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Chapter 1128 The President Appears On The Stage

Fang Zhiji is a business run by Chen Fang and Cheng Zhi. Chen Fang is familiar with it, and Cheng Zhi is also familiar with it. With Cheng Zhi taking over, Chen Fang only took half a day to complete the handover of Fang Zhiji's rights. Chen Fang was also familiar with Fang Zhiji. It is said that Fang Zhiji is very important. It is his hard work and hard work, but being able to enter the official career means that his life will reach a new height.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Fang came to the palace.

In the conference room, Li Zhen, Tiqi, Liu Jintang, Chen Yucheng, Queen Emma, ​​Thomson, and the newly arrived Chen Fang all sat down around the conference table. Li Zhen glanced around and said: "Chen Fang has taken care of it. To take care of family matters, tonight, invite the members of the Privy Council and the House of Peers to the palace, hold a meeting, and finalize the appointment of Chen Fang as the President of the Republic of Hawaii."

He looked at Emma and asked: "Queen Emma, ​​what do you think?"

"I fully support President Lee's decision," Emma said.

Li Zhen smiled slightly and said: "Very good, I will arrange the next thing."

"Thomson." Li Zhen shouted.


Thomson stood up and answered loudly.

Li Zhen ordered: "Thomson is responsible for the security of the palace. He mobilizes five hundred people to lurk or stand guard around the palace to control all roads leading to the palace. Only entry is allowed and no exit is allowed. At the same time, another hundred people are mobilized. Maintaining order in the palace is the key to ensuring the smooth convening of the meeting, so you must brace yourself to face it."

"Understood." Thomson said.

Li Zhen continued: "Thomson is responsible for security issues. Notifying the members of the Privy Council and the House of Lords will be completed by Teach and Emma. You two must invite all the people here. After all the members arrive, Emma’s announcement that Chen Fang will be the President of the Republic of Hawaii must be rationalized.”

Li Zhen stared at Tiqi and Emma and said: "You two are there to give benefits to the congressmen and to appease the congressmen. I pretend to be Chen Fang's confidants and lead Liu Jintang and Chen Yucheng as thugs to beat up those who do not cooperate. ."

Emma and Teach agreed and nodded.

Li Zhen continued: "Chen Fang, if you want to serve as the president of Hawaii, your aura must be strong and stable. When the time comes, the situation will definitely get out of control, so I hope you are prepared."

Chen Fang said: "President Li, please rest assured, I understand."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "This is the general arrangement. Everyone should perform their duties and prepare for the next step."


Everyone nodded in agreement, stood up and got ready, each busy with his or her own affairs.

Chen Fang wanted to change her clothes, so she went to change her clothes. Li Zhen, Liu Jintang, and Chen Yucheng also went to make up again and put on black suits and black leather shoes. The three of them had straight and tall figures. Li Zhen stared at himself in the mirror and felt that there was indeed a big change. Unless he was familiar with it, he would definitely not be able to recognize it.

Li Zhen brought Liu Jintang and Chen Yucheng to the main hall. After looking around, he took them to the gate and said: "Tonight, you will play the role of door gods and stand at the door to control the scene. Without my orders, just You are allowed to enter, but you are not allowed to leave. If someone makes a move, you can deal with it as you wish. You can even shoot someone who disobeys you."

Liu Jintang said with a smile: "President, since Chen Yucheng and I are dressed as door gods, why don't we change the color of our faces again? After all, door gods have black faces."

Li Zhen patted Liu Jintang on the shoulder and said, "Good idea, I agree."

Liu Jintang laughed and did not leave. He was just joking and could not really put on makeup.

After the two of them took their seats, Li Zhen walked towards the back hall.

Chen Fang put on a military uniform and paced back and forth in the back hall. As the saying goes, Taoists rely on clothes and Buddhas rely on gold. Although Chen Fang was not good-looking, after putting on this outfit, she was dazzling and already looked like a high-ranking person.

Li Zhen smiled slightly and said: "Don't be nervous, relax, and learn to relax."

Chen Fang said: "I am a little nervous when I appear as the president for the first time, but I can control it."

Li Zhen also nodded and said, "I believe you can handle it well."

The two were chatting in the apse. Teach and Emma kept sending people to deliver messages. After the members of the House of Nobles and the Privy Council got the news, they all noticed the strangeness and rushed to the palace one by one with worries. At nine o'clock in the evening At half past o'clock, the palace was overcrowded. Members of the House of Lords and members of the Privy Council were all sitting in the main hall.

After counting the number of people, Teach and Emma came to the back hall together.

Teach raised his hand and saluted Li Zhen and said: "The President, the members of the Privy Council and the House of Nobles have all arrived, and no one is missing. Now, we are waiting for the President and Mr. Chen to enter."

"Nice job."

Li Zhen praised him and said, "President Chen, let's go."

Immediately, Chen Fang stood up.

At this moment, Chen Fang's energy changed. He was no longer the person he had been anxiously waiting for just now, but a majestic president. He had just taken a step, his feet were in the air, but he instinctively stopped and said: "President, please."

Obviously, his role has not changed yet.

Li Zhenyi rolled his eyes and said: "My President Chen, tonight, I am just a confidant beside you, just your thug. Remember, you must not make mistakes. Now, you, Tiqi, and Emma are the ones who are today The protagonists of the evening, you walk in front and I walk behind you. Come on, I will give you the finale from behind."

Chen Fang took a deep breath and walked out.

A group of four people quickly arrived at the entrance of the hall. Chen Fang walked at the front. Tiqi and Emma were half a step slower, but Li Zhen followed the three of them. When the four of them appeared, there was an immediate noise in the hall. There was a commotion. Whether it was the members of the House of Nobles or the Privy Council, they all knew Chen Fang, but Chen Fang's appearance made them feel weird.


After the four people entered the hall, a sudden sound made everyone feel nervous.

Following the sound, it was Liu Jintang and Chen Yucheng who closed the door.

At this time, everyone was locked up. This atmosphere made everyone feel bad. The hall was noisy. Chen Fang still walked forward with his head held high. Chen Fang came to the king's seat directly above the hall, turned around and sat down , then facing all the MPs, at the same time, Tiqi sat on Chen Fang's left hand side, and Emma sat on Chen Fang's right hand side.

Li Zhen was the accompanying person and stood behind Chen Fang in a very polite manner.

Chen Fang looked at Emma and nodded slightly.

Emma nodded in response and said: "Quiet."

At this moment, Li Zhen looked at the congressmen below. His gaze was as sharp as a knife, like a beast staring at live prey, which sent chills down one's spine. Although Li Zhen did not stare at any one congressman in particular, But when he stood above and looked down, every congressman felt like he was being targeted by Li Zhen. This feeling was strange, but it was the same for everyone.

Soon, the hall became quiet.

Emma said: "I have invited you here to announce the new ruler of Hawaii, President Chen Fang."


There was a sudden commotion in the main hall.


President Chen Fang.

Hawaii was established in the hands of King Kamehameha I and has always been an independent kingdom. Even though Western systems such as the Privy Council and the House of Nobles have emerged, it has always been a king system. Now suddenly there is a president, and he is also a Chinese. The president made all the congressmen find it incredible and even more ridiculous.

ps: Fourth update, call it a day; it will break out tomorrow, please support me.

This chapter has been completed!
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