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Chapter 760 Dream

Everyone saw it. Tao Weiran found the weakness of the second prince who was not afraid of death, and he generously unbuttoned his pants. Alleghenda was so frightened that he told everything he knew in a rapid-fire manner, just to beg for death.

, seeking a quick death.

In fact, Allegenda never suspected that everyone was trying to scare him, but he couldn't afford the gamble.

In the culture of the Liangrong people, warriors will ascend to heaven after they die in battle.

But I guess the price of the Kingdom of Heaven may be high or it may be due to other policy issues. It does not mean that anyone who wants to enter can enter. There is a threshold. Four achievements must be achieved: soaring, faith, fearlessness, and flawlessness.

The meaning of soaring is translated as having traveled many roads, which is similar to being very knowledgeable and experienced.

Faith, as the name suggests, must be about believing in this matter. You have to believe that there is a kingdom of heaven. If you don’t believe that I can let you in, right?

Wuwei roughly means being iron-headed, rolling up your sleeves and just doing it.

The last one is flawless, it must be without humiliation or stain.

Tao Weiran and Fu San both took off their pants. If they really did it, let alone go to heaven, they would be reincarnated, and they probably wouldn't be able to heal their inner shadows in eight lifetimes.

It just so happened that Tao Weiran knew the customs and culture of Liangrong relatively well, so he took advantage of it.

So the question is, how could Fatty Tao know such a thing?

There is only one answer, idle.

Fatty Tao was a person without ideals. He had a photographic memory and could remember any book he read several times. He had no place to waste a lot of time, so his eldest sister found a lot of books, or useless manuscripts and even parchments.

Yes, then show it to Fatty Tao.

Seeing that all four achievements were achieved and he was about to enter the kingdom of heaven, and the last one, Wuxia, was about to be taken away by Tao Weiran, Aleganda gave in.

It is worth mentioning that since you have surrendered, the second achievement of fearlessness is gone. So when it comes to things like religion, I really can’t say. As for whether you can go to heaven, no one who has been there has come back to tell everyone.

Yes, who knows.

In any case, the surrendered Alleghen dropped the bamboo tube like beans.

Liang Rong is indeed preparing to go to war with Chang Dynasty in late summer and early autumn. The reason is really weird!

Grassland Khan, who is 60 years old this year, suddenly had a dream half a month ago. In the dream, there was a golden eagle...a real golden eagle, not the golden eagle in the cartoon.

It was this golden eagle, which was very big, even bigger than Yang Guo's eagle. It circled above Dahan Naoguazi. It circled for a while and then flew to the south, which is the direction of the border pass.

Yes, it’s just such a dream, with no meaning at all. Maybe it’s because the old man didn’t get enough rest due to his old age, so he dreamed about it as soon as he fell asleep.

But, the Great Khan realized it!

He understood this dream as the incarnation of the gods they believed in, which was the golden eagle. Then the golden eagle flew to the territory of Chang Chao, so the translation was that the golden eagle asked them to go to Chang Chao and follow the golden eagle to go to Chang Chao and do it.


Yes, that's how the Great Khan understood it.

What’s even more bizarre is that after the Great Khan told this dream, all the nobles in the Golden Wolf King’s tent thought that this was what it meant, Qianchang Dynasty!

Logically speaking, the current state of Liang Rong is not suitable for fighting the Chang Dynasty. The population is almost enough, but military supplies may not be able to keep up, and it is not enough to sustain a national war that lasts for several years.

You must know that even if Liang Rong breaks through the city gate, he has to go deep into the hinterland of Chang Dynasty. It is not that you break through the city gate, and then everyone in the Chang Dynasty will say that you are noble and great. If you break through the city gate, all the twelve roads of Chang Dynasty will return.

You guys, how can such a good thing happen?

Liang Rong had to push forward layer by layer and push through all twelve roads of Chang Dynasty, and then he could completely occupy Zhongzhou.

In this process, it is difficult for Liang Rong to maintain war with war. The most difficult thing is the beginning, which is hell difficulty, because the three borders are the poorest and have the most troops. The longer the battle line is, the more disadvantageous it is for them.

Of course, I have to put it in two words: Chang Chao is not doing well either, and the poor are almost suffering from uremia.

The problem is that Chang Dynasty is deep. It is possible to capture the three border crossings, but it is impossible for Liang Rong to completely occupy Chang Dynasty.

Something even weirder happened.

All the senior officials in Liangrong believe that these are not problems because they have been guided by "gods", and gods will solve all problems for them.

This is roughly what it means. In short, the nobles all agreed to go to war, but no one thought that the sixty-year-old Khan could persist until victory. Even the old man himself thought so, and finally revealed that after the war

, whoever can win the border pass will pass the position to him.

And if you want to take over the border, you have to become a vanguard.

If you want to become a vanguard, you need to gain the support of many tribes.

If you want to gain support, you must have prestige.

This is the reason why Alleghenda ran to the border. In order to increase his prestige, this guy made a series of plans. Using hostages to trap the border troops was only the first step.

Unfortunately, in this first step, he met Chu Qing. Chu Qing threw his father down as a hostage, and then Cuiyu was captured by him. In the end, Tao Weiran wanted to turn this strong man into a man with anal fissure.

Everyone was dumbfounded after hearing this. Even Ma Rujing, the border commander, looked dumbfounded.

"A dream?" Ma Rujing's outlook gradually collapsed: "Just because of a dream, the whole clan wants to attack Changchang?"

Only Chu Qing didn't show much expression. Although he thought it was strange, he quickly accepted it.

Again, there is no way to explain such things as religion. There are many things that are more unbelievable than this.

Seeing Tao Weiran, Fu San and a group of generals pulled up their trousers, and Allegenda, who cared not only about food but also about fighting, became arrogant again.

"The god of our grassland will protect us and help us. Kill all of you and the Han dogs."

Ma Rujing sneered again and again: "You Liang Rong, can you afford to fight? Have you ever been able to fight?"

"In the past, we would think, but now there is no need to think. Everyone knows that the border commander has been replaced. The two heroes of Zhongzhou are no longer here. The majestic Feng Luo is no longer here. They have replaced a commander who can only fight wildlings.

We will definitely win."

Ma Rujing: “…”

Alleganda is really not afraid of death, and he is still nagging: "Under your command, the frontier troops cannot eat meat or drink wine, and the knights have no horses to ride on."

Ma Rujing drew his sword again.

"You, a handsome Han man, can't do it. Whenever you Han dog businessmen tell us what measures you have taken, everyone will laugh, hahahaha."

Ma Rujing raised his sword, and a group of generals came over to stop him.

Alleghen's laughter became more and more wild: "The businessmen said that you Han people have spent all your money on the wrong places. Under your command, the border army is getting worse day by day. If we don't fight, you

You will starve to death, hahahaha, you are an idiot!"

Ma Rujing went crazy, and more than a dozen generals almost failed to stop him.

Chu Qing looked at Fu San next to him and said with a smile: "Third brother, remember to remind me when you return to Beijing to write a few books and sell them, memoirs. Writing memoirs in the name of Ma Shuai will definitely sell well."

Tao Weiran became interested: "Sir, do you want to write a book?"

"Well, "The grumpy commander manages the army online and does nothing all year round", yes, there are also "Tips for a border soldier to suffer poverty every day", and "When the commander thinks, Liang Rong laughs", hahahaha."

This chapter has been completed!
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