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Chapter 709 Kill to Wangyuan City

Xue Kui's eyes changed when he looked at Chu Qing now.

The commander-in-chief of the Thousand Cavalry Battalion is in charge of the detective horse. To put it bluntly, he is a snitch, a sneaky, dog-searching, and quiet style of doing things.

In addition, Chu Qing was young and had a bit of a pretty face, so in the eyes of border generals like Xue Kui, not to mention looking down upon Chu Qing, he felt that he couldn't even pee.

Little did they know that due to a strange combination of circumstances, Chu Qing "established his authority".

In the eyes of the border troops, what is a ruthless person? A ruthless person is someone who dares to kill someone.

Chu Qing knew that his biggest shortcoming when joining the frontier army was that he could not be "ruthless". No matter how ruthless he was, could he be more ruthless than the generals of the frontier army who had been killing enemies all the time? He couldn't be more ruthless.

But do the generals of the border army dare to kill Qiu Zhi and Sun Zhou? No.

Chu Qing killed those who the border troops did not dare to kill. Unintentionally, Chu Qing gained "approval", Xue Kui's approval, and Xue Kui was a typical border general. His perception could represent other border generals.


Now Xue Kui is afraid to look directly at Chu Qing. He always feels that Chu Qing is more ruthless than the two guys named Chang back then, and he is so ruthless.

At first Chu Qing said he wanted to kill Xue Kui, but Xue Kui was not afraid.

Because at the border, there were too many generals who could kill Xue Kui, but no one dared to kill Qiu Zhi and Sun Zhou.

The two guys surnamed Chang were yelling fiercely, quarreling with the local aristocratic family and civil servants, and they took the knife every time, but they didn't dare to stab them every time. They scolded the aristocratic family for a long time, just talking. Finally,

When he got angry, he rode out of the seclusion to vent his anger on the cool thief.

To be fair, the Supreme Emperor and Huang Laosi were not cowardly, but because they were just princes at that time, and anything they did that went out of style would affect their ascension to the throne.

This is what Tao Shaozhang calls "having brains". Looking forward and backward, if the Supreme Emperor and Huang Laosi had no brains, Tongcheng would not dare to intercept the border army's food and grass. Of course, the Supreme Emperor and Huang Laosi would not ascend the throne and proclaim themselves emperors.

In any case, Chu Qing is the only guy who kills his whole family if he disagrees.

Now when he said "Sir", Xue Kui was convinced.

Chu Qing didn't notice the subtle changes in Xue Kui's psychology, and just asked Nangong Ping to quickly take the soldiers from Jinge Town to Tongcheng.

When Chu Qing slapped a 10,000-guan silver note on Xue Kui's chest, Xue Kui was even more in awe.

The money is used to hire people, old and young men from Tongcheng to help transport grain.

Xue Kui had never fought in such a wealthy battle in his life, and had never seen such a large denomination of banknotes. He even felt a little distressed.

Ten thousand gu, hiring people to transport grain, is too generous.

Xue Kui didn't know how much money Chu Qing had, but he just felt that if Chu Qing could take out ten thousand strings at will, then he at least had one hundred thousand strings on him.

He felt that if Chu Qing really had 100,000 guan, he could definitely get away with it at the border. As long as the 100,000 gu could be spent on the border troops, Chu Qing could walk sideways at the border. Everyone who saw Chu Qing would have to take care of him.

Call me brother.

In fact, Chu Qing does not have one hundred thousand strings, he only has ten million strings.

Xue Kui and Nangong Ping set off in a mighty manner with their people. Tao Weiran didn't forget to remind them that if they don't do anything without stopping, everyone will die. They will directly give it to the Qiu and Sun families to copy it, and they will take it with them.


In addition, Tao Weiran also wrote a memorial in the name of Chu Qing, describing how the enemies and the Sun family had done harm to people, and that he wanted to capture the remaining members of the enemies and send them to the capital to be handed over to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment.

Nangong Ping used his knife and Tao Weiran used his brain to completely clean up the situation.

The food and grass were recovered, and the first step was finally taken.

Chu Qing's eyes looked to the north. The next stop was Wangyuan City, the largest city in the border area and the core of the border army. That was the place where he could show off his skills.

Tao Shaozhang walked over and asked cautiously: "Brother-in-law, what should Brother Yu do?"

Chu Qing opened his mouth, wondering if you could ride a fast horse back to the capital without hesitation, but he didn't have the heart to say it.

Just a few hours ago, Chu Qing had doubted the meaning of the existence of this kind of bird-man. Apart from having a beautiful sister, it had almost no meaning.

But in fact, Chu Qing had no idea how much Tao Shaozhang meant to him.

No one knew, not Chu Qing, not Tao Shaozhang, except for one person, the third brother who secretly watched everything.

