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Chapter 816

As the chief general of the Iron Wolf Guard, Anatu did not hold down the formation, or even lead people to attack Chu Qing's battle formation. Instead, he led a few personal guards to chase Nangong Ping. This was undoubtedly extremely stupid.

It was extremely derelict of duty. Even a layman like Chu Qing would not make such a low-level mistake.

But in fact, this kind of stupidity and dereliction of duty is something that only the border troops cannot understand.

It has been proven countless times in history that soldiers in China, in order to protect the people, would rather die in battle than fail to achieve their strategic goals and make some "wrong" decisions.

From the development of cold weapons to hot weapons, the land of China has experienced too many wars, and in these wars, a large part of the heroic deeds recorded are about the choices and sacrifices of soldiers.

Soldiers sometimes die not because of a mistake in battle, but because they want to protect the people behind them.

Official history, unofficial history, and modern history all record this story about military spirit and choice in detail.

Soldiers also have weaknesses. The biggest weakness of Chinese soldiers is the common people.

During the tragic war of resistance against Japan, when the dogs could not find the Chinese soldiers, they would seize civilians as hostages. This kind of thing happened very rarely.

And Chinese soldiers, from ancient times to the present, no matter whether they have read or not, no matter whether they understand any big principles, no matter what family or country, they only remember one thing, one thing that is natural and right, that is to protect.

Good people.

Therefore, Chu Qing and others felt that Anatu's behavior was idiotic.

But what Anatu did was undoubtedly wise in the eyes of Liang Ren.

In the grassland, if they are not from the same tribe, it is rare for the rangers to protect "civilians". Since the beginning of the Chang Dynasty, when the Chang army went deep into the grassland a few times, the rangers would leave behind some old and weak people who were holding them back.

Serve as cannon fodder and resistance, slowing down Chang's army's march.

It is completely different from Chang Jun's choice. Inside the wall, the army will let the people leave and they will leave behind them. But outside the wall, on the grassland, the cold thieves will let the people who have no fighting ability stay behind.

They leave.

From Liang Zei's point of view, Anatu's decision is in line with his own interests.

In battle, there must always be a strategic goal.

Just like Anatu led people into the mountains and forests of the border city in order to kill Chu Qing, who went to the Sun family for a banquet.

But now they fell into the trap. Anatu just waited and watched for a moment and knew that the frontier army would not retreat. Even if the number was more than a thousand people different, they would still fight to the last man. When the frontier army fought to the last man, his subordinates,

How many people are left?

Since it was a trap, Chu Qing, who wanted to kill him, would naturally not go to the Sun family.

Therefore, Anatu just wanted to take Niu Ren's head, annihilate some of the soldiers of Guoyi Camp, one of the six battalions, and then kill Niu Ren, the leader of Guoyi Camp, leave, and return to the grassland to add more glory to his record.

of a sum.

Among the many rumors about Anatu, one thing is very consistent, that is, he must take the lead in every battle, lead his bodyguards into the enemy camp, and kill local generals to boost morale. This has always been Anatu's habit.


But today, Anatu did not do this, because he did not want to boost morale, and he did not even want too many Iron Wolf Guards to survive.

This is where Anatu is smart. Knowing that today is a trap, the Chang army will definitely have cavalry guarding the exit of the mountain forest.

Since there are defenders, the smaller the number of people on one's side, the safer it is and the greater the chance of returning to the grassland alive.

When Chu Qing and others appeared, Anatu gave up Niu Ren's head and wanted Chu Qing's head.

At this time, Anatu no longer cares about winning or losing, let alone how many of the Iron Wolf Guards are left alive. It doesn't matter if they all die in battle. As long as he kills Chu Qing, cuts off his head, and then enters the forest, the number of people

The fewer there are, the greater the chance of evading the defenders on the other side.

When Anatu completely gave up on his men, the pressure on Chu Qing was greatly reduced.

Everyone was worried about Nangong Ping, and the more they killed, the braver they became. In addition, the Liang thief who was rushing to see Anatu and his men ran to the other side instead of supporting him, their fighting spirit suddenly disappeared.

In a matter of moments, more than fifty Liang thieves were killed.

Without Chu Qing's orders, everyone quickly chased Anatu.

