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Chapter 829 Celebration Banquet

At several large round stone tables, the generals sat down one after another, then stood up to toast together, celebrating the liberation of the heroes who died in battle, and wishing them to be reincarnated as soon as possible and no longer be a frontier soldier in the next life.

Chu Qing broke through his guard instantly, holding back the tears that burst out of his eyes, and lowered his head.

Those who say they don’t want to be border soldiers every day are border soldiers.

It is said every day that the most miserable people are the frontier soldiers.

Those who talk about regret are also border soldiers.

But it was the border troops who fought to the death on the battlefield, resisted foreign enemies, charged the most fiercely, suffered the most deaths, and had the most unwavering responsibility.

The border troops are always so inconsistent.

Just like these generals, they have long regarded the border as their home and their robes as their relatives. If there is an afterlife, Chu Qing believes that they will definitely choose to come to the border and become frontier soldiers to fight for the country with heroic spirit.

Go to death!

"How fucking hypocritical!"

Chu Qing held back tears, cursed, and drank the wine in one gulp.

Fu San also called Lin Kui, and Tao Weiran and others also came back.

Everyone could see that Chu Qing was in a bad mood, so he tried to pick some happy things to talk about.

In fact, there is nothing happy about it. Everyone is busy, especially Tao Weiran and Cuiyu, who both have multiple jobs.

Not only is Lin Kui scary-looking, he is also a silent man.

When I met Chu Qing just now, he was quite talkative. Instead, he and a group of strangers only focused on eating and drinking.

Fu San said angrily: "The border troops are no better than those in Beijing. From now on, Huzi, you and I will be by the young master's side."

"Yes." Lin Kui wiped his mouth, cherishing his words like gold.

Raising his glass and paying tribute to Chu Qing, Lin Hai looked at Fu San again and said angrily: "Back then, you still said that the dog was rich and noble, and looked at each other. You went to the Chu Mansion and followed the master and the eldest young master. Why didn't you agree with the master?

Tell me, let me go to Chu Mansion too."

"Huzi, please read more books from now on. That's called seeking wealth and honor. Don't forget each other. Why look at each other."

Lin Shi raised his eyebrows: "Lao San, why...why do you seem to be a different person?"

Fu San didn't say a word, just minding his own eating.

He felt that this kind of thing could not be explained to Lin Hai.

Just like when the housekeeper asked him to study in the past, he thought it was a dirty thing.

But now Fu San has enlightened.

Reading is just to deal with the bad guys!

Chu Qing drained the wine again and smiled.

What happened has passed. No matter how sad you are, things are irreversible. It is business to cheer up and try your best to do something at the border that can change this place.

"Come on, brothers and sisters, let's drink this glass of wine and wish you all may live until death!"

A group of people raised their cups dumbfounded, and Lu Zhu also covered her mouth and smiled.

Lu Zhu likes to stay with everyone. No one will look at him differently because of her former identity, nor will she be unable to sit and eat and drink with everyone because of her status as a woman. She prefers what Chu Qing said

The four words "brothers and sisters" mean that Chu Qing likes to be different from others and is regarded as brothers and sisters.

Luzhu understands men very well. A look, a brief sentence, or an inadvertent gesture can all let her know what a man is thinking.

That's why she knew that Chu Qing and the people around him really regarded her as one of their own.

Putting down the cup, Chu Qing looked at Lin Kui, the new member of the gang: "General Lin, I almost forgot to ask you how old you are."

"At the end of this year, there will be twenty-three."

A group of people looked at each other, and Chu Qing was also confused: "Twenty-three, I was catching the wolf army before, what is your rank?"

"Lieutenant Zhiguo."

Chu Qing was shocked: "From the seventh grade?"

"Yes, he is good at knife skills." Lin Kui showed a smile that was more scary than honest: "I also helped him and became a military commander."

Chu Qing counted on his fingers. This guy left the border army more than a year ago. Even if it is two years, does this mean that he became a seventh-grade general at the age of twenty-one?

Fu San saw Chu Qing's confusion and explained: "Huzi joined the army at the age of fourteen and has been killing bandits for eight years, which is not fast."

"Fourteen years old?!"

Fu San smiled and said: "This guy has been ugly since he was a child. His parents disliked him and sent him to the garrison guard. Then the border troops came."

