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Chapter 743

On the official road of Zhong County, more than fifty horse-drawn carriages moved forward leisurely.

The first carriage, although plain and simple, was surrounded by many guards. The guards were holding a big flag with the word "Peace" written on it. The more than 20 guards accompanying it were all bodyguards of the Ping An Escort Bureau.

Some of the victims who "disappeared" were on these carriages and horses.

Zhou Datou was one of the victims. He was sitting on the carriage, cautiously and somewhat at a loss.

This was the first time in his life that he was riding in a carriage, and he didn't dare to put his feet firmly on it.

Half a month ago, Jeju was hit by a disaster. Ice cubes the size of eggs smashed through many houses. Then it started to rain again. Misfortunes never come singly. The mountains collapsed and several surrounding villages were affected.

Zhou Datou was an orphan without a father or a mother. He made a living by herding cattle for the village chief's family, so he ran to Changjing with the villagers, thinking that he could at least get some porridge and water from the government.

But who would have thought that when they arrived at the official road, a group of men who claimed to be the bodyguards of the Si'an Bodyguard Bureau were guarding there, telling everyone that they should go to Xiao County.

A lot of rice.

Xiao County is not far from Changjing, so everyone didn't think much about it, ate rice and followed the escort to Xiao County.

As a result, when they were approaching Xiao County, the escort changed his mind again, saying that there was no place to accommodate them in Xiao County, and he would go further north to Chenting, where they could be accommodated.

Chenting is at least a hundred miles away from Xiao County, so everyone must not go there and prepare to return to Changjing.

Then the escort said that as long as he went to Chenting, he would be given three hundred coins per person.

Everyone felt that the escort was treating them as fools.

Unexpectedly, the bodyguard acted like a magician and opened the curtain on the bullock cart. It was full of money. There were strings of copper coins, one by one. Each person was given fifty coins and promised that when they arrived at Chenting, they would be there again.

Give two hundred and fifty Wen.

Everyone was dubious, but the fifty coins in their arms were real. The most important thing was that there were always carriages and horses bringing us food along the way, including serious white-flour steamed buns.

After walking for two days, we finally reached Chenting official road, and the bodyguards left.

Just when everyone felt that they had been cheated, a man wearing armor and calling himself Major General Tan walked out of the county, followed by a county magistrate with a bruised nose and face.

General Tan was of poor quality. He jumped on the carriage and kicked over several boxes. They were all full of money. Each person could receive 250 coins.

When they found out that there was really money to be taken, everyone was very happy.

We got a total of 300 Wen, and we also had white flour steamed buns to eat along the way. Everyone felt that they had made a lot of money.

The unqualified General Tan spoke up and asked everyone if they still wanted money. Everyone nodded, and General Tan said fine, go to Wei County, and when they arrived in Wei County, each person would be given another 200 coins.

This time, everyone believed it. After all, they had already received three hundred coins.

Once again on the official road, everyone walked and walked, walking and walking, as tired as dead dogs. Many people suddenly realized that they were getting further and further away from Changjing. How could they get back?

The unqualified General Tan rode on a horse and asked everyone to walk another ten miles, but everyone could only believe it.

After ten miles, horses came one after another, saluted General Tan, who was young but of extremely low quality, and then threw each baggage and box in front of everyone.

Good guy, everyone can get a bag of hard-boiled eggs, dried meat, and delicious naan bread.

Everyone was energetic again and continued towards Wei County.

After finally arriving in Wei County, everyone finally received the money, which was a blessing.

As a result, General Tan left and said that he was going to pick up the next batch of coolies, and everyone was confused.

Another person jumped out. He called himself the butler of the right minister of the household department. He was a very polite person. He asked everyone kindly if they still wanted money. When everyone said yes, the butler said that they should continue walking north.

After entering Xunyang Road, I will give you another five hundred coins.

Some people wanted to eat eggs and dried meat, and some wanted money. Anyway, everyone just continued walking north.

But the housekeeper was recording something with someone, and he kept asking if he could go anywhere to make money, where his parents and children were, if anyone would take care of him, and if he wanted to have a house and land to farm, he asked.

Everyone doesn't know why.

After walking for several days, we finally arrived at the destination mentioned by the steward, Xunyang Daoguan Road.

Everyone was exhausted and their feet were covered in blisters. This time everyone realized it and couldn't be fooled anymore. This was almost reaching the border.

It's a pity that they still can't withstand the sugar-coated bombs.

Carriage after carriage appeared again, and each of them was a tall and round man. This time, there was no polite discussion, and he was thrown directly into the carriage.

Some people cried and some yelled, but once they entered the carriage, there was no sound.

The same is true for Zhou Datou. At the age of seventeen, he was strong, but he still wanted to resist. He was beaten by six big guys, and then he was thrown into the carriage. After entering the carriage, he was stupid.

There are still four bags, four people go in, one for each person.

I unpacked the bag and found 500 Wen, plus a written contract. Many people were illiterate, but someone outside explained that the Tongcheng transfer station hired workers, and the daily wages started at 200 Wen. There was no need to sign immediately. Go to Tongcheng first, and when you arrive in Tongcheng, one person

Send more money.

Yi Guan Qian, Zhou Datou has never touched Yi Guan Qian in his whole life.

Many people have never touched it. They wanted to touch it, but in the end they just stayed in the carriage.

Zhou Datou was very nervous when he rode a carriage for the first time. There were four people in the carriage, and everyone was communicating with each other.

After asking, I found out that many people did not come together. One person arrived at Chenting two days in advance and waited two days before joining everyone else.

The guy who arrived two days in advance was a lean man, an old bachelor, a farmer, unable to farm, and suffered a disaster. He was the third group to be "cheated" into Chenting and stayed for two days.

This guy is an experienced driver with a lot of savvy. He has earned a lot of money along the way. He is thinking about love. Anyway, he has the money in his arms, so he can’t take it back. If he really wants to steal it, he can’t give it to him along the way.

Eat more.

In this way, Zhou Datou has been sitting in the car, resigned to his fate.

Just a few hours ago, another carriage followed, the first one. Inside, there was a woman and a child. Zhou Datou just jumped out and took a look. It happened that the woman in the car also looked over.

Out of the head.

Zhou Datou swore that this woman must be the most beautiful woman in the world, otherwise, there would be so many bodyguards protecting the carriage.

Zhou Datou also doubted whether this woman was the imperial concubine. Such a beautiful person must be the imperial concubine.

Just after passing Xunyang Road, everyone was stopped. A man who claimed to be some kind of Zhizhou and brought many auxiliary soldiers asked for some evidence.

Very arrogant and domineering, Na Zhizhou is a bit fat and squinty.

Zhou Datou was afraid. He was afraid of officials. Officials would always say things they didn't understand and then punish them.

As a result, the veiled woman in the car got out and said she was some kind of troublesome lady. She even mentioned her name, Chu.

Na Zhizhou was so frightened that his crotch was wet, and finally he brought a lot of food and drinks from the city.

Zhou Datou didn't dare to peek at the woman anymore. She was indeed a murderous lady. Even Zhizhou was afraid of being killed. It was so powerful.

But what Zhou Datou didn't know was that he was not the first group of people to be "cheated" to the border, and he was definitely not the last. A steady stream of refugees and disaster victims were "cheated" to the border.

This chapter has been completed!
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