The third brother showed his wise eyes again, and his eyes kept turning on Chu Qing and Tao Shaozhang.

Chu Qing didn't notice the change in Xue Kui's attitude, but Fu San did, so the third brother thought about the significance of Tao Shaozhang's existence, and finally, he concluded four points.

First, when he was in the Ministry of Household Affairs, it was Tao Shaozhang who changed his young master and unknowingly instilled a kind of "courage" into his young master. From then on, Chu Qing went to the point of no return.

He extricated himself and specialized in becoming an official and a wealthy family.

Second, if Tao Shaozhang had not tricked Cao Wu in the court, other aristocratic families would not have been frightened by Qianqiying. It was precisely because Tao Shaozhang was impeached by Cao Wu that other people rushed forward and the Minister of Rites almost stepped down.

It was only then that the aristocratic family in Beijing realized that Chu Qing had the ability to bring down the minister, and they did not dare to do it in the open.

Third, if Tao Shaozhang had not come to the border to disrupt the situation, Nangong Ping would not have massacred everyone. He had used Tao Weiran's method and strategy to obtain food and grass, but in Beijing, this method was suitable and followed the rules, because Beijing was not

Blood is allowed.

But in a borderland where people are often stabbed with knives, in such an unruly place, this kind of strategy cannot be put on the table. Even if they get food and grass, the generals who are unwilling to use their brains will not have too many feelings, and

Solving the problem with the most primitive and bloody means will give the border troops a sense of identity and think that Chu Qing is the same kind of person as them.

The fourth and most important point is that Tao Shaozhang represents a kind of courage, a kind of courage that ancient literati have no brains to deceive others. Fu San knows that there are many such people who deceive others and themselves.

From the perspective of being a deceiver, this cannot be denied, but from the perspective of the original intention, it will change many people invisibly and warn many people.

Fukusan was currently thinking about a question that even he was a little confused about.

If people like Tao Shaozhang did not exist in this world, and everyone would look forward and backward, and everyone would look on with cold eyes, I don’t know what the world would be like, whether it would get better or not, but it would definitely get worse and worse.

On the afternoon of the second day, Tong Gui came back on a fast horse and reported the latest progress in Tongcheng. The grain and grass were found and placed in the grain depot by the enemy. There was a lot of it. In addition to the grain and grass shipped by the court, there was also a backlog of some old grain.

This is an aristocratic family that sucks blood and sells the grain and grass. If it cannot be sold, it will rot in the granary. It does not care how many lives of border officers can be saved by this grain and grass.

Except for grain and grass, Tongcheng has been completely taken over by Nangong Ping.

Nangong Ping, I broke my promise.

He said that as long as those auxiliary soldiers did not lay down their weapons, there would be no further investigation. He broke his promise.

When the soldiers from the Zhechong Prefecture in Jinge Town took over the Tunbing Guards, the first thing Nangong Ping did was to kill people. All those with high rank, as long as they were not in the lower ranks, were killed. Officials from the Zhizhou Prefecture were not spared either.

After getting into the prison car, a Beijing guard led more than a dozen soldiers and escorted him to the capital for questioning.

In Nangong Ping's words, anyone who can be promoted is a close associate of the Sun family. In fact, this is indeed the case. None of the eleven people were killed by mistake, and not one of the more than twenty people arrested was unjust.

Knife in one hand, money in the other, Nangong Ping is extremely skillful in using this set.

The swords were slashed at the auxiliary soldiers and the money was given to the people. Tongcheng had already begun to transport grain and grass outside the city. Some people also notified the major camps at the border to collect grain.

This is something Chu Qing knows. What he doesn't know is that his name has begun to spread to the border and to the border army.

In the capital, a man came, named Chu Qing, who was in charge of grain, grass, and ordnance. When he arrived in Tongcheng, he killed Qiu Zhi and Sun Zhou, took the grain, distributed it to the border troops, and said, "Who the hell will covet the border troops again?"

The army's food and fodder, Qiu Zhi and Sun Zhou will end.

The last sentence was not said by Chu Qing, but by Nangong Ping, under the guise of Chu Qing.

Seven days later, Nangong Ping and Xue Kui came back.

Nangong Ping's Confucian robe was still stained with blood. He looked more like an executioner than a scholar.

There was no blood on Xue Kui's body, but there were tears in his eyes.

Not even a grain of rice was missing from the grain and grass distributed by the imperial court. Not only was it not missing, there was a lot more. It was the first time in so many years that the border troops could eat it.

Xue Kui, on behalf of the border army, thanked Chu Qing.

Chu Qing rolled his eyes: "Eating food is nothing. I want all the border troops to eat meat."

Just because of this sentence, Xue Kui's good impression and awe of Chu Qing disappeared without a trace in an instant.

He felt like Chu Qing had been drinking secretly.

This chapter has been completed!
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