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Chapter 1118 Kill one person to stand up

Emma was so filled with hatred that she wished she could stab Lot or Thomson with a needle and kill them both.

It's a pity that she really lost face this time.

Thomson looked at Lot with satisfaction and said: "You are the boss, and I will leave the matter of the captives to you. Captain Teach said that there are about a thousand pirates captured. Our boss does not take money in his eyes. I don't care about fractions of a thousand, treat them as dead, and pay a ransom of one hundred silver dollars for one soldier, and for one thousand people, the total is one hundred thousand silver dollars."

Thomson said with a smile: "As long as you agree and hand over one hundred thousand silver dollars, we will release him immediately."

After hearing this, Lott's expression immediately fell.

One hundred thousand silver dollars is not a small amount, and it cannot be taken out casually.

When Kamehameha III was in power, the kingdom had less than 160,000 people. After decades of development, there has been some improvement, but it cannot be said to be a major development. The population so far is only more than 200,000. If Taking out 100,000 silver dollars is equivalent to each citizen of the Kingdom of Hawaii donating 0.5 silver dollars, which is not a small fortune for a small country like Hawaii.

Lott stared at Thomson fiercely, thinking, this guy is like a lion.

Emma's smile was as bright as a flower, and she thought to herself, "You are so capable and so talented."

Lott glanced at the proud Emma, ​​shook his head slightly, and cursed in his heart: Stupid woman, if I agree to the pirate's request, it means that the country will pay for it, and you are also a member of the kingdom, so you will be affected as well.

Scolding followed, but Lott was really in a dilemma.

"Your Highness Lot, you can't hesitate about this matter. If you lose money when you protect people, we can still make money when they come back. If you ignore the soldiers for the sake of money, it will have a great impact on your reputation. This is your opportunity, don't hesitate. "

Next to Lott, an official whispered.

Lott rolled his eyes and immediately understood the meaning. His eyes became determined and he said loudly: "I agree to Teach's conditions and am willing to give one hundred thousand silver dollars."


Emma shouted loudly, her face turned livid.

Lott turned his head and asked, "Does the Queen have anything to say?"

Thomson's eyes wandered over Emma and Lott, and he became more and more happy when he saw the two fighting. The more fierce the two people fought, the easier it was for him to succeed.

Through the fight between the two, Thomson can see their superiority.

Emma's face was gloomy, her peach blossom eyes flashed with a cold gaze, and she said in a deep voice: "One hundred thousand silver dollars is not a small amount. It is against the rules for you to make a decision without going through discussion with the Privy Council and the House of Nobles. This matter must be discussed. It can only be executed later.”

When Lot heard these words, he looked contemptuous.

This woman is so ignorant.

Lott waved his fat hand and said decisively: "This matter involves the lives of thousands of soldiers. There cannot be any delay. If it is discussed by the Privy Council and the House of Lords, when will it be decided? After it is decided, the soldiers will They are already dead. When the time comes, thousands of soldiers will be killed because of your discussion, will Queen Emma be willing to take responsibility for the dead soldiers?"

After some questioning, Emma was speechless.

Lot seized the opportunity and continued to scold: "Money is a small thing, but the lives of soldiers are a big deal. The kingdom relies on soldiers to guard it. Only with their existence can the kingdom exist and have a future. Without soldiers, the kingdom is just an empty frame." , let others bully, this matter has been settled, the national treasury will spend 100,000 silver dollars to redeem all the soldiers. Anyone who has objections can come directly to them. Even if the officials of the Privy Council and the House of Nobles do not agree, let them directly Come to me to discuss."

The words are sonorous and powerful.

Many of the officials behind him tended to support Lott.

The soldiers who came to protect Lot, Emma and other officials were all extremely moved. With such a prince, even death was worth it. Both officials and soldiers were moved by Lot's words.

Emma was so angry that her teeth itched and she frowned. This man was really difficult to deal with.

This time, she made another bad move.

"Queen, the situation is complicated. You'd better not interfere in anything and let Prince Lot do it. Anyway, you are His Majesty's queen and the prince's mother. No matter what, you have the upper hand."

Emma nodded and said no more.

Thomson nodded and praised: "His Royal Highness Lot is indeed a person with the air of a king, so refreshing."

Lott snorted and ordered someone to get the money.

It didn't take too long for the soldiers to come out carrying one hundred thousand silver dollars and place them all outside the city.

Thomson checked it over, with a smile on his face, but that smile made Lott feel uncomfortable. The next moment, Thomson quickly returned, and then hundreds of pirates ran out and moved away all the boxes of silver coins. , Lott suddenly became anxious when he saw that the other party still refused to let him go, and shouted: "The money has been given, when will I let him go?"

"Let him go."

Thomson shouted and the pirate told the soldiers to leave.

Without Thomson's order, these soldiers did not dare to leave for fear of being shot.

The soldiers ran toward the city gate with a look of joy on their faces. Among the crowd of pirates outside the city, Teach looked at Thomson who had returned victoriously, with an intriguing smile on his face. He saw the soldiers getting closer and closer to the city gate. Nearby, his face was filled with a bright smile. When the soldiers arrived at the city gate, Teach pulled out his pistol and fired a shot into the sky.


A gunshot broke the calm.

In an instant, the soldiers who had just arrived at the city gate rioted. Some of the soldiers rushed directly to Emma, ​​Lott and a group of officials, surrounding Emma and others.

"Brush, brush, brush,,."

Pistols were drawn out one after another and aimed at Emma, ​​Lott and others.

Although Emma, ​​Lott and others were protected by soldiers, they were only a minority after all. A large number of soldiers were still stationed in the city to prevent pirates from attacking. At this time, Emma, ​​Lott and others were all under control. The situation changed drastically. Everyone was stunned. Some soldiers were preparing to fight back, but the 'soldiers' who surrounded Emma, ​​Lott and others all had pistols in their hands.

Several gunshots rang out, and after a few soldiers died, everyone behaved.

Emma yelled: "Don't, don't kill me, we have something to discuss."

Lott looked calm and said in a deep voice: "You are doing this without considering the consequences of war. Let us go. You can take the silver coins and leave. I promise as the prince of the Kingdom of Hawaii that I will not hold you accountable."

"Whoever believes in you is a fool."

Teach was riding a horse and had arrived at the city gate.

He held a cigarette in his mouth and looked like he was in need of smoking. He said in a leisurely manner: "You people are busy fighting for power and gain, and you don't think about the problem at all. You might as well save me the trouble of attacking the city."

Lot said, "Teach, this won't do you any good."

Tiqi said with a smile: "I know whether there are any benefits, but you are the one who makes me worry."


The gunshot sounded, and Teach directly aimed at Lott's head and shot. The distance between the two parties was very close. The moment the gunshot sounded, there was a blood hole in Lott's head, and blood flowed out, and Lott also screamed. He fell silently to the ground.

In an instant, there was an uproar.

This big pirate was so violent that he killed Prince Lot when he came up.

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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