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Chapter 1137 The first battle at sea

February 9, 10 am.

Oahu, Honolulu.

On the sea level, a black line is getting closer and closer. As the distance goes from far to near, it can be seen clearly that what appears are warships flying the British and American flags. After these warships leave the ports of their respective countries, they spend a lot of time. After several months, we finally arrived in Honolulu.

On the flagship, Maihad and George were extremely excited.

After spending countless hours, it's finally here.


A British soldier ran over and reported: "Lieutenant General Maihad, a French fleet has appeared on the right wing of the fleet."


An American soldier ran over and reported: "Rear Admiral George, a pirate ship appeared on the left wing of the fleet."

The soldiers reported that Maihad and George were not panicked.

There was even a trace of impatience on the faces of the two people.

Maihad rolled his eyes, with a smile on his old face, and said: "Sir George, this is our first battle when we arrive in Honolulu, Hawaii Island. We must win."

After a pause, Maihad continued: "The French and pirate armies are located on the left and right sides of the fleet, and we also attack them respectively. The British Empire's army is located on the left wing of the fleet, so it turns its direction to attack the pirate ships on the left wing, while Major General George's The federal army is located on the right wing, so the federal army will attack the French army appearing on the right wing. What do you think?"

There was a smile on his face, as if his arrangement was a matter of course.

"Old fox."

George cursed secretly, knowing that Maihad deliberately threw France to him.

However, George was not afraid.

The U.S. federal army is not something France can resist.

George was high-spirited and replied loudly: "Lieutenant General Maihad gave France to the U.S. federal army. This is an affirmation and trust in our U.S. federal army. The federal army will win this battle. General Maihad just waits." The good news is." George immediately headed to the command room and ordered the soldiers to use flags to notify the federal naval fleet to turn around and attack the French fleet rushing towards the right wing.

At the same time, Maihad also ordered an attack on the pirate ships on the left wing.


The first cannon shot sounded, and it was the pirate ship that took the lead in attacking.

The shell failed to hit the British warship and fell into the water and exploded, causing huge waves.

"Boom, boom,,,."

In an instant, both sides were attacking each other, and the battle became more intense.

On the other side, Vice Admiral Christian of the French fleet also commanded the battle and launched an attack on the U.S. federal army. The sound of rumbling artillery fire and continuous bullet shooting sounded one after another on the sea. On the vast sea, the battle Interweaving and continuous artillery fire, whether it was British Lieutenant General Maihad or American Major General George, they went all out.

On the battlefield, a lion fighting a rabbit also needs to go all out.

Even if George and Maihad despised the pirates from the bottom of their hearts, they still needed to go all out. This battle lasted for nearly an hour. In the end, the pirates retreated, and the navy led by Lieutenant General Christian also retreated, avoiding the U.S. federal army. Edge, the result of the war ended with the victory of the British and American coalition forces. Maihad looked at George and asked: "Sir George, what was the result of the war?"

George smiled and said: "Not much was captured. We only captured one of the opponent's warships, and the rest of the warships escaped." The conversation changed, and George asked: "How is the situation with Mr. Maihad?"

Maihad smiled and said: "This group of pirates is very cunning and has good fighting ability. I only captured one warship. When the rest of the pirates saw that something was wrong, they all ran away in a swarm."

The two looked at each other and smiled, subconsciously avoiding the topic.

The results were not great, and both of them were embarrassed to mention it.

However, at least the first battle ended in victory, which can be considered a consolation.

Maihad looked ahead and continued: "Your Excellency, our final battlefield is in Honolulu. We will continue to move forward, land at Pearl Harbor on Oahu, and then fight the opponent again."

"Yes, let's land and fight again."

George nodded and ordered the warship to move forward.

One after another, British and American allied warships rushed towards Pearl Harbor with their first victory.

Pearl Harbor, click on the port.

Rows of cannons were aimed at the sea, exuding a fierce force.

Teach and Ajid were both in the temporary command post on the shore. They were waiting for the arrival of the British and American coalition forces. Teach held a telescope and saw the British and American coalition navies appearing on the sea. He chuckled and said: "Captain Ajid, the British and American coalition forces have appeared. The battle at sea has ended. Next, the British and American coalition forces will land at Pearl Harbor. It's time for us to take action."

Ajid held the telescope and saw clearly the situation on the sea. He nodded and said: "The distance now is more than 500 meters, it is estimated to be about 800 meters. We have to wait a little longer, otherwise the cannonballs will fly out in vain."

Teach nodded, and the two of them waited slowly.

Gradually, the distance gradually narrowed.

Seven hundred meters.

Six hundred meters.

Five hundred meters.

Three hundred meters.

Two fifty meters.

At this time, the British and American warships had entered the range of the cannons. Teach stood up, pointed at the warships on the sea, and shouted: "Fire the guns, fire the guns."

Not to be outdone, Ajid also shouted: "Fire the gun..."

A high-pitched roar sounded from the shore.

After the order was conveyed, the gunners who were ready on the port shore all loaded the cannonballs and then fired.


The dense sound of artillery sounded, one after another, deafening, like a sudden earthquake in the earth, or like a tsunami in the sea. It was full of momentum and spectacular. In the sky, artillery shells flew out one after another and streaked through the air. An arc was shot towards the British and American coalition warships at sea.

There were dozens of shells in the first round, and several British and American warships were hit by several shells.

The fierce artillery fire caught the British and American coalition forces by surprise.

After the first round of artillery fire, the second round of artillery shells was loaded immediately, and another attack was launched.

Continuous attacks prevented the British and American coalition forces from advancing even half a step. Seeing that the situation was not good, Maihad immediately ordered a retreat to temporarily avoid the firepower on the island. George also "gone pale" and quickly ordered the U.S. federal warships to retreat. , when the fleet dispersed and retreated, out of the range of the artillery shells, George and Maihad heaved a sigh of relief.

However, the two of them were not willing to admit defeat. They first asked the soldiers to check the damage. Fortunately, the soldiers were not seriously injured. Only the battleship suffered some damage, but it did not affect the overall situation. Next, George and Maihad launched another attack. .

He ordered all the batteries of the battleship to aim at the port and continue to move towards the port.

The port came into firing range, and Maihad ordered to fire.

At the same time, the soldiers on the shore also began to fight back. Both sides shelled each other. The battle was very fierce. When warships entered the two hundred meters range of the port, the British and American coalition forces used the cover of intensive artillery fire to let the naval soldiers board the shore in small boats. .

A large number of soldiers rushed towards the shore of Pearl Harbor.

ps: third update;

This chapter has been completed!
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