destroyed. Dad took us to seek refuge with our old friends in Yongzhou. On the way, we met refugees. The refugees dispersed my sister and Bihua."

This was the first time Chu Qing heard about this: "What happens next?"

"After that, I saw a lot of tragic things. Aristocratic families and officials exchanged a handful of rice for their lives, and the lives of several families. Dad couldn't stand it. He wanted to stop him, but I wouldn't let him."

Chu Qing's face was full of surprise: "Is it your father who stopped you?"

"It was Brother Yu who stopped Daddy. I said I couldn't care less, so why bother with trouble? Daddy beat me."

Tao Shaozhang poured the bitter tea into his mouth and continued: "More than once, Dad, I didn't want to see those dirty things. Every time, I stopped him because I was afraid that the lives of the refugees were not lives. We also became the sixth grade.

I'm afraid of losing my life, I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid that my father will offend someone, our Tao family, I, I'm afraid that we will die so mysteriously, my father can't bear it anymore, saying that the imperial court has recruited him many times, and he wants to go to Beijing

, I will be an official in the capital and take care of these dirty and evil things. I agreed that I will take care of them after I become an official."

"What happens after that?"

"Then I came outside Beijing, but couldn't get in because our Tao family also became refugees, Ping'er..."

As he spoke, tears flowed from Tao Shaozhang's eyes: "Ping'er, she is the goddaughter that Uncle Qin recognized on the road."

"Qin An, Uncle Qin's goddaughter?"

"Yes, she is also a refugee. Uncle Qin's goddaughter, her parents are separated. She has a horse next to her. It's a good horse. Many people want to snatch it. She said that it is her father's horse. If she doesn't sell it, the horse will take her to find it.

Her father, she had a knife hidden in her boots. She would take out the knife to kill anyone who snatched a horse. Ping'er was very kind to Brother Yu. When we arrived outside Beijing, Ping'er was taken away. I gave her ten cents, but I still didn't stop her.

Now, I told my father that the city gate will be opened the next day. We can go find our old friend and he will be an official immediately. After becoming an official, are we still afraid that we won't be able to find Ping'er? The next day..."

Tao Shaozhang was already crying.

"The next day, my father came to Beijing. The great scholar Chen Jiu took my father to the house of the Minister of Punishment and saw Ping'er, Ping'er's body."

Chu Qing's expression changed drastically: "Dead?"

"Those who fell into the well died with whip marks all over their bodies."

Tao Shaozhang stopped his tears and said with a smile: "It's a very cliché story. My brother-in-law laughed at it. In fact, Brother Yu doesn't remember what Ping'er looks like, and he doesn't have any feelings. He just gives himself a reason to feel at ease. Brother Yu,

He is also a hypocritical person."

Chu Qing shook his head, feeling heavy.

"They said that Ping'er committed suicide by throwing herself into a well. I believe it, but dad doesn't believe it. Uncle Qin arrested the manager's housekeeper at night and broke countless of his bones before he knew that Ping'er had died alive. The manager was insane.

, let Ping'er eat oil, forced it into her mouth, and beat her with a whip. Before she died, she shouted, "Brother Tao, Brother Yu, I will definitely save her." She screamed and was strangled to death.


"I went to look for Wu Zuo and asked for an autopsy, but Wu Zuo refused. I begged for a long time, but Wu Zuo was afraid of causing trouble, so I became a disciple and learned Wu Zuo's skills for three months. But three months later, Ping'er's body was found

It has long since rotted.”

"Brother Yu is a hypocritical person. Instead of seeking justice for Ping'er, I have even forgotten what Ping'er looks like. I just saw the way Uncle Qin looked at me, disappointed and desperate, as if looking at a stranger, a cold-blooded person.


Tao Shaozhang raised his head and pointed at his own head: "Brother Yu has no brains. He really has no brains and no means. He is not as good as brother-in-law, not as good as Shang Yu. He always has to wait. If he waits and waits, the person will die, and the body will also die."


Tao Shaozhang's expression was very strange, looking at his palm: "When I see dirty things, it's like there is a thorn in my hand. I want to pull it out, pull it out immediately, I can't wait to pull it out. Every time I see dirty things, it's like a thorn in my hand."

In this way, Brother Yu just wants to save the day. If he waits any longer, Ping'er's innocent ghost will come to find me in his dream."

"Brother Yu knows that you all think I have no brains. Dad also said the same thing. Brother Yu thinks that even if you have no brains, you can do it. People without brains can kill fish or fish and perish together. We can't wait for a moment."

Tao Shaozhang still looked at his palm: "Brother-in-law, have you been to Xiao County?"


"When Brother Yu went there, the people in Xiao County also had whip marks on their bodies. They were whipped when they were digging mountains and quarrying rocks. I always tell myself to have a brain, think twice before acting, wait a minute, wait a minute, such a big city in Changjing,

There are so many courtiers, how can they ignore it?"

"Brother Yu, I've been waiting for a long time." Tao Shaozhang laughed: "I found that there are smart people in the capital. The more smart people there are, the more people will die in vain. I asked my father how to kill Li Mu, and he said

, I'm so stupid, why don't I die with Li Mu."

Spreading his palms again, Tao Shaozhang murmured: "It's like a thorn, always wanting to be pulled out, impatient, impatient, brainless people are like this, because there are too many smart people, and they are overwhelmed by the smart ones.

Too many people have killed Ping'er."

"Brother-in-law, you don't understand. You are also a smart person. You are smarter than others. It doesn't make sense to you. When you see a thorn, you have to pull it out. Even if it is bloody and bloody, even if you lose your life, you have to pull it out. Every moment

I can't even wait. If I wait, my bones will be gnawing and my heart will be burned, and I won't be able to sleep at night. I look around and see all smart people. I can't wait for smart people."

