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Chapter 1160 The trick of the old gentleman

Hebrew's eyes were gloomy, his gaze was fixed on Lu Songhe, and he said word by word: "This man, what he says must be well-founded, especially for a person of your age. Don't let others say that you are relying on your old age to show off. The medicine does not take into account the actual condition of the patient. Please tell me the reason. If you are making random guesses, just swallow it yourself."

He looked arrogant and aggressive, determined to make Lu Songhe look bad, and then make Li Zhen feel embarrassed.

Hebrew's words made the conflict between the two parties even worse.

After hearing this, the patients in line all looked at Lu Songhe.

At this moment, Lu Songhe became the center of attention.

Seeing the conflict between the two parties intensifying, Nightingale sighed lightly and wanted to speak out to dissuade him. However, Hebrew stared at Lu Songhe's menacing expression, as well as the expressions of Huan Xiaolang, Li Zhen and others who firmly supported Lu Songhe. It has been shown that although this is a battle between Chinese medicine and Western medicine, it represents their respective positions.

Lu Songhe's traditional Chinese medicine actually represents China, and Hebrew Western medicine actually represents Britain.

The deeper issue is the face of the two countries.

Li Zhen said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Lu, I believe you."

Lu Songhe looked relaxed and casual and replied: "I have confidence. I have lived for most of my life and have seen all kinds of things. This little thing is not surprising." After a pause, Lu Songhe turned his eyes to Hebrew and said: " Your diagnosis is correct, and the Western medicine used can indeed cure the patient's cold in a short period of time, but why don't you check it carefully again?"

Immediately, Huan Xiaolang translated the words.


Hebrew's heart suddenly wondered, could he have missed something?

He thought for a while and already made a decision. In front of so many doctors and patients, it was impossible for him to re-examine, so he waved his hand and said: "I have been practicing medicine in Hebrew for more than ten years, and I always check once. Never check a second time.”

Lu Songhe shook his head slightly, with a look of regret.

Li Zhen looked on and saw that Lu Songhe was confident, but he couldn't figure out how Lu Songhe could reverse the situation. As for the so-called specialization in medicine, Li Zhen could only stand by and watch the fun, and couldn't figure out the reason. Zhen looked at Huan Xiaolang, who shrugged and shook his head to express that he didn't know.

Seeing that Lu Songhe remained silent, Hebrew said impatiently: "Admit defeat, there's no point in trying to be mysterious."

"No matter what, no matter what, I'll tell you."

Lu Songhe pointed at the patient and said seriously: "The patient who was treated just now does not only have wind-cold disease in his body. If it was just a simple wind-cold disease, I would not have spent three days with different medicines. There is another disease in his body." disease."


The patient exclaimed, with a look of horror on his face.

Just now he thought Hebrew was powerful, but when he heard Lu Songhe's words, his expression suddenly changed.

Hebrews retorted: "Mysterious."

Lu Songhe smiled softly and said, "Whether you are trying to be mysterious or not, you will know once you ask." After a pause, Lu Songhe asked: "Little brother, in the past half month, in addition to the cold, you have also had hot flashes, night sweats, and dry mouth and throat. Symptoms of dryness, yellow urine and dry stools, and a red tongue with less coating are signs of kidney problems. What I said is true."

"It's true, it's true."

The sick person has his mouth wide open and his eyes widened, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

The old doctor only gave him a brief examination and found out that he had other symptoms, which were too serious. However, he never paid attention to these symptoms in his body.

After hearing Huan Xiaolang's translation, Hebrew's face became as dark as water.

There was a smile on Lu Songhe's old face, and his long gray eyebrows twitched as he continued: "The medicines I prescribe include not only medicines for treating wind-cold, but also medicines for treating kidneys. Therefore, three medicines are needed. It will take a few days to fully recover. As for the medicine that the foreign doctor gave you, not only did it not cure the kidney problem, but it contained some medicine that would damage the kidney. Once you take it, the wind and cold will be cured, but the kidney problem will be more serious. It even makes it difficult to have sex.”

The patient was sweating coldly, and was thankful in his heart.

Fortunately, I found the right person this time.

Hebrew's face was livid. He heard Lu Songhe said that the patient had kidney problems, and he was still lucky in his heart. However, Lu Songhe actually knew the ingredients of Western medicine and pointed out the harm of Western medicine to the patient. Hebrew froze in place, and his whole person was as if He was struck by thunder and was at a loss. One of the medicines he prescribed did cause some damage to the kidneys.

Li Zhen was excited, he didn't expect Lu Songhe's killing move to be so sharp.

Lu Songhe rolled his eyes and chuckled: "Come here and sit down."

After listening to Huan Xiaolang's translation, Hebrew looked at Lu Songhe again and thought, I am a grown man, and there are so many doctors and patients around me. I am afraid that you will not succeed. Hebrew walked to Lu Songhe and sat down. Lu Songhe ordered Said: "Stretch out your hand."

Hebra suddenly understood that the old man was going to take his pulse.

He thought to himself that he could use this opportunity to win the game.

About two minutes later, Lu Songhe stopped taking Hebrew's pulse and checked the tongue coating, eyes and other conditions.

Hebrews asked, "Am I sick?"


Li Zhen laughed loudly and said: "This foreign doctor is really interesting. He took the initiative to say that he was sick. I think he must be sick and it is not an ordinary ailment."

Lu Songhe nodded and said affirmatively: "I am sick. It is a disease that has a very serious impact."

Hebrew curled his lips and said: "I am in good health and not sick."

Lu Songhe said: "Your illness is caused by having too much sex, which makes your body weak. Although your body looks strong and tall, it is weak. If you don't control it, your body will completely collapse. Based on my many years of experience, I can infer that in the past three years, In the past few days, you have had sex too much, probably more than seven or eight times a day. I really don’t know how young people nowadays don’t care about their own health."

A trace of panic flashed in Hebrew's eyes, but he quickly regained his composure, snorted, and said seriously: "You have no basis for pretending to be a ghost. You are completely deceived."

Lu Songhe smoothed his gray beard under his chin, with a strong look of confidence on his face, and said loudly: "I am nearly seventy years old and have been practicing medicine for more than fifty years. I have never deceived anyone. I think back then, the former Emperor Jiaqing also When I was here, I also worked with the master to treat the emperor's illness. Do you have to lie to me for a minor illness like yours?"

When these words were spoken, there was a wave of excitement around him.

Emperor Jiaqing was the emperor more than forty years ago. The old doctor in front of him actually treated the emperor. His status suddenly rose. Countless people already regarded Lu Songhe as a miracle doctor in their hearts.

"Hebrew, yesterday you said that you went to *** to find your woman. The two of them fought in the court nine times, and you were so proud of yourself. You said this yourself, don't deny it."

"You also said that you found a French beauty the day before yesterday, and we fought together for ten rounds."

The words of the two British doctors made Hebrew look pale.

"It's just a little bit of art, not worth mentioning. Hebrew, if you're not good at learning, don't show it around; if you're not upright, don't think you're right, just step back."

A loud voice came, and everyone followed it, but it was Bennett who came out.

The British doctors were teased by Lu Songhe, and he, the leading doctor, could not avoid it no matter what.

ps: Third update, working hard;

This chapter has been completed!
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