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Chapter 835 Thinking and Laughing

Changjing is too far away, the government hall is too high, the monarch and his ministers sit in the clouds, these people and things have nothing to do with the border.

The soldiers and civilians at the border are only thinking about one thing right now, the three-pronged weapons supervisor Zheng Chuqing.

Chu Qing fell ill.

The news spread like a plague to the entire border.

In the originally bustling southern suburbs, tens of thousands of people were carrying logs and lowering their heads, and it was eerily quiet.

In Wangyuan City, those shops that have just been built and lined up, people who used to get off work every night come to take a look, and look forward to how many things everyone will buy when these shops open, and make money, and have a good time

Eat a few meals.

But now, people just walk and pass by in silence.

The common people from the pass were scolding them every day. This time, the unscrupulous people in Wangyuan City did not retaliate, but lowered their heads and continued to do so.

These people from Guannai Road were cursing, not only the people of Wangyuan City, but also the military.

They said that when he was in Beijing, Chu Qing helped refugees, fought against aristocratic families, and rectified merchants. He was so busy every day that his feet could not touch the ground, but he never got sick.

Even if life is dark, Chu Qing and Qianqiying are a ray of light. When they are completely shrouded in darkness, Chu Qing will lead Qianqiying to appear, dispel the darkness and bring light.

Especially the more than a thousand people who were transferred from Chu Qing's fiefdom in the capital. To them, Chu Qing was their benefactor. No matter how busy his benefactor was, he never fell ill.

But when I came to the border, I did so many things, so many things related to the people, and even went to battle, killed thieves, and did many things that I shouldn't have done. It was all because of the border troops and the army.

People also fell ill, and the border was harmed.

In the six camps at the border, the already silent troops became even more silent.

Many people always feel that Chu Qing has little to do with them, at least not now, because most of Chu Qing's energy is focused on Wangyuan City.

Wangyuan City seems to have come to a standstill. It turns out that everything is related to Chu Qing. All the longings and expectations. With Chu Qing falling ill and not showing up for a long time, the people of Wangyuan City were extremely frightened.

In the commanding tent of the Xiaoqi camp, Ma Rujing showed a rare look of helplessness.

Many generals gathered together.

Tian Hailong lowered his head, unable to conceal worry in his eyes.

"Six days, exactly six days. Mr. Chu drank decoction every day. He almost never got out of bed. He didn't get better."

Yang Baobei smashed his fist on his leg: "I don't know when the news came out. No wonder my subordinates have been depressed these days. If the deforestation is delayed, they are counting on making some money to supplement it."


Zhang Chengxiao, who had always disliked Chu Qing, sighed: "The soldiers who have relatives in Wangyuan City are not here to earn wages. The wages earned by relatives are enough to cover expenses, but..."

After a pause, Zhang Chengxiao murmured, even if he didn't want to admit it: "Everyone is worried about Chu Jianzheng. People are no longer happy for the wages. They all say that Chu Jianzheng will make them even dream of it."

Bringing the day to everyone.”

"Yes." Niu Ren shook his head and sighed: "The actors who come to the camp every night, the meat sent every three days, and the doctors outside the camp are all brought by Chu Jianzheng. Brothers are afraid of Chu

There are three advantages and two disadvantages in prison, this..."

"Niu Ren!" Ma Rujing raised his head and glared angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, this boy from the Chu family has a tough life!"

This was the first time that Ma Rujing scolded the senior border officer Niu Ren, and even Xiao Zhi snorted heavily.

"This general will discuss the matter. In the past, I didn't see anything wrong, but since Chu Qing fell ill, Mr. Mo, who was in charge of building houses in the southern suburbs, stayed outside the Marshal's house all day long. The people who were working seemed to have nothing to do.

As for the fat man named Tao, he doesn't care about his shop or his workshop. The people gather all day long and don't know what to do. If this goes on for a long time, there will be trouble."

Yang Baobei shook his head slightly: "What trouble will happen? Although many errands have been suspended, wages are still calculated as usual, once every five days. They were paid just yesterday."

