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Chapter 861

Ma Rujing had given up completely and felt that he would never be able to calm down when facing Chu Qing and Fu San.

Listen, there are three thousand strong bows when you open your mouth. There are only as many strong bows as there are in the entire border, eight or nine thousand at most!

This is all too much. Give Chu Qing 3,000 pieces and leave three passes and six battalions. What should you use? Use a slingshot?

"Uncle Ma, what's wrong with you? Who attacked your kidney reflex area?" Chu Qing's face was filled with confusion: "Why did you get so startled today?"

Being anxious, Lao Ma knew that Chu Qing's request for three thousand strong bows could not be for fun. Even if he shot to death, he would not be able to shoot all three thousand strong bows.

The angry old horse asked: "What do you want to do with your strong bow?"


After Chu Qing finished speaking, Fu San placed the divine arm crossbow in front of Ma Rujing.

Ma Rujing saw it when he first came in. He knew this thing and heard it from Ma Ying.

Originally, Ma Rujing was quite disgusted that Ma Ying was trying to get in on Fu San every day, which was very cheap.

But then Comrade Lao Ma suddenly discovered something. Ma Ying followed Fusan every day, and Fusan stayed with Chu Qing every day. Through his daughter, he could get Chu Qing's latest trends at the first time.

This is the case with the Divine Arm Crossbow. Ma Rujing knew that Cuiyu had made this thing, but Ma Ying was getting mad every day. He only knew that the Divine Arm Crossbow was made by Cuiyu, but he didn't know that Cuiyu would need bow strings if he wanted to mass-produce it. Twist.

Lao Ma used his fingers to pull and pull, and asked angrily: "What do you need is a bow string?"

"Yes, you are an expert at first glance. You just want to string the bow."

"Why not ask the Ministry of War for it?"

"It's not like you don't know the speed of the imperial court's work. You reported it to the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of War made some concessions. After the emperor agreed, it may also involve the Ministry of Revenue, which pays the money, and the Ministry of Works, which has the inventory. Several government offices discussed it, no matter what I know that the discussion has ended in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse, at least there has been no movement within three months."

Ma Rujing's face was full of teasing: "Don't you have such a big name in Beijing? Hey, why don't the Beijing government offices give you the face of the Commander-in-Chief of Chu? In three months, with the dignity of the Commander-in-Chief of Chu, don't you? Face, it will take another three months."

Chu Qing smiled bitterly: "I actually wrote a letter to Beijing more than ten days ago. The three ministries of military affairs, household affairs, and industry all wrote, asking them if they could expedite the process for my sake. But even if I give you face, at least it will be done. It will be two months later, and I want more, I want five thousand bowstrings."

"Hey, let's not say two months, just three months to get five thousand bow strings. I am so handsome...well, it's impossible."

This time Ma Rujing learned to be smart and did not actively trigger the skill, because now he couldn't figure out whether he should pronounce the word "horse" upright or backwards.

Chu Qing sighed: "Commander, this divine arm crossbow is better than a long bow..."

Ma Rujing interrupted: "It's not because I don't know this truth. No one knows how to use crossbows better than me. You can tell how powerful they are just by looking at them. However, there are not many strong bows in the six major camps. If I give them to you, How to defend the border, Chu Jianzheng, why don't you send people to each road to buy some, the six camps will definitely not be able to give you strong bows."

Chu Qing scratched the stubble on his chin: "Okay, let's wait for the news from Beijing."

"Don't have wishful thinking. Last year alone, I asked for strong bows, swords, and war horses. I wrote more than ten letters, but nothing happened. The matter of weapons is not a trivial matter. Even my commander-in-chief asked for it. If you don’t come, don’t say that you are a weapons supervisor.”

Chu Qing secretly cursed his mother and stood up: "Okay, I'll think of other ways. You can rest, bye."

Chu Qing, who was upset, left with Fu San and planned to go to Wangyuan City to discuss with Tao Weiran and Lu Zhu.

After the two left, Ma Rujing looked like he was laughing and crying and said to himself: "Five thousand bow strings, thank you for your words. If it is so easy to ask for, why should I shut up the commander here? Is it possible that the commander-in-chief is so easy to ask for?" Your reputation in the Ministry of War is not as good as that of a young boy like you."

Knowing Chu Qing's good intentions, Ma Rujing went back and took the pen and paper, preparing to write another letter to the Ministry of War. No matter what, it would be good to urge him, at least to get it together before autumn, so as not to chill Chu Qing's heart.

