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Chapter 775 Long Yan is angry

Changjing, Jingyi Hall.

Huang Laosi did not approve the memorial today. Instead, he played with the sword after going to court. He was sweating profusely and sat behind the desk with a stinking smell all over his body.

Looking at the various memorials piled on the desk, Huang Laosi was unhappy again.

"Autumn requires money and grain, winter requires money and grain, spring requires money and grain, and summer also requires money and grain. The first word is money and grain, and the whole article only contains the word "money and grain". Aren't all the officials stupid? Crops are not harvested, taxes are not collected, and harvest is not collected everywhere. , wine sacks and rice sacks, they are all wine sacks and rice sacks.”

The old eunuch glanced at Huang Laosi, who had become increasingly bad-tempered recently, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

Huang Laosi cursed: "What are you looking at? You are also a loser."

"Old slave, I am guilty." Sun An said nothing, kneeling on the ground, his movements were so smooth and skillful that it made people feel distressed.

"It's really just wine and rice bags. Why are you standing there in a daze? I'm sweating. Why don't you go get some water?"

Sun An ran out quickly.

As he ran, the old eunuch felt a secret bitterness in his mouth.

The fourth child is now a little moody and exerting himself. When we were outside just now, we had to wipe the sweat of the fourth child. However, I liked the feeling of sweating profusely. But when I entered the house, you had to wipe the sweat again. This is With whom?

After getting a basin and a sweat towel, the fourth child wiped his face, then lowered his head and smelled his armpits, with a look of disgust on his face.

You have to face what you have to face. I wiped my sweat, drank tea, and sprayed Sun An to relieve my anger. I still had to read the memorial.

I just opened the first book, and the fourth child was unhappy again.

"For Lao Shi, this money is as easy as picking something out of a bag. Why do others say it is difficult, difficult? How difficult it is, and it becomes even more difficult!"

The fourth child, who was in a bad mood, felt that it was pointless to find an old eunuch to take out his anger, so he cursed and asked: "Have you impeached the old eunuch recently? Any minister can do it, right?"

The old eunuch shook his head repeatedly: "Your Majesty, since Commander Chu left the capital, Qianqi Camp has set up a report box. General Jiang has people guarding it every day. Not to mention the ministers, even the aristocratic families dare not talk about Chu in private. Commander."

"Report box?"

"Yes, it's just a wooden box. The people can report it. General Jiang said that the Chu Commander-in-Chief said before he left the capital that he was not in the capital. Qianqiying could not offend the courtiers and the aristocratic families, but it could take care of the aristocratic families. The younger the younger ones, the better. The better, if you catch a son of aristocratic family, you will be punished to death... If you want to cause harm to the dead, you will not beat the old ones, but only the younger ones. If you commit serious crimes, you will be punished to death. If you commit misdemeanors, you will be punished severely. If you are innocent, you will be punished. , to frame... to death?"

"What, you're framed for being innocent?" The fourth child's expression changed slightly: "This... this... this is wonderful!"

Sun An: “…”

The fourth child showed a pleased smile: "That's right, Thousand Cavalry Camp, the emperor's personal army, my personal army, whoever is not happy, just frame him, wonderful."

Sun An is silent every day.

He really wanted to remind Laosi that Qianqiying, the emperor's personal soldier, seems to be a person who is not displeased by you, Huang Laosi, but by Chu Qing.

Mentioning Chu Qing, the fourth child's mood gradually improved, and he asked habitually: "How long has it been since the old man left?"

Sun An was slightly startled and looked strange: "Fifty days?"

"Fart!" Huang Laosi scolded: "When I asked this morning, you still said forty-nine."

Sun An felt aggrieved and wanted nothing more.

That's right, you asked me this morning and we said it was the 49th. You asked me again and we thought you remembered it wrong. You knew you still asked?

Seeing that the fourth child was ready to vent his anger on him, Sun An quickly said: "Although no one has impeached Commander Chu, some aristocratic families are talking about him privately."

Huang Laosi was gearing up: "Who, who talked about him, and what did they say?"

"It is said that the commander-in-chief of Chu amassed money without any means. Before leaving the capital, he plundered 10 million yuan."

"Mother, how much?" Huang Laosi suddenly stood up, his expression changing.

"Ten...ten million." Sun An carefully explained: "It is said that Chu Qing extorted money from the family on the pretext that he would no longer make things difficult for them. As a result, after leaving the capital, Commander Chu did not make things difficult for them, but Qianqiying remained the same.

Diao...still stares at the family."

"Damn Chu Qing!" Huang Laosi became angry without warning: "How dare he act so recklessly."

The old eunuch was startled. He was so old just now, now he is dead?

Huang Laosi was really angry this time and actually kicked the desk over.

"In the clear world, at the feet of the Emperor, he dared to blatantly plunder so much money from aristocratic families, 10 million yuan, which is shocking, shocking!"