On Chu Qing's side, he chased Anatu, Anatu, and Nangong Ping. Nangong Ping then went around the outside and ran to the back of Guoyi camp.

As long as Anatu and the others are led to Niu Ren, and then kill Anatu, the battle will be over.

Nangong Ping is not a fool. Dozens of people will definitely chop him into pieces as long as he runs too slow.

Because they were fighting on the run and entering the pass, Anatu's personal guards carried a large amount of dry food, which naturally slowed them down a lot. Moreover, on the grassland, they relied on horseback to travel, so they would not be able to catch up for a while.

Seeing "Chu Qing" running like a rabbit, Anatu fired another arrow.

Nangong Ping is surrounded by dangers. Although he has to run, he cannot run in a straight line.

The goddess of luck really favored Chu Qing once.

If Anatu had not chased Nangong Ping, but led his men to charge into Fu San's battle formation, with only more than thirty people, he might not have been able to withstand it for a while. Chu Qing might have really died here.

Unfortunately, Fu San shouted "Master Chu, run quickly".

Unfortunately, Nangong Ping ran away immediately.

It's a pity that Anatu understands Chinese.

Unfortunately, Fu San also knew that most of the nobles on Liang Zei's side knew how to shout.

If he wins tonight, Anatu will not be defeated by the Iron Wolf Guard's lack of bravery, but by the wisdom of Third Brother's ever-evolving wisdom.

Too many regrets made Anatu fall into the abyss step by step. Now it was too late for him to go back and fuck Chu Qing and others.

Because the team was already bitten by Fu San and others at the end.

They are all chasing, they are all running, and they are all fighting.

On the battlefield, an extremely funny scene occurred.

The high-value target, Chu Qing, and a group of people were chasing another high-value target, Anatu. The high-value target, Anatu, was chasing Nangong Ping, who had no relationship with Bian Junmao.

It's not that Nangong Ping has no cards, he has quite a lot of cards. His uncle is the prime minister of the current dynasty.

The problem is that his identity has nothing to do with border customs or border troops.

More and more Iron Wolf Guards generals and personal guards were cut down to the ground. Anatu also noticed what was coming from behind and shouted a few words. Most of them turned their heads and started to defend themselves against the enemy, trying to slow down Chu Qing and others.


As for Anatu, he is still chasing Nangong Ping.

The more I chase, the angrier I get.

Because after Nangong Ping ran for a while, when he saw that Anatu had not caught up, he kept waving his hands, as if calling, "Come here!"

Guoyi camp is still fighting hard.

They had no idea that the enemy general had been lured away. As long as a part of their manpower was allocated to assist Nangong Ping, behead Anatu, hold Anatu's head and yell a few times, the battle would be over.

This is also the sorrow of soldiers, the sorrow of soldiers in the cold weapon era, and the sorrow of frontier troops.

Many times, battles and sacrifices suddenly become meaningless.

Because of a certain idea of ​​a big shot, or because of stupid cleverness, because of a certain incident, because of an unexpected accident, life was lost in vain.

Just like the Iron Wolf Guards, they had no idea that they had been abandoned by Anatu.

The most precious life is worthless, and even less valuable after death.

The corpse was trampled and covered with warm blood. On the main battlefield, both sides were still fighting for the "line", fighting one after another, swords and blood raining down.

There were fewer and fewer personal guards following Anatu, and Anatu, who had been very strong since childhood, stopped shooting arrows and used all his strength to run in the dark, even throwing away the few remaining personal guards.


He only has one thought now: kill "Master Chu".

Nangong Ping charged and killed for a while, which exhausted a lot of his physical strength. He ran for a while and gradually became exhausted.

There was still some distance away from Guoyi Camp. Nangong Ping looked back, suddenly smiled and stopped.

Not to mention just one Anatu, as long as there are no more than five people, he dares to fight.

Seeing Anatu rushing over, Nangong Ping took a breath and actually held the sword and slightly raised his hand.

"I, the scholar, carry a three-foot green sword to kill the traitors who harm the people and punish the enemies of the country. On behalf of the three hundred prosperous people, tonight, to demand justice from heaven and earth, kill!"

As soon as the word "kill" was heard, Nangong Ping ran towards Anatu with a long sword in hand.

This is a true scholar. I will seek justice for the slaughter of my own people, an eye for an eye, and blood for blood!

This chapter has been completed!
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