Ma Rujing wrote in a swish manner, and Ma Rujing wrote several letters to generals who were friends with the Ministry of War. He even wrote a letter to Liu Xun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry. He said all the good things he wanted to say and asked for nothing else, let alone five thousand twists. If the tendons are delivered in three months, it means that two thousand high-quality twisted tendons can be delivered in four or five months.

As soon as the letter was finished, Liu Wang came in: "Commander, there is an urgent report from the Ministry of War in Central Beijing."

"An urgent report from the Ministry of War?" Ma Rujing looked confused: "What happened again? Please read it quickly."

"The general just saw it. It's not a matter of military intelligence and defense, but something about twisting a bowstring."

"That's it." Ma Rujing shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It must have been rejected by Chu Qing."

Liu Wang looked strange, spread out the letter, glanced at it a few times, and said: "The Ministry of War said that there are no five thousand bow strings, and there are only more than fifteen hundred at most..."

Ma Rujing gloated and said, "This Chu Qing is not doing well in the Ministry of War in the middle of the capital. Hahahahaha, but he can get 1,500 bow strings. This Chu Qing is quite well-connected in the middle of the capital."

"Well... the general hasn't finished reading yet. The Ministry of War said that although there are only more than 1,500, they can dismantle them now, clean up the inventory of longbows in the Eighth Camp, and send the bow strings as soon as possible. They can almost make up for it. If six thousand to seven thousand is not enough, they will try to find a way to deliver it within twenty days."

Ma Rujing: “…”

Comrade Lao Ma was stunned.

No, I didn't tell you to pronounce your last name backwards just now. This world report is too fast. Why can't I grasp the rules well?

Lao Ma's mentality was a bit broken, and he asked without giving up: "The eight battalions are guarding the capital, and the long bows can be dismantled at any time. How is it possible?"

"The general also felt that something was wrong at first, but the letter said that Minister Zaifu went to the Ministry of War. Originally, the Ministry of War only wanted to give him the amount requested by Mr. Chu, but Mr. Nangong Xi, the Prime Minister, went to the Ministry of War in person and asked him to twist his muscles. The more bowstrings the better, but if there are less than 7,000 bowstrings, why would you kill the losers in the Ministry of War?"

Ma Rujing: “…”

Comrade Lao Ma realized it, realized it completely. Just now he thought that Chu Qing overestimated his own "face", but now he understood that Chu Qing knew nothing about his own "face". I ran over in person to push for the order.

"Commander, the letter also said that two ministers from the Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of Industry also went and said they had received a letter from Mr. Chu. If the Ministry of War drags its feet, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Industry will also kill them. This army The newspaper was written by the right minister of the Ministry of War. At the end, he asked you to say good things to Mr. Chu. The bow string will be sent as soon as possible. It will only be a little more. Next time if something happens, Mr. Chu can just write directly to the Ministry of War. Don't write to the Prime Minister again. I wrote letters to other ministers."

Ma Rujing lowered his head and continued to doubt life.

I wrote more than ten letters last year, but I didn't even ask for a hair, but when it came to Chu Qing...

With a long sigh, Ma Rujing discovered that people really can't be compared with each other. Those bastards from the Ministry of War treat them too differently!

Ma Rujing suddenly raised his head and smiled: "Yes, that's right, I almost forgot, since Chu Qing is so well-fed in Beijing, even the prime minister has to give some thin noodles, so write quickly and ask for food and grass. The more the better, if you want

For food, rice and flour, even Jingzhong would not dare not to give me handsome face... I would not dare not to give face to nephew Chu Xian."

"Commander, let's talk in a few months." Liu Wang said with a bitter look on his face: "In the past ten days, the pass has been transporting food here every day, and the six camps have no place to put it, but it's okay to order some flour, brothers said

I’m getting tired of eating rice every day.”

Ma Rujing looked confused.

Border troops, are you tired of eating rice?

Liu Wang slapped his forehead: "I almost forgot something. I heard that there was a disaster in Fei County, Xunyang County, and there was no harvest. Many brothers are from Fei County. Do you want Ruishi Camp to bring some rice and grain to help?

Help the villagers?"

"Damn it..." Ma Rujing rubbed the center of his brow vigorously.

The frontier army...can actually help the people, what is this?

Looking at Ma Rujing who kept doubting his life, Liu Wang didn't know what to say.

What can I say, I can only say that the commander-in-chief is ignorant. Chu Qing came with 10 million banknotes and spent tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands on three border gates a day to buy various supplies in large quantities. That was not for the brothers.

Have you eaten enough?

This chapter has been completed!
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