Huang Laosi's chest was heaving: "Although I don't like aristocratic families, there are many loyal people in the aristocratic families in Beijing who helped me to win the great treasure. This Chu Qing is so bold as to secretly use thousands of horses to ride on his own.

In the name of the commander of the battalion, he blackmailed a family worth tens of millions of dollars?!"

Sun An really didn't expect Huang Lao Si to actually get angry, and he also saw that Chu Qing seemed to have encountered Lao Si's reverse scale.

When Qian Qiying attacked aristocratic families before, he did not overwhelm them all with one stroke. As Lao Si said, many aristocratic families had experienced dragons. However, Chu Qing attacked indiscriminately and demanded money, which was a bit unjustifiable.

, and the amount is really too big, 10 million yuan. Let alone seeing it before, the fourth child has never burned so much money when he visited the imperial mausoleum.

"Sun An!"

"The old slave is here."

"I issued an order and sent it to the border troops after giving instructions. This Chu Qing is so bold and reckless. Relying on my holy favor, does he really think he can have nothing to worry about? You bastard!"

Sun An did not dare to hesitate and quickly asked the young eunuch at the door to get a second-hand copy of the imperial edict.

After a while, the young eunuch brought the tools. Sun An looked at Huang Laosi's face and said: "Your Majesty, how...how to write."

"How to write, you tell me how to write!" Huang Laosi yelled: "I thought that brother De Laoshi was more powerful than a tiger, and regarded him and Chengyan as my right-hand men, instead of confiding in them, but this Chu Qing,

How...you actually let me down like this!"

A fist hit his thigh, and Huang Laosi yelled: "Ten million guan, damn 10 million guan, before you leave Beijing, you only give me 50,000 guan, just give me 50,000 guan, he

It’s shameless. It’s only 50,000 guan. I was so happy that I couldn’t sleep for several nights. I would wake up smiling from my dreams. As a result...as a result...as a result, this bastard actually looted 10 million guan. Sun

An, tell me, is he a human or an animal? He has 10 million guan, so give me 50,000 guan, only 50,000 guan!"

Sun An opened his mouth wide. Even after following him for so many years, he was still impressed by his unfathomable bottom line.

But in an instant, Sun An realized it again.

Yes, the fourth child should be angry.

Because when Chu Qing gave the old man 400,000 yuan, he clearly remembered how happy the old man was at that time and said "Thank you, Brother Chu".

"Excuse me!" Huang Laosi shouted angrily: "A severe apology, a big apology, write it now."

Sun An swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Your Majesty, old slave, how do you write this?"

"Just write..."

Huang Laosi was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know what he suddenly thought of. He frowned: "This bastard has always been soft-hearted rather than hard-lined, but I am the emperor, and I should let him know the emperor's majesty. Okay, I said

, you write.”

"Old slave, I'll write it now."

"The commander of Qianqi Camp, the three-level military supervisor, Chu Qing, a man from Si'an County, has bad moral conduct, is arrogant and rude, and has repeatedly offended the emperor with his words. This is a crime of great disrespect. The so-called minister is someone who shares the worries of the emperor. I

Since I came to the throne, I have been diligent in running the country, but I only have two sons. The draft ceremony was not held, which is really a regret in my heart. It is not that I want to waste people and money, but that the old man, the Supreme Emperor, has been urging me all day long. I have been a filial person since I was a child.

, I don’t want to add to the worries of this old guy, but I know that the inner treasury is empty, and I can’t help but ask for help. Chu Aiqing is a minister, and I want to share the worries of the king. It’s what I should do. Why don’t you give me money and fulfill the emperor’s wish? I am not a greedy person.

, One million guan is enough. If it is not enough, I will order you to send someone to deliver the banknote. No, no, no, one million guan is enough. If the need is less than one million guan, I will return the remaining money.

Dear dear, dear dear, you are my confidant. You know that I never lie. If I say I will pay you back, I will pay you back. No, no, no, five hundred thousand guan is enough, but it is not possible. Three hundred thousand guan,

Three hundred thousand guan, at least 300,000 guan. The one-time price is 300,000 guan. It cannot be less. You have plundered 10 million guan in the capital. You must know that when we were in Huachuan, you and I conspired on big things.

He also said three to seven points, I seven and you three, this time only three hundred thousand guan, which is not too much. When I have money in the future, I will pay it back in full, 300,000 guan, it is settled, thank you Brother Chu, I appreciate this.


Sun An finished writing with a grin on his face. After writing the last word, he looked at the fourth child and was no longer able to complain.

Is this a warning? Is this an IOU?

"Three hundred thousand gu..." Huang Laosi hesitated and looked at the old eunuch: "Would you like to add that this boy is probably my tenth brother? If he is a brother... an extra 200,000 guan is not excessive.


The old eunuch was embarrassed to speak.

For what you wrote in the IOU, it would be great if Chu Qing could give you ten strings.

This chapter has been completed!
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