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Chapter 873 Conspiracy

Liu Shang, in his early fifties, was a veteran of the imperial court. Although he was a supervisor, he was a half-way monk. He was originally a tutor of the Imperial Academy. He was known for his uprightness among the scholars, and was later recommended as a supervisor.

Liu Shang, who was wearing a sixth-grade official robe and looked stern in appearance, was personally brought into the main hall by Lin Jue.

Before Chu Qing went to the border, Liu Shang and Lin Jue had little communication. They bumped into each other every day, but they had no friendship.

However, not long after Chu Qing went to the border, Liu Shang began to take the initiative to visit Lin Jue, usually asking about the situation at the border.

Lin Jue was not stupid either. He could see that Liu Shang wanted to impeach Chu Qing and had been collecting evidence, otherwise he would not have approached him for no reason.

Lin Zuo was happy to hear about this kind of thing. If he could sell it to aristocratic families and civil servants, and tell some innocuous border news, he could build up some connections.

This is why Tan Zhongping was so anxious in the Ministry of War today. You must know that in the Ministry of War, the generals do not like civil servants, but Lin Sui is a different kind.

After the two parties sat down, they were polite and served tea. Only then did Liu Shang explain his purpose.

"General Lin, I have paid visits to many important officials in the court in recent days, and I want to impeach him in the Qianqi Camp for leading Chu Qing in the court hall."

Lin Jue laughed dumbly, not very optimistic about it.

He had known about this for a long time. As Chu Qing's behavior at the border became more and more outrageous, there was a lot of discussion among the scholars. The aristocratic family and many court officials would definitely be unable to sit still, and sooner or later Chu Qing would be impeached.

Knowing that, Lin Jue still felt that the success rate of this matter was very low. Not to mention other things, even the emperor would not be able to pass the test.

Liu Shang got straight to the point: "Tomorrow, when I and other courtiers impeach me, General Liu is willing to lend a helping hand to me."

Lin Jue was startled and waved his hands repeatedly: "Master Liu, please don't say it's a joke. Although I can't stand Chu Qing, the Chu family is full of friends in the Ministry of War. If you don't mention this matter, just talk about Master Liu and others." , If Chu Qing was shot down, that would be fine, but if Chu Qing was unscathed, how would I have dealt with him? Chu Qing is a man who will retaliate and has always been ruthless in his attacks. Don't mention it again, don't mention it again."

The meaning is obvious, if you think you can do it, then go ahead, but I definitely can’t do it anyway.

Liu Shang smiled slightly: "In the past, as General Lin said, Chu Qing might not be able to be hurt at all, but Xu Shiqing, the head of the Xu family in Xunyang Road, has already entered the capital. Now scholars, civil servants, and aristocratic families share the same hatred and hatred, and they still have the same hatred. Are you afraid that Chu Qing will get away with it again?"

Lin Jue couldn't help but nodded.

He does know this.

The word "same enemy" is used very accurately. First of all, it is the aristocratic family, which has been defrauded by Chu Qing, and has long been sharpening its sword in secret. Secondly, it is the courtiers. Everyone can see that Qianqiying is getting more and more aggressive, especially That report box, if you don’t punish them, they will punish their children and grandchildren, which makes everyone want to move.

Everyone was suffocating in their hearts and sharpening their knives, but no one dared to take action because they were not sure at all. Someone would definitely die if they took action, but there was a 99% chance that whoever took action would die.

So now it's a very strange situation. Everyone wants to harm Chu Qing and Qianqi Camp, but no one wants to take the lead. They all want to wait and see, waiting for whoever takes the lead, and everyone will rush forward. However, no one is stupid. Because there is still a chance of survival in Taipingquan. The first one to do it, the one who takes the lead, will definitely not end well if he fails.

Lin Hui took a sip of tea and looked confused: "Master Liu, you mean that if you impeach Chu Qing tomorrow, other courtiers will second the proposal?"

"It's not me who impeaches Chu Qing, but General Lin."


Lin Jue almost spit out the tea. Before he could speak, Liu Shang said with a smile: "Now that you, the Minister of War, have been stationed in Nanguan for more than a year, the emperor should have no intention of recalling him, but the Ministry of War in the middle of the capital

The position of Minister cannot always be vacant. Doesn’t General Lin want to go further?"

Lin Tuo's pupils shrank, and he immediately understood what Lin Tuo meant, and smiled bitterly: "I am in the military department. Although I have always been prestigious, I have offended many colleagues because of my uprightness..."

Liu Shang interrupted: "What if the civil servants in the court, the aristocratic families in the capital, and scholars all recommend you, General Lin, to be the Minister of War?"

"This..." Lin Tuo's eyes showed a certain color, and he blurted out: "Is this true?"

"Of course you are serious. General Lin still can't believe what I said."

After all, Lin Jue did not let desire swallow up her reason, and asked curiously: "Why do you want me to impeach Chu Qing?"

"Chu Qing is unscrupulous at the border and has caused anger and resentment. It can be said that it is all military affairs. If we impeach him, his party members will definitely cover it up with military affairs. But General Lin, who is the right minister of the Ministry of War, impeached

, Chu Qing’s party members were naturally speechless.”

After adding some tea to Lin Jue, who had a gloomy expression, Liu Shang continued: "They bully aristocratic families, but in the name of recruiting soldiers. If General Lin said that recruiting soldiers should be registered and registered by the local government to take charge of this matter, cut down the mountains and forests of border towns, and even more

Without the permission of the Ministry of War, General Lin once again mentioned that if the mountains and forests were cut down, the border defenses would be empty, thus cutting off Chu Qing's retreat. After that, I and other civil servants took action, and the Qianqi Battalion thoroughly inspected various academies and conducted a wanton

Taking away a famous scholar in the capital has already aroused the anger of heaven and earth, and the emperor is concerned about Xu Shiqing's reputation. This time, Chu Qing will not be able to escape!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Shang stood up and saluted Lin Jue.

"The thieves of Chu are also thieves of the country. If they are not eliminated, the country will not be at peace. Tomorrow in the court hall, after General Lin speaks out for justice, I and thirty-seven civil servants will definitely second the proposal and list the charges. Regardless of whether they are successful or not, before the autumn

, I will send a letter to the Emperor later, proposing that the Minister of War be the Commander-in-Chief of Nanguan, and recommend General Lin as the Minister of War."

Lin Jue's heart was beating wildly. The Minister of the Ministry of War, one of the six ministers, can be said to be a very popular minister. Once he becomes the minister, Tan Zhongping will do whatever he wants with him!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Jue was not an idiot after all: "Others are fearless, but Qiu Wanshan, the Minister of Household Affairs, if someone criticizes Chu Qing in the court, he will definitely leave the job. This person... I am not afraid of him, but

…It’s just that I…I don’t want to waste words with Qiu Wanshan.”

"This Qiu Wanshan is indeed very difficult to deal with." Liu Shang smiled: "But we have already made countermeasures."

Lin Jue said nothing.

He has no doubt that with so many people in jail, dead, and missing, those courtiers and those aristocratic families, every time they take action, they always look confident and say that they have already prepared a countermeasure, and then deal with it.

To cope with this, he would be thrown into jail, hanged, and disappeared.

Liu Shang said casually: "In addition to Qiu Wanshan, the right minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, there are also General Yunhui Tan Zhongping of your Ministry of War, Ma Rui, Yin of Jingzhao Mansion, Chu Qing and other members of the party. This time, they will all be held accountable!"

Lin Jue's eyes lit up.

Tan Zhongping!!!

Lin Jue finally became interested: "What's the plan?"

This chapter has been completed!
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