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Chapter 718 Shadow

When people mention the Border Marshal, even if they are not from the Chang Dynasty, the person they blurt out is the British Duke Feng Luo, and this is the person they think of.

Even though Feng Luo is already in the capital, the people, troops, and ministers all know that they are talking about Feng Luo when they mention the commander-in-chief.

But in fact, the current border commander is Ma Rujing, the former Weinan Third Road Protector General Ma Rujing.

After Feng Luo was "detained" in Changjing, Huang Laosi quickly took office and appointed Ma Rujing as the commander-in-chief of the border army.

Ma Rujing is also an old soldier, either from a noble family or a general, or he started from the grassroots level, climbed up step by step, accumulated military merits, and finally became the general of the Protectorate. Pao Ze, who is about the same age as him and has similar seniority, has either died in battle or died in battle.

Retired due to injuries.

To say that this horse commander is not qualified to be a border commander is not true. The main reason is that Feng Luo's achievements are too dazzling. He has guarded the border for a lifetime. Let's not talk about his achievements. Let's just say that Feng Luo has eaten and lived with the soldiers for decades.

For a day, he has never enjoyed what the army eats, what he eats, where he lives where the army lives, a lifetime of hard work, and the Feng family's property, everything is dedicated to the frontier army.

After Ma Rujing took office, he quickly discovered that the border troops treated him differently from Feng Luo. This difference was not noticeable to the naked eye.

The frontier army, any frontier army, respected Feng Luo from the bottom of their hearts. It can be said that even if Feng Luo said that he would lead everyone to rebel and kill the man named Chang, it is estimated that more than 80% of the frontier army would follow.

He walked all the way to the dark side.

As for treating Ma Rujing, he is also respectful, but this kind of respect is the kind of respect given by superiors and subordinates. You are the commander-in-chief, you are the biggest, I listen to you, that's all.

It is precisely this kind of strict military discipline that was created by Feng Luo.

Ma Rujing must have felt uncomfortable and felt that he was being treated differently, so after taking office, he started drastic reforms. He changed many of Feng Luoding's previous rules.

For example, the rotation system. When Feng Luo was in office, all major battalions had rotational vacations. They had to take rotations. This kind of rotation was extremely free. You could go wherever you wanted, as long as you returned to the camp on time. Border troops who had served for more than three years could enjoy it.

This kind of treatment.

When you get to Ma Rujing, you can take a leave even if it's cancelled, but you have to take a leave, and it's not based on years in the military, it's based on rank.

This means that even if you have been in the border army for ten years, you are not a general, you are just a small flag, ten years of small flag, two words, not very good, but if you are a general, even if you have just been transferred,

I only stayed for a month, two words, it’s so good!

There are also many humane rules that were changed by Ma Rujing.

In Ma Rujing's words, the army must be run with iron blood, and everything should be based on war and war preparation, and there must be no relaxation.

In addition, Wang Tongtong also found out some things that Qianqi Camp knew about originally, but now know in more detail.

Huang Laosi asked Ma Rujing to come over in order to decentralize power and share Feng Luo's "power". When Feng Luo was in office, the power was too concentrated, and the border army seemed to only know Feng Luo but not Laosi.

This power is not military power, but military morale and border control. Feng Luo's words are the imperial edict.

Lao Si gave Ma Rujing instructions to disperse this "power" and "military spirit."

Ma Rujing did indeed do this, granting the six camp masters a great deal of autonomy.

But in fact, Ma Rujing changed three generals. These three generals were all his subordinates and former confidants of the General Protector's Mansion.

This means that Ma Rujing decentralized power and gave it to his own people.

"I know, thank you for your hard work, go and have a rest."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, Wang Tongtong saluted and led the scouts out.

Fu San sat in front of Chu Qing and made the latter a cup of tea, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

Chu Qing smiled and said, "That's all you have to say, what's the matter?"

"Master, do you think this horse Rujing is not a good bird?"

Chu Qing didn't say anything, but his attitude was already shown. He didn't say Ma Rujing was not a good bird, but he didn't say he was a good bird either.

"Master, let me tell you something."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Five or six years ago, you were still in your hometown at that time, remember."

Chu Qing smiled bitterly. He couldn't remember much of what happened five or six years ago or ten months ago.

Fu San continued: "At that time, I was still in charge of the Wolf Catching Army, the most elite camp of the frontier army, including soldiers, cavalry, and archers. One year when you celebrated your birthday, I took leave of absence and wanted to enter the customs.

Here’s to celebrating you.”

Chu Qing felt warm in his heart: "I have an impression, what's the matter?"

"It's a long journey, so I took two months' leave, but the wolf-catching army can't do it without its leader, so a general came here to temporarily take charge of the wolf-catching army. That general is capable and a good person. His name is Lan Renshan."

Fu San thought about it again and continued: "He has a good reputation. He is a general who loves his soldiers as much as his son. But after he came here and stayed for more than ten days, he changed."


"Yes, the brothers in the wolf-catching army looked down upon him and always compared him with the master. One was not as good as the master, and the other was not as good as the master. Because he was not as good as the master, they all refused to accept him. Gradually, people changed. This blue man

The general started to torment the brothers in different ways. It was not considered tormenting, but he was just doing things according to the rules. But the more he behaved like this, the less his brothers disliked him."

Chu Qing's expression changed slightly: "Third brother, you mean that Ma Rujing is also in the same situation. After coming to the border, he has been living in Feng Shuai's shadow?"

"I don't know, but I think it is like this. Ma Rujing, I have heard that Mr. Nanguan fought with Fanman hundreds of times. Although it is not a battle that is easy to talk about, it is

Ma Rujing can be considered a veteran of many battles."

Chu Qing laughed dumbly.

Ma Rujing was in charge of the Zhechong Prefecture and the Southern Army on the third road south of the Weijiang River. They were fighting against the Barbarians, a group of tribal savages from the mountains and forests. If they lost, it would not be a big deal. If they won, it would be an insignificant local battle. But the border areas are different.

Either we don't crack down on the border, or if we do, it will affect the country's survival.

Fu San sighed: "Master, I don't know who is good or bad, but I know that those who have been in the army for decades are all good men. Ma Rujing is a handsome man, even if he is not as good as the British

, Even if you have some thoughts in your heart that you don't like, they are all good men who put their heads on their belts for the sake of the country. The army is like this. I have a saying, I am afraid that you will be angry if I say it. I can say it


Chu Qing hit Fu San with the gravel on the table and said happily: "In this life, no matter what you do or do to me, I will never be angry. Remember this sentence, we are not

Master and servant are brothers, closer than real brothers. If you hadn't no longer wanted to join the army, I would have asked the Fourth Brother to get you a military position."

"Young master, you are so kind to me. That's what I said." Fu San laughed naively: "Bianguan, Bianjun, there are no enemies for you, even if you don't like them, no matter how displeasing they are, they are not you.

Our enemies, the frontier troops, are in need of a beating. Whether they are soldiers or generals, it’s not that they are bad, it’s not that they have any evil intentions, it’s just...it’s just that they have been harmed too many times, and they have become desperate after being harmed.

You will trust others, young master. The younger ones know your methods. Don't treat them as enemies, but as friends. You trust the younger ones. When they treat you as a friend, they can stand up for you without hesitation.


"I understand. That's why I came to the border to protect them from the knives and to save them from being knives."

This chapter has been completed!
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