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Chapter 1126 Li Zhen meets Chen Fang

Nuuanu white area, this is where white people live.

In other words, this is where the upper class live.

In this area, there is a special case, that is Chen Fang from China, who also lives in the Nuuanu white area. Not only that, the place where he lives is not an ordinary small building, but a magnificent The villa, this villa, was bought by Chen Fang in order to marry Julia, the sister of the King of Hawaii.

Julia is the sister of Kamehameha IV and has a distinguished status. Chen Fang relied on his business achievements and Julia's identity to become a member of the white area and rise to the upper echelons of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Chen Mansion, in the backyard.

It was winter at this time, and Chen Fang and fellow villager Cheng Zhi were warming themselves by the fire in the hall.

Cheng Zhi is Chen Fang’s fellow villager and partner.

The famous "Fang Zhiji" in Hawaii is run by Chen Fang and Cheng Zhi, and the name of the business is taken from the last characters of Chen'Fang' and Cheng'Zhi's names, which are combined together to form. Compared with Chen Fang and Cheng Zhi, Fang, Cheng Zhi is in his early forties, with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, giving people a honest and upright feeling, and he is an upright businessman.

Cheng Zhi does not have Chen Fang's sleight of hand, but he is practical and steady in his work, and he cooperates very well with Chen Fang.

The two of them were a perfect match, and Fang Zhiji's business was flourishing.

Unfortunately, Cheng Zhi has been having a hard time recently and sighed: "Brother, the great pirate Tiki killed Kamehameha IV, captured the Kingdom of Hawaii, and took over the palace. Now the situation on the island is unstable and people's hearts are floating. It has already affected the business of 'Fang Zhiji' and has a great impact on us."

Chen Fang shrugged and said, "This is something we can't help. We can't interfere."

Cheng Zhi said: "You are a member of the Privy Council and a relative of Kamehameha IV. With your status, you should be able to get the news. As long as you confirm what the pirates are planning next and what is happening on Hawaii Island. We can formulate corresponding countermeasures according to the plans of various chiefs and businessmen from various countries."

Chen Fang smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, although I am a member of the Privy Council and I appear to be very prosperous, in fact many people don't take me seriously. In their eyes, I am just a businessman."

A trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

It's not that he is unwilling to have power, but that he is unwilling to face the situation he is facing. Life in a foreign country is really not easy. On the surface, he is enjoying great success, and many people regard him as a high-ranking figure. However, only Chen Fang himself knows the real situation.

only the guy drinking water knows it's cold or hot.

A flash of light flashed in Chen Fang's eyes, and she said seriously: "To be honest, brother, I have been thinking about the situation on the island these days, and I have some thoughts in my mind. Throughout the dynasties, when the emperor changes, it is always the most dangerous, but It is also the one with the greatest opportunity. Once the bet is right, Fang Zhiji will definitely have a clear path in the next few years. With us taking the lead, the status of the Chinese on the island will also undergo fundamental changes. It will no longer be the current situation. It’s a difficult situation.”

Cheng Zhi said: "Brother, this is very dangerous."

Chen Fang nodded and said: "I understand. It is because the situation on the island is unclear and it is unclear whether the pirates have gained a firm foothold. That's why I hesitated. If it were the queen or one of the dead Lot princes who had gained the upper hand, I would have stepped down long ago. Bet, but now a pirate has occupied the Kingdom of Hawaii and may be driven away at any time, so I don’t dare to place a bet easily.”

Cheng Zhi smiled and said, "You are smart. I heard you right. Anyway, I believe you."

"Sir, a Chinese man came from outside the house. He said he is a fellow countryman of yours and he has important matters to discuss with you." The housekeeper strode in and stood respectfully in front of Chen Fang.

Chen Fang asked: "Who is it?"

The butler shook his head and said, "I don't know him. He's never been here before."

Cheng Zhi said: "A friend has come from afar. Since we are from the same hometown, we should meet him even if we don't know him."

Chen Fang nodded and said: "Please."