Ma Rujing looked at the empty tea cup on the desk with a faint look.

He was suddenly afraid, very afraid.

Suddenly, I remembered what I had said, the rules of the border, and the appearance of the border. Who can change it?

Feng Luo can't change, and neither can he, Ma Rujing. Chu Qing wants to change, but it's just a fool's errand!

But things have indeed changed now, changing every day, moistening things silently, and changing unconsciously.

It was not until these few days that many things, things that everyone should do, suddenly stopped, and then I realized that they had changed a long time ago. It was precisely because of the changes that as Chu Qing fell ill, everyone began to worry and worry.

Going back to the past, I worry that the border is still the same border, dull and painful, a border that makes people want to escape but dare not.

Taking a deep breath, Ma Rujing looked at Tian Hailong: "On weekdays, you and Chu Qing are closest to each other. Now you come and tell me, Chu Qing, what exactly you are going to do!"

This sentence is a very strange question. What Chu Qing wants to do is done clearly, even ordinary people know what Chu Qing wants to do.

Tian Hailong was not a fool. He knew what Ma Rujing meant as soon as he heard this.

"Clear down the forest to get wood. Transport the wood to Wangyuan City to build weapons and build workshops..."

Before Tian Hailong could finish speaking, Ma Rujing stood up, took out a pen and paper, and said in a deep voice: "Continue talking."

"The most important part of this workshop is used for making paper."

"Papermaking?" Ma Rujing raised his head in surprise. It was also the first time for other generals to hear about this.

"A few days ago, Supervisor Chu and Mr. Mo worked together to come up with the idea of ​​making paper. I heard that once it is made, the paper will be extremely cheap."

Tian Hailong gestured with his hand: "Such a large piece, dozens of pieces, only costs a few cents."

A group of generals took a breath of cold air.

"Chu Jianzheng said that once the papermaking workshop is built, Wangyuan City will sell a large amount of paper. This is a long-term solution to solve the livelihood of the people in Wangyuan City. Although the border mountains and forests can be cut down, they can still

Not only does it need to be cut, but it also needs to be planted. As for the details, even the generals don’t understand it, and Mr. Chu also said that it is not a day’s work.”


After saying two good words in a row, Ma Rujing scribbled down: "There's more."

"Twelve communities in Biangong City..." Tian Hailong recalled for a moment and said uncertainly: "Master Chu said they were called communities. In short, there are twelve communities, eight of which are suitable for military relatives to live, and the remaining four

, the frontier soldiers who have served for three years can live in it, no money is needed, no money is needed to live in, the house belongs to the army and their relatives, in addition, they have to continue to build, what is the second phase, the second phase

Eighteen places will be built."

Ma Rujing was shocked again: "Isn't it sales?"

"Military members and their relatives can live here without spending any money."

The other generals opened their mouths and were speechless for a long time.

After lowering his head to write down, Ma Rujing said, "Continue."

"Move trees and grass."

"What do you mean?"

"Chu Jianzheng has ordered people to build a horse farm near Wangyuan City. He wants to transplant the trees and turf from the border mountains and forests... I don't understand. In short, Mr. Chu's intention is to transplant trees and flowers into the horse farm. Closer

A large number of horses were sent over that time."

Ma Rujing became nervous: "Are these horses used to support the border troops?"

"Yes, Mr. Chu said that not only should horses be brought here, but they should also be bred in large numbers to find ways to solve the problem of soil and grassland, and to try to solve the problem of the border army's lack of war horses."

The generals looked at each other in confusion. As Tian Hailong described what he knew and described part of Chu Qing's blueprint, the generals fell into silence.

Ma Rujing seemed to have thought of something, his eyes began to move around, and his face looked thoughtful.

A long time ago, Chu Qing decided to return to Beijing and publish a book, Comrade Ma's memoirs, called "The Marshal Laughs When He Thinks about God."

This chapter has been completed!
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