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Chapter 858

Chu Qing and others left, and Xu Tianchen, who was howling and howling, was tied to Fu San's horse.

The Xu family went crazy. The head of the family, Xu Shiqing, stood stunned in the wind, surrounded by servants lying on the ground rubbing their legs.

They wanted to stop him, but they didn't, so the detectives beat him up.

Chu Qing said before leaving, very straightforwardly, that Xu Tianchen was the hostage. If the border army successfully recruited soldiers, he would be released to Xu Tianchen. If they could not recruit soldiers, Xu Tianchen would stay in the border army camp for the rest of his life.

Chu Qing did not study, but he knew Chang Lv very well.

Although the Chang Dynasty had government soldiers, it was not a government army system, but similar to a conscription system.

Recruitment is based on "Dao", and each state has the right to recruit young men and women into the army. As long as they are over 16 years old, they can join the military guards in various places.

, everyone must report to the government, regardless of rank or rank, unless you have meritorious service or have a disability, otherwise you must report, and the government also has the right to warn you to enlist in the army.

This is also the reason why many people are willing to go to the capital to take root, because the three roads near the center of the capital never recruit troops, and the eight major battalions are always full and rarely recruit troops.

This means that Xu Tianchen, who is neither an only son nor famous, needs to report to the government, and the border army can take this person directly to the border army to join the army.

Although the Chang Code says this, it doesn't make sense because the local governments don't support them at all. Where there is no need to recruit soldiers, there are young men everywhere. Where there is a need to recruit soldiers, they can't be recruited.

In any case, Xu Tianchen was taken away by Chu Qing, and from the young master Wenquxing of the Xu family, he directly became a glorious member of the frontier army.

Fu San felt that Xu Tianchen was too noisy, and the boy was knocked unconscious by such a big dick.

The group of people rode back to the wolf-catching camp. Just in time, more than a hundred young men in Yuanyuan City had signed up to join the army. Chu Qing didn't think much and asked Tao Weiran to take over. From tomorrow on, the new recruits will be trained. How to train.

Practice, if Xu Tianchen dares to run, he will be beaten if caught. Just don't beat him to death or cripple him.

As for whether the Xu family will surrender, Chu Qing doesn't care. It's fine if he's not at the border. Since he is at the border, he will do anything to anyone who dares to do something small.

Back in the camp, Chu Qing suddenly had a flash of inspiration and came up with a very bold and exciting idea.

Wang Tongtong was called in, and Chu Qing said anxiously: "In the three border areas, all the aristocratic families, those over eighteen years old, those without fame, and the most favored ones, investigate them as soon as possible. After the investigation is completed, take my

If the son of aristocratic families is not allowed to join the army, then it will be a matter of business and they will be tied up directly with the local government officials.


Wang Tongtong's eyes lit up.

Is this life so exciting?

"Let's do this humble job right now."

"By the way, tell Song Zhong and tell Lao Song that there is no need for any differential treatment when the family members come. The new recruits should be trained how they should be trained. The other sons of common people who take the initiative to join the army, and there are not many of them, can train in this camp. It is suitable.

Those who are not suitable will be left in the camp to see if they can become new recruits to catch wolves. Those who are not suitable will be handed over to Tian Hailong and taken to the Sixth Camp."

"The humble duty has been recorded."

"Okay, let's do it."

After Er Tong left, Chu Qing smiled bitterly: "The Xu family and Xu Tianchen are quite strange."

"Yes, I should not say anything. Although Xu Tianchen has a mouth that wants to be beaten, it is true that he mentioned the imperial court's shamelessness."

Chu Qing nodded, but he didn't know that if he insulted the imperial court alone, he might be happy to hear it without wearing this official robe, but if he wears this official robe, if he wants to join hands with everyone to change this fucked-up world, he must maintain it.

Some things are not to protect the court, but to protect some people in the court, including the emperor and some ministers.

At night, Chu Qing did not go to rest early, but ran to the back of the battle and continued to play with the sword.

After a while, the camp became lively and the actors came.

In addition to the six major camps, there is also the Wolf Catching Camp, where actors come to sing at night.

A stage was set up outside the camp. Not only were the old men catching wolves, but also the common people who had finished their work would come over. After a tiring day, I watched the play for most of an hour in the evening. There was no curfew in Wangyuan City, so I felt comfortable going back.

I went to bed and had a wonderful day. Although I was tired during the day, I actually made a lot of money.

Chu Qing was not interested, but Fu San always looked back.

Chu Qing put down Mo Dao and said with a smile: "You can go and see if you want. You don't have to accompany me."

"Master, you are too worried. The little one doesn't want to go to the theater, but she is afraid that the crazy girl named Ma will come. In the past few days, she has been wandering around various camps to watch the theater, afraid that she will see me."

