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Chapter 926 Rain God

A Chang native, a Han, a Chang army soldier, or a school lieutenant, mixed up here on the grassland and became the leader of an elite tribe?

This chance is smaller than the chance that Tao Shaozhang and the two fools of the Fu family got lost on the grassland and accidentally walked into the Golden Wolf King's tent, stabbed the Golden Wolf King Khan to death, and then returned to Guanzhong safely. It was completely impossible.

But Mu Hua was very serious about what she said, and even said that she could call Sheng Zhaojun over for an "interview" with everyone.

Chu Qing agreed and asked the herdsmen to send the message, and then asked Xiao Yi to take Muhua out.

As soon as Mu Hua left, Chu Qing quickly gave the order.

"Two links."

"The humble duty is here."

"Take five detective horses to follow the herdsmen and explore the Shencao tribe. If there is any abnormality, mobilize troops, etc., and come back quickly to give a warning."


After Ertong ran out, Chu Qing looked at Tong Gui: "Inform everyone to throw away the useless supplies, leaving only bows and arrows, long knives, divine arm crossbows and two days of rations. Mount them all and disperse to a location one mile away.

, once the Divine Grass Division arrives and there are many people, everyone should leave here."


Chu Qing looked at Hu Shenzhi again: "Go and tell General Xiao to keep an eye on Mu Hua. If an accident occurs, stab Mu Hua to death without any hesitation."


"Sixth Master."

"The humble duty is here."

"Take one veteran soldier and two new soldiers, go to the north side, pick up Freddy and Xu Xiaopao, and tell them not to come back rashly, they are ten miles away..."

Chu Qing pointed to the position on the map: "Tell me to wait for news. No one will tell them that it is safe here. Get rid of the herdsmen quickly and wait to meet up at this position. If there is still no news, go back directly."


Taking a deep breath, Chu Qing's eyes became extremely determined: "If that guy named Sheng Zhaojun is playing some dirty tricks and wants to lead people to sneak attack on us, then we must let him have a memory, he will know that we are trying to catch wolves.

The army will definitely bring everyone with them. In this case, their tribe should not have too many troops to guard it."

Fu San was shocked: "Young master, what do you mean, attack them?"

"Yes, let's first see if he will come, how many people he will bring, and when he will come."

Chu Qing showed a ferocious smile, and even looked forward to something like this happening.

Dad, he gained a great reputation on the grassland by stealing... and relying on bravery. A tiger father has no dog son. He, Chu Qing, can do the same. Isn't it just stealing... isn't it just sneaking in? He can also do this kind of thing.

You must know that in the last life, Chu Qing also studied stealth and infiltration and other related skills, and read a lot of related teaching materials, what about investigators, what about secret infiltration investigators, what kind of uniforms to infiltrate investigators, etc., he has quite a lot of experience, accumulated

I have a lot of failed experiences and use this as a warning.

Once the Shencao tribe mobilizes its troops, the wolf-catching army will directly circle the tower and steal the house. No matter what, they have to kill him, otherwise they will be too embarrassed to return.

Looking at the map again, Chu Qing kept thinking about how to deal with an accident.

Mu Hua asked the herdsmen to deliver the letter. One day later, the herdsmen who delivered the letter came back and said that Nuha, the leader of the Shencao Department, who was Sheng Zhaojun, was not in the camp and would not come back in a few days. He would give an answer when he came back.


Chu Qing also held several meetings in succession. After all, everyone's lives were at stake. He continued to revise and improve the plan.

He also knew the map by heart, and finally thought of a perfect strategy.

First of all, it is a suspicion formation and the camp is not moving. Chu Qing will take Fu San and a few people to observe secretly on the mountainside. If there are many people brought by Sheng Zhaojun and they are murderous, then they will quickly give a warning and let people attack the sacred grass.


In fact, the distance between the Water Grass Ranch and the Divine Grass Department is not far. If you ride a fast horse and run at full speed, it will not take you a day.

Then this also involves a problem. If the wolf-catching army sets out from the water and grass pasture to go to the hometown of Stealing God Grass, there will not be enough time, because once Sheng Zhaojun discovers that the camp is empty, he will immediately realize that something is wrong.

Rush back with a large group of people.