The housekeeper turned around and left. Not long after, three people walked in from outside the door. Among the three, the one walking at the front was walking like a tiger. He was handsome and handsome. His eyes were firm, his face was resolute, and there was a hint of wryness in the corner of his mouth. With a smile on his face, there was a young man in his early twenties and a young man in his teens next to him. These three people were clearly Li Zhen and his party, and the one at the front was Li Zhen.

When Chen Fang saw this scene, she judged in her heart that the person coming was not simple.

He stood up with a smile on his face.

As Li Zhen walked, he also looked at Chen Fang, who was sitting in the main seat. The person in his eyes was not tall, but lean, with an ordinary face, but his eyes were deep and steady, shining with the light of wisdom. Li Zhen was about to enter the center of the hall. Chen Fang took the initiative to take steps forward, clasping her fists and saying: "Your Excellency, you are here to visit me. I am so slow to treat you. Please forgive me, please."

Cheng Zhi stood up and nodded in greeting.

The host and guest sat down, both with smiles on their faces.

Chen Fang asked: "It's rare to meet a fellow countryman in Hawaii. Where are you from?"

Li Zhen said: "I am from Guangzhou, Guangdong." Li Zhen said that his name of Guangzhou was based on Li Xiaotong's family tree, because the Li family was originally from Guangzhou, and Li Zhen knew that Chen Fang was from Xiangshan County, Guangdong. People naturally tend to lean towards their fellow countrymen’s identities intentionally or unintentionally, and bring the relationship closer between the two parties.

Sure enough, Chen Fang looked overjoyed and said with a smile: "I am also from Guangdong. Your surname is yours."

Li Zhen replied: "My name is Li Zhen, and my courtesy name is Hongyi."

Chen Fang didn't know that Li Zhen was the president of China, but they were from the same hometown, which made Chen Fang very happy. Cheng Zhi sat next to him with a cold look and didn't interrupt. Chen Fang was happy and said loudly: "Meeting an old friend in a foreign country , this is a great joy in life, Mr. Li is a little younger than me, so I will ask you to call Mr. Li brother, how about it."

Li Zhen said: "I can't ask for it."

Chen Fang changed the subject and asked: "Brother said that we have something important to discuss, but I don't know what it is."

When Cheng Zhi heard this, his eyes flashed.

This is Chen Fang's usual method, usually first to bring the relationship closer between the two parties, and then talk about business matters.

Li Zhen said: "I am here for the future of the Kingdom of Hawaii."

Chen Fang raised her eyebrows and stared at Li Zhen with a strange look. In Chen Fang's impression, there was no such person among the powerful Chinese in the Kingdom of Hawaii, and there was no Li Zhen among the famous people. However, Li Zhen spoke. Talking about the future of the Kingdom of Hawaii made Chen Fang feel untrue, and she became wary, fearing that Li Zhen had evil intentions.

Next to him, Cheng Zhi was looking at Li Zhen, wondering about Li Zhen's identity. Suddenly, Cheng Zhi's eyes lit up, and then his face changed slightly. He suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked, "Brother Li Xian, what do you call these two little brothers?"

Liu Jintang answered proactively: "My name is Liu Jintang, from Hunan."

Chen Yucheng said: "My name is Chen Yucheng, from Teng County, Guangxi."

Cheng Zhi's face changed drastically and he stood up in confusion.

He lifted up his robe, knelt down, and said excitedly: "President Li, I didn't expect you to come to Hawaii. I apologize for any indiscretion, President Li." He looked up at Chen Fang and quickly looked at her. At this time, Chen Fang also understood that the person in front of him was not an ordinary person, but the president of China.

He hurriedly knelt down, also looking frightened.

This, what's going on?

Cheng Zhi knelt on the ground and secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he had business ties with the American Federation, so he knew about Li Zhen, Liu Jintang and Chen Yucheng's affairs in the American Federation. Only by combining the names of Liu Jintang and Chen Yucheng could he determine Li Zhen's identity. identity.

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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