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Chapter 94

Tian, ​​​​doesn't feel sorry for him, he is talking about Chu Qing.

After a busy day, Chu Qing returned to his house and had a crooked idea.

Dad sold off all the properties and shops in the Chu Mansion at a low price in exchange for land. Now that the capital chain is about to be cut off, the only thing that can be cashed out quickly is land.

Making up his mind, Chu Qing took advantage of his father to go for a walk in Nanshi early the next morning, got into Chu Wensheng's bedroom and stole the land deed.

Chu Wensheng was a careless person. The land deed was placed in a box in a wooden cabinet and was not locked. He probably would not check it on weekdays.

After getting the land deed, Chu Qing originally wanted to go to Yaxing, but then he thought it would be too troublesome to find a guarantor and go through the procedures. He didn't know how much effort it would take, so he decided to go to the Ministry of Household Affairs to find Chen Yan.

Chu Qing is not here on errands these days. Chen Yan is very happy and can work in the classroom again.

After not seeing each other for many days, Chen Yan, an official from the Ministry of Works whose house had been mortgaged, was glowing and in a good mood.

Seeing Chu Qing push open the door and go out, Chen Yan said with a smile: "Aren't you repairing the palace in the palace? How come you have time to come to the Ministry of Household Affairs?"

Chu Qing directly slapped a pile of land deeds on the table: "Sell them for me."

Chen Yan took a closer look: "Is it all in your name?"

"Yes." Chu Qing took a sip of tea after sitting down and said with a wry smile: "Before, my father was afraid that he would lose his official position, so he sold off his shops and other properties at a low price. Now he doesn't have enough money to repair Taowu Palace, so he can only continue

Sold these lands."

"I'll take care of it?"


Chen Yan waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, no, Chu Jiaoxi should ask someone else to do this."

"Why, didn't you mortgage your house before?"

"Before, you were in urgent need of money. Brother Yu naturally decided to mortgage as much as you needed to solve your urgent need. After all, the mansion belongs to Brother Yu. It doesn't matter if it is more or less. But this land deed is all in your name, Chu Qing. Brother Yu is not good.

If you deal with merchants and sell at a low price, you will suffer a loss."

Chu Qing fell silent, staring at Chen Yan, speechless.

Every day Chu Qing smiles playfully, as if he has a huge heart. In fact, his heart is somewhat cold. This coldness is not towards things, but towards the world and the people in this world.

People cannot observe their minds, they can only observe their actions. If they observe their minds, they will be extremely disappointed with people and this world.

But Chen Yan made him feel an unspeakable emotion.

In order to help myself, I mortgaged my mansion, and if the money was not paid, the house would be sold.

Help others, regardless of whether the price is high or low, as long as you can help, because it is your own house.

But Chen Yan did not dare to agree to the exchange of other people's real estate because he was afraid of suffering a loss and making Chu Qing suffer a loss. He would rather suffer a loss himself than let Chu Qing suffer a loss.

If you become a friend with such a person, you will be lucky.

"Thank you." Chu Qing grabbed the land deed and nodded: "Thank you."

After saying thank you twice, Chu Qing left.

Chen Yan didn't take it seriously and continued busy with his official duties.

If you don't want to suffer a loss, you must go to Qiu Wanshan.

Chu Qing went directly to Qiu Wanshan's class room, but failed. Then he remembered that this guy was going to attend the morning court.

Having nothing to do, Chu Qing went directly to Qiu Wanshan's squad room and prepared to sleep for a while.

The reason why he didn't go back to his classroom was because Chu Qing didn't want to face Chen Yan.

When meeting Chen Yan, Chu Qing always felt ashamed.

He decided that he could trick Tao Shaozhang on the tax matter, but he must not trick Chen Yan. However, there was the matter of Taowu Palace at the moment, which concerned dad. Five fingers were stretched out to determine whether they were good or bad. Let's deal with Taowu Palace first.

Let’s talk about it later.

Lying on the desk, Chu Qing couldn't sleep. He always wanted to do something, something meaningful.

Standing up suddenly, Chu Qing ran outside and shouted.

"With bricks, paper and pen, today Japanese teachers teach arithmetic!"

This voice was so sudden that the officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs who were busy at first were slightly startled, and then they looked ecstatic. They were like the uncles and aunts going to the supermarket to grab free eggs, looking for bricks and paper and pens.

Get pen and paper.

After a while, more than thirty people stood in the courtyard of the government office, including Chen Yan.

Chu Qing cleared his throat, but before he could speak, more than thirty people bowed in unison.

"Chu teaches you to work hard."

A smile appeared at the corner of Chu Qing's mouth, and then his face suddenly changed: "You are so flattering, memorize the multiplication table first. Anyone who can't memorize it will not eat at noon!"

At this loud curse, the officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs showed a normal look on their faces.

A quarter of an hour later, Chu Qing was stunned.

More than thirty people, one by one, regardless of whether they are young or old, have memorized them all without missing a beat.

"Okay, okay, I hope you have a long memory." Chu Qing put up the wooden board and said angrily: "Today I will teach you division. If you can't understand it, don't eat at noon."

More than thirty officials pricked up their ears, held their breath and began to listen quietly.

If Chu Qing was cursing in class last time, this time he restrained himself a lot.

In addition to the fact that they work in the same unit, Chu Qing's rejection of the Ministry of Household officials is not that great. After all, Wei Changfeng launched a crowdfunding. Although it is mandatory, it can be regarded as a generous donation from everyone.

I scolded someone for a while and made someone anxious. Then I suddenly yelled "rnm" and it would be embarrassing to pay back the money.


In the Political Affairs Hall, just after leaving the court, Huang Laosi walked to the Jingyi Hall in a hurry.

After the emperor sat down, Sun An went to make tea as usual. Huang Laosi said with an unhappy face: "Why are you standing there in such a daze? Go quickly."

Sun An had a question mark on his head: "Old slave, go... Your Majesty, where do you want to tell me to go?"

"Nonsense, of course I want to listen to the story. Go quickly. I want to know how the sharp-mouthed and monkey-cheeked hero Xun Wukong escaped from the predicament!"

Sun An looked helpless and ran out of the palace in a hurry without even bothering to make tea.

As a result, the old eunuch came back after a while.

Huang Laosi's heart skipped a beat: "You came back so soon and you said so little?"

"Your Majesty." Sun An smiled bitterly: "Master Chu did not enter the palace today."

"What?" Huang Laosi's temper was so intense that he slapped the table with his hand: "This kid is really rebelling. He promised to tell a story... He agreed to repair the Taowu Palace for me.

How could you not come for no reason!"

The old eunuch didn't dare to take this issue.

Let’s not mention that there is no rule that Chu Qing must enter the palace every day. Let’s just talk about the first half of your unspoken sentence. Who told you to tell you a story? Chu Qing doesn’t even know that you want to listen to the story.


Huang Laosi said angrily: "Go and tell those villagers that I went to Taowu Hall last night to repair something. Just say that I am angry and ask them to come tomorrow, come every day, come every day."

, don’t neglect it!”

"Old slave, go right away."


Hey, it's that sharp conflict issue again. If there are more, you have to write it in detail. The big brothers are too dissatisfied. If there are less, you will accuse me of being lazy. In this case, there is nothing you can do. You are the one who forced me.

Simply... I have no shame and continue to do whatever I want. Anyway, I will explode and I will do it. Those who write online novels seriously, but joking, some of them are shameless.

This chapter has been completed!
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