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Chapter 736

At this time, looking outside the southern part of Wangyuan City, Chu Qing was squatting on a wooden platform. Behind him were piles of work materials, which were brought from the pass at a high price.

More than 20,000 people were sweating profusely, shouting slogans, and under the baton of the cuttlefish, they methodically added ink to Chu Qing's scroll.

Today, the people worked extra hard because they heard that the enemy had personally come to supervise the work.

Chu Qing just squatted on the wooden platform and measured the distance.

One hundred and fifty steps away, there is a low house where the cuttlefish usually rests.

Under the high platform, there is also a tower, which is more than one meter higher than the wooden platform. It was also built by Cuttlefish. Old Mo has very good eyesight. Standing on the tower that is more than three meters high, he can see the entire "construction site".

There is only one Tian Hailong beside Chu Qing.

Lao Tian was so nervous that he always tried to persuade Chu Qing, but every time he opened his mouth, Chu Qing stopped him with an extremely cold look.

In fact, Chu Qing was also very nervous.

Today, he did it on purpose and did not discuss it with anyone in advance.

In fact, Chu Qing has always done things like this. Plans never change quickly, so he will change his plans with the changes. Sometimes, because of an inadvertent change, he will quickly come up with a plan in his mind.

I don’t say whether this is good or bad, but it gives others an unreliable feeling. People always want to be fully prepared, but how can they be fully prepared for things in this world.

When Tan Ma rushed into the hall and said that Xiao Zhi was here, and when Chu Qing knew that Xiao Zhi was Ma Rujing's adopted son, this plan came up and took shape quickly.

He wanted to let the border guards know, let the border troops know, and let Ma Rujing know that he, Chu Qing, came to the border gate to do something. No one could stop him. Whoever blocked him, whoever dared to delay his early return to Beijing for fun, was him.

The enemy of life and death.

He wanted Ma Rujing to give in in front of everyone!

"Go down." Chu Qing glanced at Tong Gui and a group of guards and detectives standing below the prince, then turned back to Tian Hailong and said: "You are a general of the border army. There is no need to take risks with me. Go down.


"Sir, why bother? What trouble is this?"

Tian Hailong is not stupid, he knows that the purpose of Chu Qing's doing this is to attract Ma Rujing and attract the angry Ma Rujing.

He didn't know what Chu Qing wanted, but he knew that this man who was full of kings and was the most trusted person by the emperor came to the border and was going to separate the kings from the uncrowned king of the border with the commander of the border army, and it was very likely that he would meet with blood.


Tian Hailong got off the stage, but did not leave. Instead, he gritted his teeth, as if he had made a huge determination, grabbed a long bow and two arrows from the back of a guard, carried the bow on his back, and grabbed the arrows.

He walked towards the low house a hundred steps away, where Xiao Yi ambushed.

At this moment, Tian Hailong staked everything on Chu Qing, his life, and the glory of the frontier army.

The frontier army was so miserable that he even secretly hoped that in the fight between Chu Qing and Ma Rujing, the former would gain the upper hand.

It’s not that everyone doesn’t believe in Ma Rujing, just like they believed in Chang Ao and Chang Chengyou.

But after more than a year, the frontier army still hasn't changed at all.

Until recently, the border has changed because of the arrival of Chu Qing.

There are more and more changes, and they are getting better and better. Tian Hailong does not want Ma Rujing to stop this change, nor does he want anyone to stop it.

The Ma family father and daughter, together with a hundred and twenty personal guards, arrived a moment earlier than Chu Qing expected.

After entering the city, they went to the Xuanyuan Pavilion to attack the empty Ma Rujing and others. Although there were only about a hundred or so people, the elites of the Xiaoqi Battalion came out from the south gate with an astonishing momentum, and their tall horses galloped towards them.

Chu Qing's palms were sweaty, but he straightened his waist, puffed out his chest, and looked calm.

Chu Qing was the only one on the wooden platform. Ma Rujing took the lead. His riding skills were astonishing. With a fierce pull on the reins, the black horseman stood up on his crotch. The other elites of the Xiaoqi battalion did the same. In an instant, they surrounded the wooden platform.