Chu Qing laughed dumbly.

He had really heard about this. Since more than a dozen opera troupes began to go to various major camps to perform operas, Ma Ying has become a senior fan, riding around everywhere and not watching repeated operas.

"Actually, this handsome daughter Ma Ying is quite pitiful. She follows her father at the border and is exposed to wind and sun. She is not as good as girls from other aristocratic families."

Fu San didn't say anything. He felt that Ma Ying was simply sick. So many generals looked down on him. They had to provoke him. If he wasn't sick, he was not willing to degenerate.

"Let's not talk about it anymore," Chu Qing wiped his sweat and asked, "What did the actors sing today?"

"The Old Man and the Sea of ​​Fa Hai: Lu Xun's Wanderings" is about the love and hatred you wrote about the great monk and a pretty snake demon disguised as an old man. In the end, the Jinshan Road was flooded with water. When the two were tired from fighting, they met a man named Lu Xun.

People are drifting on the sea together. Brothers all like to read this story."

"As long as you like it." Chu Qing grabbed the Mo Dao again and practiced it with a bang.

After all, after practicing for several days, Chu Qing felt that he was only thirty or forty years away from being a famous general who could use Mo Dao well.

Many things depend on talent, and this is not true at all.

Chu Qing was deeply touched. No wonder his father was so simple and crude when selecting the troops of Mo Dao Camp. He just threw the knife there and picked whoever could grab it and swing it out. This kind of weapon required too much physical strength.


Just when I put down the Mo Dao and was about to rest, I heard crying in the distance.

Chu Qing frowned and Fu San ran away.

After a while, the third brother came back and said with a smile: "It's the boy named Xu. He was locked in the tent and made a lot of noise. The brothers were annoyed and kicked him. He was dishonest and wanted to run away. The brothers caught him.

, kicked me again."

Chu Qing laughed loudly. He looked like he was going to see Xu Tianchen with a bruised nose and swollen face.

"Master, you just told Ertong to arrest all the family members. Do you really want to do this?"

"What does arrest mean? There are laws to follow and rules to test. You are invited here politely and asked to cooperate with other families. Do you understand? Don't talk nonsense."

Fu San was still puzzled: "I know what you mean, I'm just a group of young soldiers. If we really come to the military camp, my brothers will be uneasy if they make trouble again."

Chu Qing shook his head. In fact, the word "young master soldier" should not be insulting to anyone, including the second generation of rich people and the second generation of officials. It is also not meant to insult people.

In 1932, the aviation school was established, and every student was a young soldier. There was no ordinary person. Lin Huiyin's younger brother Lin Heng was one of them.

This school trained a total of sixteen students, and graduated more than 1,700 people. More than 1,700 people from rich families all went to the battlefield. In the end, no one survived, and 1,700 people from wealthy families went to the battlefield.

Of the more than 700 people, not a single one left the battlefield alive and returned to his family.

There are poems and calligraphy in the belly that come from China, and they are talking about these martyrs, there are more than 1,700 people, some of them are overseas Chinese who have returned to the country, some of them are the sons of famous families, some of them are the sons of wealthy businessmen.

Our bodies, aircraft and bombs should perish together with the enemy's warship positions. This is the motto of the aviation school, and every student and graduate has done it, without any exception.

In the history of world aviation, he was the first hero to die in a collision with an enemy plane. Among these more than 1,700 heroes and martyrs, the average age when they sacrificed their lives was only 23 years old.

At that time, when people talked about the second generation of rich people and the second generation of officials, they only had admiration for those heroes who flew airplanes. They were born into privileged families, sacrificed themselves in the flames of war, lived forever under the blue sky, and left their names in history.

Looking at the rich second generation in peacetime, most of them are also associated with airplanes and even rockets.

"Are the aristocratic families of the Chang Dynasty really so unbearable?" Chu Qing leaned against the tent and murmured in a low voice: "The aristocratic family, I really can't change, but the young aristocratic families, they..."

Slowly, there was light in Chu Qing's eyes, and that bold and exciting idea gradually began to extend into a plan that he was not sure of the answer to.

"That's right!" Chu Qing's eyes shone and he laughed: "Tao Weiran, Tao Shaozhang, Changxian, if they are the second generation of officials or the second generation of rich people, and the second generation of the emperor, they are all the second generation, so they can contribute to the country.

Everything, why can’t other aristocratic families do it!”

The third brother made it clear: "Master, you are right. There are many serious people in the aristocratic family, and the two idiots of the Fu family also mentioned that they are willing to go into battle with the brothers in the border army to kill thieves."

"Third brother, you yourself said that the second generation of the Fu family is stupid. Let's talk about the second generation of rich people and the second generation of officials, but not the second generation of stupid people. They don't count."


This chapter has been completed!
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