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Chapter 1057: Time, Location, People and People

Grant looked frustrated, lowered his head and sighed: "I lost, completely."

Liu Jintang chuckled and said, "Let's go back to the military academy."

Grant raised his head and asked again: "Where are the students you captured earlier? Where did they go?"

Liu Jintang said with a smile: "Before I led the students to attack, I had already sent people to release the captured students. Presumably, most of the students have arrived at the school. Let's go. After we go back, we can have a good sleep and fill our stomachs." .”

Grant stared at Liu Jintang and the people under Liu Jintang's command, his face full of doubts, and he frowned and asked: "Commander Liu, I'm curious that the students you lead are still fighting and energetic. The food for three days has been consumed. Clean, where did you get the food? It's still January, the weather is freezing, and most of the animals in the mountains and forests have disappeared and are hard to find. Because of this, the students I led were hungry and lacked energy. "

As soon as these words came out, Grant's students also looked at Liu Jintang.

They also found this strange.

Liu Jintang smiled, with a mysterious smile on his face.

However, John, the platoon leader, interrupted and said: "Colonel Grant, the reason why we have enough food is because when we entered the mountains and forests, the brigade commander agreed to manage everyone's dry food and ordered everyone to support the original half-day dry food a day. In this way, Come, our food for three days will be enough to sustain us for six days. So far, even if we are hungry, we will definitely not be without food or lack of energy."

"Hiss, hiss,."

Grant took a few breaths of cold air, with a look of horror on his face.

Liu Jintang is very thoughtful and admirable.

Immediately, Grant asked again: "How did the students I sent out get caught?"

Robert, the second platoon leader, continued: "This is even simpler. On the fourth day, Mr. Grant divided one hundred trainees into five groups, and then hunted and looked for water sources separately. After the brigade commander got the news, he started to make arrangements. On the fifth day, the brigade The commander concentrated his strength, and at a water-fetching place, he captured a group of students who were fetching water with far more strength than twenty people."

After a pause, Robert continued: "Next, the brigade commander followed suit and captured another group of hunting students. Although Mr. Colonel limited the distance between each group so that both sides could rescue, as long as If someone is holding back the rescuer, it can be broken. The brigade commander lets some people delay, so it is very easy to win."

The third platoon leader Joseph then said: "Mr. Colonel, you have fallen behind the brigade commander since you entered the forest. In the following battle, you did not even know the position of the brigade commander's team members. You have been passive, but the brigade commander The commander knows your situation very well, and everything about you is under the control of the brigade commander, so it is natural for you to lose."

Grant let out a long sigh, knowing that he had lost unjustly.

This battle was really eye-opening.

The meticulousness of the opponent's battle is beyond words.

The group left the forest and returned to the military academy overnight. When they arrived at the gate of the military academy, Principal Delafield, President Lincoln, Li Zhen and others were already waiting eagerly.

Delafield knew that the battle was lost when he saw Grant's depressed expression.

This time, the military academy was humiliated.

However, Li Zhen did not take the initiative to mention it, and Delafield also tacitly understood it, did not mention the failure, and then took his people directly back to the military academy. The cadets who returned to the military academy, Liu Jintang's people, were high-spirited, with faces full of Although excited, the students under Grant's command were extremely frustrated and mentally exhausted.

Delafield has already had food prepared for the students who have returned to school.

After the students settled in, Delafield held a meeting overnight.

In the conference room, Li Zhen and Lincoln were at the head of the left and right sides of the conference table. Delafield, Zuo Zongtang, Grant, Liu Jintang, Chen Yucheng and others sat down on the left and right sides in turn. At the same time, a row of people under Liu Jintang's command

John, Second Platoon Commander Robert, and Third Platoon Commander Joseph were all present, as well as some of Grant's cadets.

In the conference room, the lights were bright and the atmosphere was serious.

Delafield looked solemn and said seriously: "This competition ended with Brigadier Liu winning. Please tell the participants about the situation this time."

After a brief pause, Delafield said: "As the winner, Brigadier Liu, please give a summary."

Instantly, applause broke out.

John, Robert and others grinned and clapped vigorously.

Liu Jintang smiled slightly, signaled to stop applauding, and then said: "Chinese sages have already elaborated on war in detail. Warfare pays attention to three points, weather, location, and people. Among them, weather refers to the natural environment such as the four seasons climate, and location.

It refers to the geographical environment of the battle place, and the people refer to the relationship between the generals and soldiers."

"These three are very important to every battle."

"This competition is scheduled to take place in January. There are few animals in the mountains and forests, so the soldiers cannot find food. This is the weather factor that needs to be considered. Therefore, the issue of food is the most important one. When I entered the mountains and forests,

It had been thought through, but Colonel Grant didn't pay attention."

"Secondly, when fighting in the mountains and forests, the geography is restricted. It is difficult to find an ambush point within a ten-mile range, but it is easy to hide. Unfortunately, Grant did not take advantage of the geographical advantage and exposed his whereabouts, so that he was passive everywhere."

"Third, Colonel Grant and the students under his command did not form a whole. It was just a temporary superior-subordinate relationship. The relationship between me and the students under my command was closer. After I entered the mountains, the first thing I did was to build a relationship among the students.

Between the establishment, I selected three platoon leaders and organized the cadets into a group. This is my people and Colonel Grant did not."

Liu Jintang said seriously: "Because of the limitations of this battle, there are no weapons, the area is too small, and it is difficult to deploy, so we cannot see more things. I am afraid we have to experience more on the battlefield. However, for the military academy,

I appreciate the students very much. These students are all elites. They can draw inferences from one instance and have good qualities. They are definitely good candidates. From this point of view, it is enough to see the ability of the teachers at the military academy and also to see that West Point Military Academy is extremely excellent."

As soon as these words came out, Delafield's expression improved slightly.

At any rate, the military academy has been recognized.

Li Zhen smiled and continued: "The purpose of bringing my team to West Point Military Academy is to learn from the experts and professors of the Military Academy. I hope to get strong help from the Military Academy."

Delafield smiled and said: "Definitely, definitely."

With Liu Jintang making the summary, Grant, John, Robert, Joseph and others who followed were not outstanding. The two sides discussed more about combat issues. Li Zhen, Zuo Zongtang, Huang Qiang and others mentioned not combat issues, but more about combat issues.

Most of them were about teaching in military academies and issues about establishing military academies, and the atmosphere was very lively.

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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