"Smart man..." Chu Qing's voice was a little hoarse. He wanted to say something, but he still couldn't understand it. He was still angry. He still felt that there was something wrong with Tao Shaozhang's brain, but he couldn't say it.

"Brother Yu, I lost Ping'er and even Ping'er's horse. When I was in Xiao County, the horse was stolen. I still thought, wait, wait until the Li family is overthrown, and get Ping'er's horse back.

Come, that’s it, wait again, the horse can’t be found.”

Tao Shaozhang stood up, wiped his tears, saluted Chu Qing, and went back to the bedroom.

Chu Qing sat blankly, feeling a little difficult to breathe.

He doesn't understand, maybe he won't be able to move for the rest of his life.

When you see something disgusting, you just ignore it, don't use your brain, and don't think about anything. You just go to take care of it, and you just go to kill it. This is the behavior of an idiot.

Tao Shaozhang, is it really hard to use your brain?

Chu Qing thinks it shouldn't be.

It's just that Tao Shaozhang is too lazy to use his brain, because when using his brain, he has to wait. Once he waits, he becomes a smart person. Once he becomes a smart person, he becomes numb and gets used to it.

Perhaps, this is what Tao Shaozhang is most afraid of, fear of becoming smart, because smart people can think, be numb, and turn a blind eye.

The Li family in Beijing and Li Mu in Xiao County are so arrogant because there are too many smart people.

If there were more Tao Shaozhangs, they would be fooled every day. Li Mu, would you still dare to be so arrogant?

If in this world, many, many Tao Shaozhangs would not think anything about injustice when they saw it, and they would not risk their lives, but dared to use their lives to call for justice, no matter how foolish or foolish the act was, I think there would be fewer bad people in this world.

"Master Chu." Changxian said with deep confusion on his face: "Tell me, Mr. Tao..."

"I don't know either." Chu Qing shook his head and kept shaking his head: "If it were you, and you were him, would you risk your life and go to Tongcheng Zhizhou Mansion to curse Qiu Zhi alone?"

"Students... students don't know how to do it. Doing this is tantamount to death."

"Yeah, neither can I, so we can never understand him. We are just smart people who see injustice, first wait and see, and then weigh the pros and cons."

"But Master Chu, you are still saving people."

"Yes, I am saving people, Tao Shaozhang is cheating people, smart people want to save people, and save more than him, fools cheat people, and cheat more than me, but..."

Chu Qing didn't know what to say. Tao Shaozhang seemed to have never saved anyone and was always trying to trick people.

"Student understands." Changxian showed admiration: "It is precisely because of Mr. Tao that there are many people like you, Master Chu."

"Yeah, courage, very silly courage. This kind of courage doesn't care about life or death, it only cares about... sleeping peacefully."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he was still confused.

Yes, in this life, Chu Qing will never be able to understand Tao Shaozhang. The only people who can understand Tao Shaozhang are probably the same kind. This should be a mental illness.

Stretching out his hand and looking at his palm, Chu Qing sighed slightly.

In Tao Shaozhang's eyes, injustice is like a thorn, which must be pulled out. Even if he knows that it cannot be pulled out, even if he knows that the more he pulls out, the deeper it will penetrate, he still has to pull it out. If he doesn't pull it out, he will feel uncomfortable, corroding his bones and burning his heart. No matter

Pulling it out without hesitation and being unable to sleep at night is definitely a mental illness. When you see the thorn, you lose the ability to think.

"Tao Shaozhang has a brain, but he doesn't dare to use it. As time goes by, he becomes stupid and becomes a habit. He doesn't dare to use his brain for anything. Gradually, he really doesn't use his brain anymore. I can't understand it.

, you can’t understand it either, but it’s a good thing that such people exist.”

Changxian suddenly asked: "Master Chu, the student seems to understand. I understand why the master's wife and the father said that Master Tao must be made the young minister of Dali Temple, and the father promised to protect Master Tao's life.


There was a sound of a horse neighing, and Tao Shaozhang suddenly rushed out in his underwear.

"It's a horse braying. The horse is braying. Did you hear it? It's Ping'er!"

Chu Qing and Chang Xian were confused, and Tao Shaozhang had already rushed out of the door.

After the two walked out, they found Tao Shaozhang hugging Tao Weiran's horse, as happy as a child.

"Look, it's Ping'er." Tao Shaozhang turned his head and shouted happily: "Ping'er told me that I have no brains, which is right. Ping'er has forgiven me, forgive me."

Looking at the man and the horse, Chu Qing still couldn't understand it, and the same was true for Chang Xian.

Tao Shaozhang's behavior is undoubtedly undesirable.

Being brainless will kill many people, and is even more hateful than the enemy.

Chu Qing no longer hated Tao Shaozhang, nor was he angry, because he felt that he was not qualified to forgive Tao Shaozhang, and Tao Shaozhang was not qualified to ask Ping'er to forgive him.

Holding Chu Qing's sleeve, Changxian's face was still confused, unable to make an accurate comment on Tao Shaozhang.

Touching his chin, Chu Qing smiled: "As long as we don't do Ping'er, stay away from him from now on. This guy can really kill people, but your wife is really too smart, Dali Temple Shaoqing

, must be a fool, the dumber the better!”

Changxian nodded, deeply convinced.

"Master Chu, I heard that you were acquainted with Master Tao from the earliest days. Was he so stupid at that time?"

Chu Qing's expression changed drastically.

He suddenly realized that he had done so many things to get to this day, and returned to the original starting point, the household department, and the Li family. He suddenly and inexplicably made up his mind to sleep peacefully. It seemed that it was because of this scam!

This chapter has been completed!
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