There is no way to drain the water.

The arrival of the soldiers from the Xiaoqi Battalion aroused the attention of the people who were working in the distance, and they all looked here.

As everyone knows, these Ma Rujing guards also have expressions of surprise on their faces.

They had only heard about the large-scale construction projects in the south of Wangyuan City, the huge crowds of people, the waving red flags, the roar of gongs and drums, etc. It was an exaggeration, and they also thought it was an exaggeration.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I know that my colleagues who have been here are still conservative, too conservative.

This is a sea of ​​people. This is simply a sea of ​​people. No wonder the city was empty when we first entered the city. The streets were filled with a group of naked children running around. It was rare to see adults, so they all ran away.

Here it comes.

The soldiers of the Xiaoqi Battalion, who were still aggressive at first, couldn't help but look at Chu Qing, with a bit of awe in their eyes.

Nothing else, I just thought of a very straightforward question: How much does it cost to hire so many people a day?

This kind of awe comes from the blood suppression of poor people when they face rich people.

It's like a diaosi scolding rich people who drive Bentleys every day, but it's no business to pick up girls. But when this diaosi sits across from the top brother who drives a Bentley, and the other person smiles and calls him "buddy," diaosi's faces are filled with smiles.

, and then brag about it for months.

Ma Rujing also noticed the huge crowd of people. Although he was surprised, he was already overwhelmed by anger and could not care about it. The more people he saw, the angrier he became, because these people were all caused by

Chu Qing pays wages!

Ma Rujing was tall and strong. He was almost as tall as Chu Qing when he was riding on the horse. His voice was as gloomy as water: "You are Chu Qing!"

Chu Qing saluted slightly and smiled like a warm man.

Of course, Chu Qing is not standing here to be a warm man. He knows the truth, the warmer the man, the harder it is to be warm. He just wants to be a scumbag, a man who scumbags Ma Rujing.

"Ma Shuai, I have long admired his famous name, and it is like thunder piercing my ears."

With a "pop" sound, the riding whip hit Chu Qing's feet.

This whip, like thunder, brought up an afterimage.

The smile on Chu Qing's face remained unchanged, without blinking.

Ma Rujing's pupils shrank slightly. He didn't expect Chu Qing to have such determination at such a young age.

Chu Qing smiled, cursing her mother in her heart.

This has nothing to do with concentration.

The whip was thrown too fast, which really startled him. His heart was still beating wildly. The reason why his expression was normal was because everything happened too fast. By the time Chu Qing reacted, the whip had already been withdrawn.

So actually, before he had time to be "scared", when he was about to be "scared", it was already over.

"Two things." Ma Ru bowed his head in admiration and said calmly: "One, apologize, kneel down and apologize to Ying'er, and two, hand over a person and let Ying'er cut out his tongue."

Ma Yingjiao scolded: "Hand him over, my aunt will chop him up alive!"

Chu Qing smiled and laughed.

Ma Rujing's expression remained as usual, and he just waited quietly.

Many soldiers in the Xiaoqi Battalion have already put their hands on the handles of their swords.

Chu Qing laughed for a long time before he stopped laughing and looked at Ma Rujing as if he was looking at the number one idiot and the number two idiot.

If you don't talk about apology, let's talk about third brother.

When he was in the capital, Fu San quarreled with anyone he saw. He even quarreled with the emperor. The fourth child had to take the initiative to reveal his identity that night. As a result, Fu San had no temper at all. Even the emperor did not dare to do it in front of him.

He said he would cut out the third brother's tongue, but he didn't say what he would do to Fu San when he saw him in the future.

Apart from anything else, Lao Si's magnanimity is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Chu Qing put away his smile and stared at Ma Rujing, thinking that this old guy was crazy.

You, the daughter of a border officer, dare to say such things. Who do you think you are? Don't talk about you. Even if you are the fourth child, if he dares to say, I will dare to rebel!

"Ma Shuai, do you want third brother's tongue?" Chu Qing scratched his chin and asked seriously: "Why don't you eat poop?"

This chapter has been completed!
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