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Chapter 813 Cold Arrow

Because it was behind the slope, no one found Chu Qing.

Because it was night, there was no fire nearby.

Because Tong Gui and others were carrying quivers on their backs.

Because by bypassing the slope, you can reach directly behind the Iron Wolf Guard general.

All the conditions, all the advantages, everything seemed to tell Chu Qing that he should join the battle.

Chu Qing didn't need to think, because he knew that the only way to prevent the border troops from dying in battle and reduce the number of deaths in battle was to join the battlefield from behind the enemy's rear.

More than forty people bent down, took out their long bows, and took out the arrows from their quivers, like silent hunters, shuttled around the periphery of the battlefield.

More than forty people join the battlefield head-on, and there is no way to determine the outcome of the battle unless the enemy general is killed quickly!

The leader of the 3,200 Iron Wolf Guards is none other than Anatu. He has a great reputation on the grassland and has shared life and death with Tuoba Eagle. Anatu is a slave from a small tribe who has been defeated and has experienced countless battles.

Anatu, the leader of the Iron Wolf Guard, became a grassland legend of the nobility.

The burly figure stood among the guards, his face expressionless, his cloak flapping.

The commander, sitting in the commander's tent or behind the army, considers the overall situation.

General, the same is true.

A person who has read books, knows how to read and write, and speaks well may not necessarily become a qualified general.

Because to become a general, you must have battlefield wisdom.

A person with battlefield wisdom may not become a general, but a person without battlefield wisdom will never be a qualified general.

This kind of wisdom cannot be explained clearly. It is more like a reaction, an intuition, the fastest reaction, and the most accurate intuition. Through reaction and intuition, one can judge the situation in an instant and make the best decision for oneself.

decision-making, this is battlefield wisdom.

The six major camps at the border and the twelve generals and deputy generals all possess this kind of wisdom.

Niu Ren, the commander of Guoyi camp, also has the same qualifications.

When the cool thieves first came out of the forest, according to the plan, they should not take action right away, but let the cool thieves go some distance before they came out from behind.

However, there were too many Liang bandits, more than Niu Ren expected.

If more than 3,000 people cannot be stopped, it will be a huge disaster for Bian Town after they are reduced to parts.

So Niu Ren gave the order and ordered the attack.

The reason for attacking in advance was that Niu Ren made the worst and best plan.

He has no certainty of victory. Even if he wins, it will be a miserable victory, but if he loses, his entire army will be annihilated.

Winning is naturally the best.

But if they lose, Liang Zei will definitely not have too many men left.

The few cool thieves will immediately turn back into the mountains and forests and escape.

If he appears from behind and is blocked between the cool thief and the forest, even if the cool thief runs away, he will run towards the inside of the pass instead of escaping into the forest.

This is Niu Ren's battlefield wisdom. He would rather not enter the ambush circle, but also ensure that even if his entire army is wiped out, the Liang bandits will leave and return to the grassland, instead of breaking them into pieces and going to the border town to massacre the people at the border.

Anatu also possesses this kind of battlefield wisdom.

The two sides are fighting without any communication, but they are communicating all the time.

Anatu understood Niu Ren's thoughts in an instant.

Chang's army wants to beat them away, break into the mountains and forests, and "drive" them away, because the opponent is not sure of victory. If they are, they will cut off their escape route, making this ambush even more perfect, and wipe out all of them in one fell swoop.


The reason why it was imperfect was not because Chang Jun was a loser, but because the troops were insufficient. It was clearly an ambush, but there was no guarantee of victory. The only possibility for this ambush plan to be imperfect was that the opponent did not have enough troops.

Since the opponent's numbers are insufficient, why don't you fight to the death?

Since you can attack if you advance and run if you retreat, why don't you fight to the death?

Under Anatu's calm eyes, bloodthirsty light flashed from time to time.

The darkness was dispelled by the light of fire, and after passing through countless swords, swords, shadows, and countless corpses, Anatu saw Niu Ren, the frontier general standing at the back, holding a long sword and looking at him.

Anatu is sure, extremely sure, that the person who can organize and lead this ambush must be one of the six battalions. The black armor, although there is no battle flag, but with a straight knife, is an infantry, closest to the border mountains and forests.

If the camp is large, then it must be Guoyiying, and the commander-in-chief is naturally Guoyiying, Niu Ren!

Anatu didn't feel any regrets. He was just glad that in order to avenge his brother Tuoba Ying, he brought 3,200 people. It was precisely because he brought 3,200 people that the other party started to


He wanted to cut off Niu Ren's head, bring it back to the grassland, and present it to his master, the great prince of the grassland.

A piercing sound broke through the air, coming from behind.

At the critical moment, out of a completely instinctive reaction, Anatu squatted on the ground with his legs bent. Behind him, six corpses fell, and another arrow passed by his ear.

Still acting instinctively, completely instinctively, Anatu grabbed the bodyguard beside him and blocked him in front of him.

The next second, less than a second, the guard in front of him was shot through the head.

After throwing the body away, Anatu shouted, and the guards drew their bows and fired arrows to fight back.

They can't see the enemy, but they can roughly guess their location.

It was Chu Qing and others who made a sneak attack in the darkness.

Tian Hailong and Xiao Yi looked unwilling.

Although Anatu was burly, he was not tall. If he had been a few centimeters taller, or if the two of them had been positioned higher, he would have shot Anatu to death just now.

The difference in numbers was nearly double, and the leader was not shot once. Hand-to-hand combat at close quarters was undoubtedly a disadvantage.

Seeing that Tong Gui and others were about to rush forward, Chu Qing, who protected his upper body with a shield, remained extremely calm.

"Wait for them to come. Those people don't have many quivers with them. Wait for them to come. Wait for them to get close."

Chu Qing slowed down his breathing and kept repeating.

"Wait for them, wait for them to come, get closer, get closer, shoot more cool thieves, get closer, be more accurate, shoot more cool thieves, slower, slower, get closer, be more accurate!"

At this moment, Chu Qing was extremely calm, even if there were only about forty people around him, even if the other party had more than a hundred people, even if the other party really sent nearly half of their men to rush over.

The blood flow in the body continued to accelerate, the heartbeat was also beating fast, but it was extremely powerful. The brain was extremely calm, and adrenaline was continuously secreted. Chu Qing took Qianji over, cut off his sleeve, and wrapped it around the handle of the knife.


Fu San held the long sword tightly, and Nangong Ping, who held the long sword, shouted at Chu Qing from the left and the right.

No one talked nonsense, said that a gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall, or told Chu Qing to run away.

The death of the border army is related to everyone. Chu Qing will not leave. Everyone knows that everyone here will not leave unless Anatu is killed!

There was a buzzing sound, and two arrows were shot from the hands of Xiao Yi and Tian Hailong. The two rushing thieves fell down in response to the sound.

With more than fifty people, Anatu separated nearly half of his personal guards and came to the rear.

He also knew that the Chang people who attacked him would not be large in number. If there were many people, they would not shoot cold arrows or fail to rush over immediately.

Getting closer and closer, the fifty or so people were getting closer and closer, their figures gradually became blurry, and they rushed into the darkness, looking for the enemy in the darkness.

"Kill them!"

Chu Qing roared angrily, and everyone rushed forward to officially enter this flesh and blood mill!

This chapter has been completed!
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