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Chapter 1088 Li Zhen's Four Suggestions

Li Zhen's eyes turned and fell on Scott.

At this moment, Scott understood. Similarly, Lincoln, Seward and other people participating in the meeting also understood. These people are all good people, and there is no one who cannot understand.

Li Zhen smiled slightly and said: "In terms of prestige, qualifications, and experience, Your Excellency Scott is qualified to assume the position of commander. Before the Civil War, Your Excellency Scott had been serving as the commander of the United States Federation because of his advanced age. He has just retired, and now that the country is in crisis, it is reasonable for him to take charge of the army as a veteran general in the army."

Li Zhenlang said: "Whether it is officers and soldiers of the army, ordinary people, or even the dignitaries here, I believe that Mr. Scott is the most suitable choice. He is well-deserved."

Scott was breathing rapidly and was very excited.

The old man's biggest wish is to see the country reunified. Now that Li Zhen has secured this golden opportunity for him, Scott is of course happy and can't wait to thank Li Zhen right away.

Lincoln and others also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Seward took the lead and said: "I approve of Sir Scott becoming commander."

Lincoln immediately said: "I agree."

With the two giants speaking out, important members of Congress agreed and even praised Scott.

Li Zhen changed the topic and said: "Scott's appointment as commander-in-chief of the coalition forces will be of great help in inspiring the morale of the military and appeasing the people. After the army's commander is confirmed, the phalanx strategy for attacking the south also needs to be adjusted. I think, We can no longer operate according to the lightning plan we just implemented, but change it to the plan that Mr. Scott and I made at the beginning. Do you have any opinions?"

Lincoln said: "Yes, as long as we can win the war."

Siward said: "I second the motion."

Li Zhen said: "Your Excellency Lincoln will not regret today's decision. With the two prerequisites, coupled with the following series of policies, the situation in the South will definitely be in chaos in a short period of time, and it can cooperate with the army to launch an attack."

Scott asked: "What does President Lee think?"

Scott was already very curious about Li Zhen's strategy, but Li Zhen never said anything.

Lincoln said: "It concerns the safety of the Union. Please give me some advice from President Lee."

Li Zhen smiled slightly and said: "Next, in order to cooperate with the army in launching an offensive, the federal government needs to do a lot. I have carefully calculated it and there are the following four points."

Lincoln waved his hand and said, "Please tell me."

Li Zhen said loudly: "Article 1, this is the core content of the Civil War. It involves the core issue of this war, the freedom of slaves. In order to win wider support and sublimate the significance of this war, The foundation of the South has completely collapsed, and slavery must be abolished. I suggest that the president issue a proclamation for the emancipation of black slaves as soon as possible. Everyone here will definitely be able to come up with a charter in a short time on how to amend the constitution."

Lincoln said affirmatively: "Okay."

Seward himself was a radical for the abolition of slavery and immediately said: "I agree."

Other congressional officials expressed their agreement.

Scotta's eyes flashed, and he recognized Li Zhen's decision. When the two of them talked in the past, Li Zhen mentioned this agenda. The completion of this agenda will definitely make millions of slaves in the south no longer If you continue to fight for the South, you will work hard for your own freedom. In this way, the foundation of the South will be shaken, and the defeat will definitely accelerate.

Li Zhen changed the subject and continued: "Article 2: Promulgate land laws and use the land in the western part of the United States to win over the people of the Federation. Since the independence of the United States, the territory has expanded rapidly and the country has become vast. Now, the western part of the Federation is even more Large tracts of land have been barren. The federation has always sold land at high prices. However, people without money cannot afford it, and rich people look down on the remote areas in the west. Therefore, the purpose of promulgating land laws is to attract ordinary people. people."

He paused for a moment, and then continued: "The government can provide a regulation. As long as a person is willing to pay a fee of 10 US dollars or 20 US dollars, he can obtain the right to cultivate large areas of land. I believe that if this law is enacted, , will immediately win countless people to support the federal government and stabilize the turbulent situation."

Lincoln frowned after hearing this.

According to Li Zhen, it is equivalent to giving away the land, which is a loss-making transaction.

Seward thought carefully and quickly made a decision. He nodded and said: "I agree. This is a way to encourage the people to support the federal government. In the long run, it will help the development of the western part of the federal government and promote the development of western business." develop."

After hearing this, Lincoln nodded and said, "Okay, I agree."

The corners of Li Zhen's mouth raised, and a smile appeared on his face.

He was in high spirits and said excitedly: "Article 3, war is not only a problem for white people, but also a problem for black people. On the current battlefield, most of the northern troops are white people, and few black people participate in the war. We are now fighting for How can the struggle for the freedom of black people be without the participation of black people? Presumably, black people in the Federation are also willing to contribute their own strength."

"Therefore, I suggest arming black people, recruiting black people to join the army, and organizing a black army. Because of the existence of slavery, the black people are most affected. They hate slavery extremely. I dare to conclude that after this decree is promulgated, at least a few One hundred thousand black people will actively join the army and form a strong fighting force. As long as they are commanded properly, they will definitely be a great help."

Li Zhen had a look of affirmation on his face, very determined.

Scott nodded repeatedly, his eyes sparkling even more. This suggestion was a stroke of genius. It could form countless black soldiers, but it was a pity that he didn't think of it.

Scotta's eyes were full of surprises and he was very excited.

The North will win this battle.

When Lincoln heard this suggestion, he agreed directly without thinking or hesitating.

Seward also nodded and agreed to issue an order to recruit black people into the army.

Li Zhen was relieved, but continued: "Article 4, the recruitment of soldiers is now a voluntary system. I think it is detrimental to the strength of the army. Therefore, the government has issued a conscription decree to recruit people aged 20 to Men between the ages of 45 and 45 are recruited, trained uniformly, and then sent to fight at the front. The population base in the north far exceeds that in the south, and the large increase in military strength will definitely be an opportunity to overwhelm the south."

When this suggestion was made, it was all approved without anyone blocking it.

Li Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and said: "After the four articles are promulgated, a tornado will roll up and sweep across the federal land. It will be even easier to destroy the southern government. With wise commanders, correct policies, and the support of countless people, Coupled with the support of strong economic and military strength, if it fails under such circumstances, I can only say that God will not help the Federation."

Lincoln stood up excitedly and said, "I will execute it immediately. Thank you very much, President Lee."

He looked at Li Zhen, his eyes full of awe.

How could this person come up with so many ideas in his mind?

In fact, Li Zhen has been thinking about the Civil War during this period. He has an understanding of the Civil War in history, but he does not know everything about it, so he must study it in depth. Only through continuous analysis based on the current situation can he finally get the answer. Four suggestions were made, and these suggestions were actually very similar to the regulations issued by later generations.

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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