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Chapter 1167 New Weapon Tank

Half an hour after Wang Xiaoyang left, Li Zhen got the news that the soldier who reported the news had been dealt with. Li Zhen did not express any opinion on this, but was a little annoyed about the previous incident. Li Zhen came to the backyard and met Li Xiaotong first, and then came Go to the place where Zhilan, Fang Su and others live and reunite with their families.

I went to Hong Kong and was separated from Zhilan, Gu Lina and others for nearly two months. The family had a lot to say together. Li Zhen’s youngest son Li Taiping has also turned one year old. He is very cute and cute, and the whole family has a lot to say. It's fun.

Lankfort left the governor's residence and quickly returned to the French Embassy in Guangzhou. Previously, he had received news from the soldiers in the embassy that the British envoy Gobard had a way to help rescue Ajid, Christine and his party. So Lankfurt did not negotiate with Li Zhen, but left directly. Lankfurt came to the living room, where British Minister Gobard had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Lankfurt return, Gobard stood up and greeted him with a smile, "Sir Lankfurt, will you go see Li Zhen and agree to the conditions proposed by Li Zhen in order to exchange for the detained soldiers?"

After Lankfurt sat down, he replied: "I just got word from you about the compensation with Li Zhen, and I haven't even had time to finalize the specific terms."

"Fortunately, fortunately."

Gobard looked happy. It would have been difficult if he had signed the contract.

Now, nothing has been decided yet.

Lankfurt was confused and asked straight to the point: "Master Gobard said that there is a way to save Captain Ajid, Major General Christian and the captured soldiers. What is the way?"

Gobard looked mysterious and did not answer directly, but said slowly: "After Li Zhen emerged in China, he was invincible. He single-handedly pacified China and overthrew the Manchu Qing Dynasty. The British Empire faced Li Zhen's army. They suffered successive defeats, especially when Li Zhen's scientists invented the machine gun, which made them invincible and difficult for us to resist."

These words made Lankfur frown.

Are these verbal words useful?

But thinking that the other party said there was a way to solve the prisoner problem, Lankfurt waited patiently.

Gobard continued: "Since Li Zhen is too powerful, the empire has been studying how to defeat Li Zhen in order to restrain Li Zhen. Li Zhen is cunning and uses powerful weapons, so he must use absolute strength to defeat Li Zhen. Li Zhen, the empire spent more than two years developing a new weapon specifically designed to restrain Li Zhen."

"Oh, what kind of weapon?" Lankfurt perked up and suddenly became interested.

Gobard said: "Tank."

"What tank?" Lankfurt was confused and had no idea at all.

Gobard said with a smile: "A tank is a land warship. To describe it in the simplest terms, it is a combination of a cannon and a tractor. As you know, Mr. Tractor, it is a cannon mounted on a tractor to form a mobile fortress. You can run rampant, fire cannons, and use machine guns to fire."

Gobard raised his head slightly, with a longing look on his face, "Just imagine, once our tanks encounter Li Zhen's army and ram directly into it, Li Zhen's army will definitely be unable to resist it, even if Li Zhen's usual grenades, landmines, etc. It doesn’t work, because the tank we built is close to 20 tons. With such a weight, the explosion of a grenade or the explosion of several mines is simply insignificant and will not have any impact at all.”

Lankfur rolled his eyes and asked, "Are there any drawings?"

Gobard replied: "There is a simplified diagram, let me show it to you."

After finishing speaking, Gobard took out a folded blueprint from his pocket and unfolded it on the table. Lankfur walked over and his eyes fell on the blueprint. A basic tank was displayed. This tank The tank has a rhombus-shaped outline, with protruding gun mounts on the track frames on both sides of the vehicle body. Two tracks go around the vehicle body from the top, and a pair of steering wheels protrude from the rear of the vehicle. It is very large, and it is actually a mobile vehicle. The fortress is very scary.

At just one glance, Lankfurt was impressed by this weapon.

After reading it, Frankfurt frowned and said, "Show me the drawings of the tank. Aren't you afraid that France will make it?"

Gobard looked confident and said loudly: "The British Empire built tanks to block Li Zhen's attack. France is also facing Li Zhen's approach, so we have a common enemy. This is one of the reasons for showing it to you. , and the weapon of the tank will be exposed sooner or later. Once you see it, you can imitate it in a short time. There is no need to hide it. "

Lankfur nodded and said: "Just, how effective is the tank?"

Gobard showed a proud look and said: "I have just said that new weapons like tanks are absolutely invincible. The first tank weighed nearly 20 tons, the armor thickness was 8 mm, and it was also equipped with weapons according to China's A machine gun made based on the principles of a machine gun. The maximum speed of the tank is 2.6 kilometers per hour. It can directly pass through a 1-meter trench and even pass through a 20-centimeter obstacle. Don't you think it's amazing?"


After hearing this, Lankfur couldn't help but rub his hands.

This weapon is too fierce.

Just imagine, when the two armies were fighting, tanks rushed over one after another, and Li Zhen's army was immediately destroyed.

Lankfur asked again: "Why help us?"

Gobard shook his head slightly and said: "Mr. Lankfurt, I have just made it very clear that we have a common enemy. Captain Ajid, Major General Christian and thousands of French troops were captured by Li Zhen, while Hawaii On the island, Lieutenant General Maihad of the British Empire and thousands of soldiers were also captured, as were even the troops of the United States Commonwealth. For this reason, we need to fight the enemy together. Of course, there are still interests between countries. ."

Frankfurt said to himself, finally showing the fox's tail.

He didn't believe that Gobard was really willing to help them just because they had a common enemy.

Frankfurt asked: "What are your country's requirements?"

Gobard smiled and said: "Weapons like tanks are very powerful. Once they go to the battlefield, they will be invincible. However, the tanks used in battle cannot be just weapons of the British country, so the empire is prepared to sell such weapons to your country. Then, we unite and fight against the enemy together."

Lankfurt understood in his heart that Britain not only wanted to make money, but also wanted to bind France to fight together. He changed his mind and asked: "Mr. Gaubard, France should not be the only country that your country is uniting with."


Gobard gave a thumbs up, with appreciation in his eyes.

His expression became serious again, and he said in a deep voice: "To deal with Li Zhen, our two countries alone are not enough. The empire is also preparing to unite other countries. Each country will use tanks to fight. When the time comes, a large number of tanks will invade The Chinese mainland completely subdued Li Zhen, and then ordered Li Zhen to hand over all the prisoners, so that Li Zhen could not be arrogant."

Lankfurt nodded and said: "Sir, from a personal point of view, I support it, but I can't make the decision on such a big matter, so I need to report the news to you and give you an answer. "

"Okay, I'm waiting for the good news from Mr. Lankfurt."

Gobard put away the drawings and said goodbye.

Lankfur stood up and sent Gobard away, but there was a faint expectation in his heart. The appearance of such a weapon meant that Li Zhen's advantage was gone, and what happened next would be very exciting.

ps: Fourth update, let’s keep working hard;

This chapter has been completed!
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