Therefore, if you want to have enough time, you must arrange your troops in advance and place them near the Shencao tribe. The distance cannot be too close, which will easily expose them, and it cannot be too far away, because you need to gain enough time.

This can solve the distance problem, but it will encounter another difficulty.

Now no one is sure what Sheng Zhaojun and the Shencao Department mean, whether they are really serious about negotiating or whether they want to fight.

In the end, Chu Qing came up with a perfect solution by running and shouting.

The water grass pasture is at the bottom of the mountain, and the same is true for the Shencao tribe. There are many low mountains in the nearby area. You only need to arrange people on horses, and arrange a scout horse or a new soldier and an old soldier every five miles or so, and use dots to connect them in a line.

, Chu Qing gave the order. When he saw something was wrong, he immediately asked the Tan Ma next to him to ride the fast horse to the next position. When he was approaching, he shouted an order, whether to retreat or attack, and then it was like a relay, because

Many "points" are on the mountain, which can save a lot of time. For each person and each distance, the time saved is not much, but the time saved along the way is about half an hour. Use half an hour to advance

The wolf-catching army ambushing outside the Shencao tribe is enough to completely destroy the tribe.

The matter was settled like this. In the last battle meeting, Chu Qing presented all his ideas, which won unanimous five-star praise from everyone, and even made people have the urge to vote.

Once you have a plan, all that's left is to figure it out.

Chu Qing was a little confused. He looked at the attendees in the tent and hesitated.

Everything else is easy to say, except for the candidate to lead the attack on the Shenmu Department.

Lin Kui was competent, but he took his men and Xu Xiaoran to rescue the slaves.

Mr. Liu is also capable of doing the job, but it's a pity that Mr. Liu went to take care of Lin Kui and the others.

Although Tong Gui is an old frontier soldier, he has never served in the wolf-catching army.

Nangong Ping is not a soldier at all and cannot command the wolf-catching army.

As for Xiao Yi, aka a traitor, he has no right to participate and cannot convince the public.

The second idiot of the Fu family, haha, has lost the right to be a spouse and the leader due to his appearance.

Chu Qing didn't know the other veterans at all and couldn't even remember their names.

Fu San is fine, but the third brother will definitely not agree, because his only mission is to protect Chu Qing, and Chu Qing needs to stay here, so he has to decide whether to negotiate with Sheng Zhaojun or run away.

Seeing Chu Qing's hesitation, Tao Shaozhang spoke: "Brother-in-law, Brother Yu, come on."

A group of old soldiers shook their heads and sweated. They were not afraid of thousands of troops, but they were afraid of the young Tao family.

Tao Shaozhang did not persuade Chu Qing first, but looked at the veterans with a smile on his face.

"I know that you think I am incompetent, but even if I am not a military judge or a deputy general, I, Tao Shaozhang, am willing to walk with you and go to the battlefield with you. I am willing to cut off your marriage, I am willing to sacrifice my life for you, and I am willing to live and die with you!"

Tao Shaozhang looked excited and said emotionally: "It is my honor to live and die with you, so are you willing to give me a chance?"

The veterans in the army said in unison: "I don't want to~~~"

"Oops." Tao Shaozhang became angry: "It's just lighting their food, grass and tents. It's not that difficult. Just set the fire. Could it be that I, with you, can't even do this little thing well?"

With a "boom", there was a sound of thunder outside the tent, and thunderstorms started to fall at any time.

There was silence in the tent, and everyone looked at Young Master Tao.

Chu Qing squatted on the ground, looking at his boots with a strange expression.

He knew that it was going to rain in the next few days and it was the rainy season. Both Muhua and the herdsmen had said this.

But...but, why did it suddenly start raining just as Tao Shaozhang finished doing it?

Rain is coming.

It is indeed not difficult to light tents and provisions, but now...hehe, Sangmen Star!

Tao Shaozhang also squatted down and looked at Chu Qing, his mouth bitter: "It's the rainy season and it's going to rain, you know, right?"

Chu Qing nodded.

Tao Shaozhang: "It has nothing to do with me, you know, right?"

Chu Qing still nodded.

Tao Shaozhang: "Then why...why..."

Chu Qing: "Why do you think it has something to do with you?"

This time it was Tao Shaozhang's turn to nod.

This chapter has been completed!
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