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Chapter 1096 Lincoln's Fury

After night falls, the White House is brightly lit, noisy and bustling, giving it a prosperous atmosphere.

Tonight, officials from Washington, big and small, as well as dignitaries from Congress, and even giants from the business community came to the White House to attend a dinner hosted by Lincoln, specifically for Li Zhenjian. For ordinary people, they knew that the person who defeated the southern government was Scott, Grant and others, and the people also believed that it was the government that formulated large and small policies that weakened the power of the Confederate government in order to win.

The people are grateful to the government, but the officials are understanding and know that this is Li Zhen's credit.

Without Li Zhen, it would never have been so smooth.

Lincoln stood on the stage with a thick smile on his face and said loudly: "Gentlemen and ladies, we are holding a farewell party for President Lee here tonight. President Lee will leave Washington early tomorrow morning. Then I returned to China. I deeply regret that I could not retain President Lee to stay for a while longer. President Lee provided a lot of help to the government during his federal visit. I thank President Lee, thank him."

He said a few simple words and then ended his speech hastily.

Anyway, he had no intention of vigorously promoting Li Zhen.

Just thinking about it is enough.

Li Zhen listened to Lincoln's words below and didn't care.

The dinner was lively, but it was peaceful during the process. Nothing particularly noticeable happened. After the dinner, Li Zhen went back to his residence directly. Early the next morning, Li Zhen and his party did not let Lincoln see him off, and walked quietly After leaving the White House, we headed to the train station to take the bus out of Washington.

Li Zhen's departure was a relief to officials in Washington.

This person is too strong.

Moreover, the presence of this person made the officials in Washington feel uncomfortable. The South launched a war, and the officials in Washington were helpless. It was Li Zhen who made the plan himself, and then turned the tide and solved the problem of the southern government. As long as Li Zhen stayed in Washington for one day , it showed that the officials were incompetent and made them feel uncomfortable. Therefore, Li Zhen's departure was a celebration for the officials to celebrate the arrival of this moment.

After Li Zhen left, Lincoln was not idle and busy with the follow-up to the Civil War.

On the third day after Li Zhen left, Lincoln prepared to celebrate and reward those who participated in this battle.

When it comes to this matter, there must be a promotion in military rank.

In this regard, Mr. Scott is undoubtedly the most influential figure. Lincoln ordered the soldiers to go to the place where Scott lived to invite people. However, the soldiers rushed there excitedly, but came back disappointed. The soldiers stood in front of Lincoln. In front of him, he replied: "Your Excellency, I went to Mr. Scott's home to look for someone, but the Scotts were not at home. The neighbors of the Scotts said that Mr. Scott had moved and left Washington."

"Moved to where?" Lincoln asked.

The soldier shook his head and said, "I don't know where exactly we will move to."

Lincoln had a bad premonition in his heart and became anxious for no reason. He said in a deep voice: "Go and check immediately. I will give you half a day to find out the whereabouts of Commander Scott."


The soldier turned around and left, immediately carrying out the order.

At this time, Siward came to the office.

Seeing Lincoln's frown, Seward said with a smile: "Mr. President, after Li Zhen left, the big mountain that was weighing on us has been removed. Now, everything is going on in an orderly manner, so there is nothing to worry about."

Lincoln said: "The Scott family left Washington and went to who knows where."


Siward exclaimed, with an incredible look on his face.

Immediately, Siward quickly calmed down and said in a deep voice: "Impossible. As the commander of this battle, Scott has made unparalleled achievements. Presumably, he should know that he will be rewarded again, but If he leaves at this time, no one can find him, so how can he be rewarded, so I think the argument that Scott left Washington is not valid."

Lincoln was extremely depressed and said: "That's true."

Siward said: "What's the discovery?"

Lincoln sighed softly and said, "I just sent someone to inquire about the news, hoping to find out the reason."

Scott's matter is still under investigation. The two stopped talking about Scott and discussed the promotion of other officers and generals, or what awards to give to each general. The two of them stayed at the White House and had a meal together at noon. After lunch, the two of them had just returned to the office when the soldiers who were investigating Scott's whereabouts had returned.

Lincoln asked: "How did it turn out?"

The soldier looked serious and replied: "I asked people about the time Scott left. It was three days ago, which was the same time as President Li of China left. At the same time, I also asked the surrounding neighbors, etc. They said that when the Scott family left, they were accompanied by Chinese soldiers to protect them. From this, they inferred that Mr. Scott left Washington, probably with President Lee."

"Hiss, hiss,,."

Lincoln gasped, his eyes filled with astonishment.

At the same time, his heart was filled with anger.

Scott is a citizen of the American Federation and a high-level official of the Federation. How could he leave with Li Zhen?

This, this is treason.

Lincoln understood that if Scott and Li Zhen were together, it meant that Scott and Li Zhen would go to China. As the oldest general in the United States Federation, Scott had unparalleled combat experience and would be the leader of the country after leaving. Moreover, during Scott's tenure as commander, he was exposed to countless secrets as a high-level national official. If Scott went to China, it would not be a good thing for the Federation.

Siward frowned and asked, "Are you sure Scott and Li Zhen are together?"

The soldier said with certainty: "It must be."

Lincoln straightened his back and said seriously: "Immediately find out which state Li Zhen is in now, and order the governor to have soldiers stop the train and bring the Scott family back. Li Zhen can return to China, but Scott absolutely cannot go."

The soldier asked: "If Scott is to be arrested, for what reason?"

Lincoln thought for a while and replied: "Just say that the federal government has something to discuss with Scott and ask him to come back immediately."


The soldiers immediately went to send the report. After the soldiers left, Siward said worriedly: "Mr. President, this matter may not be easy."

"Why?" Lincoln asked.

Seward replied: "Scott quietly left with Li Zhen. This thing seemed to happen suddenly, but if you think about it carefully, it was not sudden. Before contacting him, Scott took the initiative to resign as the commander of the federal army. Scott must have already had the idea of ​​leaving with Li Zhen. He has already made up his mind, so that's why it is not easy for the soldiers to bring Scott back."

Lincoln said solemnly: "We must bring him back, and if necessary, use extraordinary measures."

Siward immediately said: "Li Zhen may also use extraordinary means to stop it, and there will be difficulties."

Lincoln snorted and said seriously: "The soldiers have gone to send the telegram. I believe there will be news soon. Scott is a federal citizen. Even if Li Zhen intervenes, we still have the right to bring Scott back. Li Zhen Although Li Zhen is domineering, he cannot stop it, and Li Zhen has no right to stop it."

Siward shook his head slightly and said to himself, this matter will not be so easy.

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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