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Chapter 723

Tian Hailong is not a fool. Although he leaves the people's livelihood and government affairs to Chu Qing, he will follow him and observe openly, trying to understand the intentions of these Changjing guys. If there are any problems, he can step in and take them back at any time. "


Originally, Tian Hailong was still a little hesitant, but having learned the details about Chu Qing and others from the side, he was still willing to take the initiative to let go of this "power".

He didn't believe that Chu Qing brought the prince, a lot of money, and a group of merchants to the border just because he had no qualifications.

After meeting the real master Chu Qing, Tian Hailong was very energetic.

He knew that the next step was to "negotiate". He represented the border army and the interests of the border army. Therefore, he wanted to know what Chu Qing represented, what was the purpose of coming to the border, and whether he was really prepared to change the border.

The current situation of the army and the fulfillment of the worthless promise made by the two princes back then.

Changxian and Nangongping quickly fetched the food and put it on the table.

Chu Qing picked up the chopsticks and looked at Tian Hailong happily: "Sit down, don't be so polite."

"Thank you, sir."

"Have you eaten?"

Tian Hailong swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Eat."

He didn’t eat, he definitely didn’t eat. Not only he didn’t eat, but he also hadn’t slept. Ever since Chu Qing arrived at Wangyuan City, he hadn’t even drank a sip of water. He went from Wangyuan City to Xiaoqi Camp, and from Xiaoqi Camp back to Wangyuan City.

, without resting for a moment.

"You just said, Marshal Ma, to hand over Wangyuan City to me?"

Chu Qing took a bite of naan cake, and a hint of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, Marshal Ma knows that your Excellency is the Superintendent of Ordnance. Since he oversees food, grass and ordnance, he must be familiar with the management of people's livelihood."

Chu Qing smiled slightly and said nothing.

He felt that there were only two reasons why Ma Rujing could hand over Wangyuan City to him, either because he had an overall view of the situation, or because he had cerebral thrombosis.

Seemingly drinking porridge, Chu Qing felt wary.

If the border troops were well-informed and knew who Chu Qing was, Feng Shuai would not have written so many "letters of recommendation", and Ma Rujing would not have wanted to give him a blow yesterday.

This means that the border troops have very little information about them. They don't understand Chu Qing or Qianqiying at all. At most, they only heard a few words and didn't take it to heart.

Since he didn't know Chu Qing, and he entrusted Wangyuan City to him to manage, it must be cerebral thrombosis.

But if Ma Rujing had cerebral thrombosis, he would not be able to become the commander-in-chief of the border army.

Logically speaking, the Border Marshal has no right to appoint other people to take charge of Wangyuan City, but this is the Border Pass, and the Marshal is the top chief executive of the towns in the Border Pass. Although this is not the case in name, it is in fact like this, otherwise it would not be possible.

A fifth-grade guerrilla general would not be allowed to be the "prefect of the state".

Tian Hailong, a guerrilla general, is a native of the border area and is familiar with the local conditions, so there is nothing wrong with him.

But Chu Qing, in name only, is a weapons supervisor, and has nothing to do with people's livelihood. He is regarded as the logistics manager of the border army. He is not a supervisor in name, nor in reality, because he is not a local aboriginal and does not understand the local situation at all.

What's the difference between this and the White House inviting the owner of Shijiazhuang Village to go to Washington to govern the United States? Besides, the owner of Shijiazhuang Village doesn't have that time, and it's troublesome to commute to and from get off work.

So just think about it, if you don’t have an overall view or a cerebral thrombosis, why would you let yourself take charge of Wangyuan City?

Chu Qing put down the bowl and smiled: "Okay, thank you Ma Shuai for trusting me."

Tian Hailong's expression changed slightly.

As expected, Master Chu had a "no small" purpose, and he took over easily.

Turning his head, Chu Qing, who was still a little awake, yawned and snapped his fingers at Tao Weiran.

After Fatty Tao came, Chu Qing smiled and said, "From now on, you will be the magistrate of Wangyuan City."