Lin Ku cursed: "You are so damn handsome."

Fu San sighed.

I am obviously not handsome, but why do women always bother me? I am really troubled.

Chu Qing discovered that all the border troops were really talented. He originally thought that Xiao Yi was powerful enough, but he didn't expect that Lin Kui was even more powerful and joined the army at the age of fourteen.

Involuntarily, Chu Qing wanted to know more about Lin Hu.

"General Lin, what do you mean, third brother hasn't been looking for you for more than a year?"

Lin Hai was not surprised by Chu Qing's name for Fu San. Who in the capital didn't know Chu Qing's name? If they knew Chu Qing, they would also know Fu San.

"This bastard always looks for other veterans of the frontier army when he is in the capital, but he never looks for us, the wolf-catchers."

Fu San squinted his eyes and said: "At that time, Qianqiying's scoundrels were everywhere. Who knows if anyone was watching Chu Mansion? If I found you, let Qianqiying know that all the wolf-catching troops were in the capital, and I would harm you."

It doesn't matter, you can afford to hurt the master and young master."

Lin Ku suddenly realized it and punished himself with a drink.

Fu San also drank a drink, and Lu Zhu quickly filled it up for Fu San. Unexpectedly, at this time, a whistling sound came from the cup.

"Third brother, third brother, third brother, third brother, where are you?"

Ma Rujing let out a long sigh and continued to eat and drink. A group of generals adjusted their angles, preparing to see Comrade Ma embarrassed.

Ma Ying ran in quickly as if there were springs on her feet, glanced around, and saw Fu San.

Lu Zhu deliberately served Fu San another dish, which made Ma Ying very angry.

Walking over, Ma Ying pointed at the green bead: "It's you vixen again."

Luzhu doesn't care about her at all.

"You!" Ma Ying looked at Lin Kui next to Fu San with another arrogant look: "Get out of the way, I want to sit here."

Chu Qing frowned fiercely, but Lin Hai didn't know who Ma Ying was, so he quickly stood up and got out of the way.

Chu Qing turned around, pulled the stool over, and placed it next to him: "General Lin, sit down, let us two have a good drink."

Lin Kui was flattered and quickly sat down.

After Ma Ying sat down, her eyes almost grew on Fu San's.

"Third brother, third brother, what have you been busy with recently? I can't see you all the time."

Fu San said angrily: "Read and write poetry during the day, and visit the brothels at night."

"Ah?" Ma Ying's face turned pale: "Third brother, are you this kind of person?"

"It's just a joke, how could I be such a person?" Fu San laughed: "Who the hell knows how to read and write poems? I only like to visit brothels."

Ma Ying was happy again: "Third brother can't be this kind of person. Besides, where can there be such a romantic place in Wangyuan City?"

Chu Qing laughed happily.

Yes, the third brother is not this kind of person. The third brother is in Beijing and has almost become the brand image spokesperson of the industry.

Cuiyu sat over, and Chu Qing smiled with a smile on his face: "What happened, Brother Yu."

"Master Chu, the matter of the divine arm crossbow is a bit difficult to deal with."

"What?" Chu Qing waved his hand and held the chopsticks in his mouth: "If it's difficult to do, don't do it!"

Resisting the urge to lift the table, Chu Qing shouted: "Yu, are you kidding me? I gave you an advance payment of 500,000 yuan, and now you're telling me that it's difficult for me?"

"Master Chu, don't be impatient. Let me tell you slowly first."

"Tell me slowly, I have so many expectations and so many regrets, you know." Chu Qing's nose was so angry that he said, "If you can't do it, I will use you as an arrow and shoot you directly at the wall, at the city wall.


"Bow string, there is no bow string."


Cuiyu looked back at the generals in the distance and whispered: "Master Chu, can you give Lao Sheng eight thousand strong bows?"

"Oh, I told you earlier, it turns out we only need 8,000 strong bows."

Chu Qing breathed a big sigh of relief, and then pointed at the Moon Gate.

Cuttlefish: "What do you mean?"

"Get out of here!" Chu Qing yelled: "How many strong bows are there at the border? I gave them to you. You can transform into a gun to defend the city. Geneva will pay you back, and give me back five hundred thousand bows!"

This chapter has been completed!
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