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Chapter 945

The grassland believes that the weak should eat the strong, and the strong should be respected.

For someone like Mu Hua who dares to go out and fight alone without any shirt, naturally no one would give her face.

But like the famous Sheng Zhaojun, even noble tribes have to weigh their options.

The messenger from the Divine Grass Tribe went to the Peregrine Falcon Tribe and conveyed a message on behalf of Sheng Zhaojun. He hoped to see the speaker. He didn't have to meet the clan leader. His sons could do it too. If the third, second and third eldest children were the eldest, anyone could do it.

Three days later, the young head of the Peregrine Tribe came, the clan leader’s seventh son, whose full name was Mahakulzaza, aka Revengeful Eagle Eye.

When Chu Qing heard the nickname Revengeful Hawkeye, he already had a rough image in his mind, that of Wang Yanhui riding a horse, carrying various quivers and a long bow.

At the southern entrance of the Water Grass Ranch, Sheng Zhaojun personally greeted him, followed by more than a dozen young men on horses, and Chu Qing was also beside him.

"The Peregrine Tribe has twenty-one male heirs, and the next leader should be Revenge Eagle Eye."

Sheng Zhaojun briefly explained the general situation of the Peregrine Division and Lao Qi.

The Peregrine Tribe is one of the aristocratic tribes, but it is not a large aristocratic tribe that can be located on the periphery of the grassland, playing a role similar to a gatekeeper. The rangers of this tribe are the best at riding and shooting. When it comes to riding and shooting on the grassland,

The first thing everyone thinks of is the Peregrine Falcon Tribe.

If you want to do well on the grassland, you must either ride, shoot, or chop.

There are also martial arts performances similar to those in Chang Dynasty held every year on the grassland. Regarding archery, the Peregrine Falcon tribe comes out on top every year.

Among the peregrine falcons, the one with the farthest and most accurate shot is Lao Qi Zaza.

More than ten or twenty years ago, there was a competition between various tribes on the grassland in archery skills. Peregrine Falcon lost miserably. He was defeated by a Liangren nicknamed the Condor Shooter from the Golden Wolf Retinue under the eldest prince.

The martial arts performances on the grassland all involve real shooting with real guns and knives, and there are no horses or horses. The competition is to wear nothing but a bow and an apron. The twelve shooters are separated, and finally everyone shoots.

The shooter wins.

Because they were using real bows and arrows, the contestant representing the Peregrine Tribe failed. There was more or less a personal grudge, because the first year the eldest prince came on stage, and then he was shot in the butt by the representative of the Peregrine Tribe.

And the eagle shooter back then was just trying to get the face of the eldest prince back. He used real arrows and his techniques were really cheap. He shot the representative of the Peregrine Tribe, Lao Qi Zaza's younger brother, three times.

All shot on the face.

Zaza's archery skills were not very good back then, but in order to avenge his brother, he worked hard to practice archery. The best thing is that this guy cut off his own eyeballs to make it easier to aim when shooting, and directly used sea cucumbers and any seasonings.

Didn’t even put it away, just ate it!

During the Three Kingdoms period, Xiahou Dun was shot in the eye and had his own eyeballs eaten, while classmate Zaza took the initiative to pluck out his own eyeballs and eat them.

Then he participated in the competition the next year, and Zaza, the one-eyed dragon, won the first place and avenged his brother. From then on, he got the nickname Revenge Hawkeye.

Chu Qing was happy after hearing this: "I did a colonoscopy on myself. There are so many ruthless people on the grassland."

Because of this incident, Zaza became famous for being ruthless and cruel. Therefore, although he was not the heir in the Peregrine Tribe, he was treated as the heir. If the current old patriarch dies, this guy will have a lot of power.

There is a chance that he will serve as the new leader of the Peregrine Falcon Division.

As the sun set, the men and horses of the Peregrine Falcon finally arrived. There were not many, just over twenty riders. The leader was Lao Qi Zaza, a classmate who came to give the gift.

Chu Qing looked at it intently, looking forward to it.

But as the more than twenty riders approached, Chu Qing was extremely disappointed.

He saw the one-eyed dragon, but it was nothing like Teacher Wang Yanhui. He was short and chubby. He was only a little over 1.5 meters tall and looked like a stone mound. He had an unshaven beard and must have been in his fifties at least.

The men and horses of the Peregrine Falcon were not very fast and did not rush towards them. This was a sign of respect for Sheng Zhaojun, because the survival rate of people who were mixed in the southern part of the grassland and did not respect Sheng Zhaojun was not very high.

Hawkeye Zaza slowed down his horse speed again. When he was almost approaching, he turned over and dismounted. He was the only one who quickly arrived in front of Sheng Zhaojun.

The one-eyed dragon is indeed very imposing, and he is also very strong, very strong. He walks with the steps of a dragon and a tiger. Unfortunately, he is short. When he comes to stand in front of Sheng Zhaojun, who is over 180 meters tall, he has to raise his head to speak.

One-eyed dragon Zaza: “#@*(&¥)”

Sheng Zhaojun: “#@)(¥%)”

The two of them murmured something cool, then put their right hands on their chests and saluted each other.

Zaza Laoqi noticed Chu Qing, and also noticed Chu Qing and Sheng Zhaojun standing side by side, and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Sheng Zhaojun said in Chinese: "He is my guest, my friend, the most distinguished guest and friend."

"He's a wolf hunter?!" Zaza's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he spoke Chinese with a slight accent.

Chu Qing was not surprised that the other party could speak Chinese, nor was he surprised that the other party thought that he was a wolf hunter.

The wolf-catching army has already attacked an outpost. When they killed those people, they left the unique marks of the wolf-catching army on their bodies. The appearance of Chang people on the grassland is not difficult to remind people of the wolf-catching army, let alone

Everyone knows that Sheng Zhaojun was originally a "deserter" from the Chang Dynasty.

Zaza looked wary and stared at Sheng Zhaojun: "Why did you ask me to come here?"

When the messenger went to the Peregrine Falcon Department before, he didn't mention catching the wolf army. He just said that Sheng Zhaojun wanted to find someone who could talk to him about something.

This situation is normal, including division of forces, small-scale conflicts, mutual mediation, etc., so people from the Peregrine Falcon tribe also came, and in order to show respect for Sheng Zhaojun, Wang Laoqi, a popular member of the tribe, came in person.

"Let's go in and talk."

After Sheng Zhaojun finished speaking, he was about to turn around, but Zaza shook his head: "No, let me tell you here, I smell the smell of a fox, the smell of cunning."

After finishing speaking, Zaza subconsciously took a few steps back, and the rangers on horseback behind him couldn't help but become nervous.

Sheng Zhaojun's face was gloomy: "If you don't give me face, be careful I get angry!"

Upon hearing the word "go crazy", Zaza became even more nervous, with a look of caution on her face.

Zaza, who was already on guard, suddenly changed his expression: "Have you been bribed by the wolf-catching army?"

At this moment, on both sides of the pasture, hundreds of wolf-catchers gathered around with bows and strings drawn.

Chu Qing also didn't expect that things went so "smoothly".

The plan is to let Sheng Zhaojun anger the other party, and then let him go. Then he will have a reputation to go to the Peregrine Tribe to cause trouble and attract attention.

The result was not what I expected. Before I even said a few words, the situation was already tense.

Chu Qing quickly gave Sheng Zhaojun a wink and whispered: "Provoke them and don't involve the wolf-catching army."

This chapter has been completed!
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