"Okay." Tao Weiran responded nonchalantly, and continued to find Fu San to send warmth and lose money.

Fatty Tao was a little angry. He squatted there and shouted to Fu San: "Can you fucking win faster? With all your hard work, you can't catch up with the money my Tao family makes in one day in a month."


Fu San scolded his mother, it was the first time that he was so upset when he won money, a thousand gu at a time, he could never finish winning!

"My lord, what you mean is..." Tian Hailong frowned: "Let him be in charge of Wangyuan City's government affairs, not you?"

"Yes, I have more important things to do."

"May I ask, sir, what is the matter?"

"I didn't expect it at the moment."

Tian Hailong couldn't hold back his anger again. He always felt that Chu Qing and everyone around Chu Qing were playing tricks on him.

"I dare to ask, sir." Tian Hailong pointed at Tao Weiran who was squatting on the ground: "What official position does this person have and what is his name?"

"Tao Weiran, former magistrate of Xiao County, Jingxia County, Changjing County."

"Just a county magistrate?"

Chu Qing's smile grew thicker: "Why do you think a small county magistrate can't govern your Wangyuan City?"


"We'll see how it goes?"

"No." Tian Hailong shook his head, with a solemn look on his face: "Wangyuan City is the hard work of the border army. I don't dare to let you mess with it at will."

"Didn't you just say that Ma Shuai handed over the power of knowing the state to me?"

"It's true, but I didn't say it would be handed over to a small county magistrate."

Fu San lost a game and started to play psychological tactics. He looked at Tao Weiran and said cheerfully: "That guy said you are small, small, Tao Weiran is small."

Tao Weiran: “…”

"In short, it won't work." Tian Hailong felt that Chu Qing was too childish and shook his head repeatedly.

Tao Weiran stood up and came behind Chu Qing, with his hands in his sleeves: "How about making a bet, one million dollars."

"A million strings?"

"When you open your mouth, you can get a million words." Tian Hailong's face was full of sarcasm: "Who do you think you are? Are you the richest Fu family in Weijiang, the Nangong family of the prime minister in Beijing, or the Tao family, a merchant family in the East China Sea? You are not afraid of false claims.

It breaks the sky, you are not ashamed to speak so loudly."

Several people looked over with strange eyes, including Nangong Ping, Fu Baobao and Fu Yongkang.

It has to be said that although the border troops had little information, Tian Hailong still had some knowledge.

The poorer the person, the more he likes to know information about the rich. He doesn't know anything else, but he knows the richest people in the Chang Dynasty very well.

Tao Weiran didn't care and was happy.

"How about this, first leave the south of Wangyuan City, which is a mixed bag of people and the poorest, to me to take care of?"

"Most of the people in the south of the city are relatives of soldiers. Do you have this ability?"

"Whether or not, it's not up to you to decide."

"Joke." Tian Hailong was not fooled, and sneered: "Even if you say it today, I will not agree."

Looking at Chu Qing, Tian Hailong shook his head and said: "I hope your Excellency will think twice. If your Excellency is in charge, I will have nothing to do with you. But if it is someone else, even if the general nods, Commander Ma will not agree."

Tao Weiran smiled and said: "Sir, you see, I told you last night that these troops are like stones in the pit, smelly and hard."

"Okay." Chu Qing sighed: "Then we can only use strong ones."

"Strong?" Tian Hailong's complexion changed slightly, and all the muscles in his body tightened.

Tao Weiran shouted to Tan Ma outside: "Have you bought it back?"

"What's the rush? I just went in the morning."

"what are you looking for?"

"Floor, house, shop..."

Before Tao Weiran could finish speaking, a man walked in, carrying two large bundles filled with contracts: "I'm back. I'm back. Ninety percent of the land in the south of the city has been bought. Only a hundred or so households are unwilling to sell. I guess

You have to sit down and raise the price."

Tian Hailong took a breath of cold air: "You put Chengnan..."

Chu Qing shrugged: "Yes, if you have money, you can do whatever you want."

This chapter has been completed!
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