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Chapter 1243 Benefits of the National Defense Commissioner

Presidential Palace, study room.

Li Zhen stared at the map hanging in the room, and his eyes fell on the map of Mongolia. In the past few days, news from the front line continued to come back, and all the news came back. Huang Shihai led his army to take over Hebei Province. After driving out the Mongolian troops that entered Hebei Province, the troops have already marched into the Mongolian grasslands and begun to expand their results. With the current progress, victory is likely to be achieved in less than two months.

For this reason, Li Zhen was very happy.

With the capture of Mongolia, the country's stability will reach a higher level.

Li Zhen shouted: "Here comes someone."

A guard walked in and said respectfully: "President."

Li Zhen ordered: "Send a message to Huang Shihai immediately and ask him to attack steadily and consolidate the results while attacking."


The security guard left, but Li Zhen had his hands behind his back, feeling complacent.

"Dong, dong,."

There was a knock on the door, and another guard walked in.

The guard raised his hand to salute, and then said loudly: "The President, Huang Qiang, Long Ao and others are asking for an audience in the hall."

"I'll be right away."

Li Zhen nodded, stood up and walked out.

When Li Zhen walked to the door of the living room, he paused for a moment, glanced around, and saw the people standing in the hall. The people who came were Huang Qiang, Long Yao, Su Lei, Yang Jianhou, and two others who were not Li Zhen. Li Zhen strode in. Huang Qiang and others raised their hands to salute. Li Zhen returned the salute one by one, came to the main seat in the living room and sat down. His eyes fell on Guo Songtao and Liu Kunyi and asked: "What are your names?" Name, why haven’t I seen it before?”

Li Zhen has never met these two people.

Guo Songtao smiled slightly and replied in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "My name is Guo Songtao, and I am the brigade commander of a certain regiment of the First Army."

Liu Kunyi replied loudly: "My name is Liu Kunyi, and I am the brigade commander of a certain regiment of the First Army."

Li Zhen's eyes lit up. Both of them performed well in appearance. He smiled and said: "I didn't expect it to be you. Very good. Prime Minister Zeng said that you are very talented, so he recommended you to serve as the National Defense Committee of the Ministry of National Defense. I hope You can do your best to show your talents and contribute to the country."

The corners of Guo Songtao and Liu Kun's mouths twitched, and they felt extremely cheated.

Why go to the Ministry of Defense?

The two of them couldn't say it out loud, so they could only nod silently.

Li Zhen turned his eyes and landed on Huang Qiang. He asked with a smile: "Huang Qiang, you brought so many people to me this time, and they are all newly appointed National Defense Commissioners. Is there something wrong?"

Huang Qiang did not hesitate and said directly: "President, none of us are willing to serve as members of the National Defense Committee. Please let us continue to hold our original positions." His eyes were so firm that Li Zhensheng felt astonished.

Don’t be a member of the National Defense Committee.

This, this is so surprising.

Although the National Defense Committee set up by Li Zhen did not have real power, it definitely had benefits. Li Zhen stared at Huang Qiang and saw that Huang Qiang's expression did not change. Then he glanced at everyone in the hall one by one. The same was true for these people, who were not moved at all. , Li Zhen paused for a long time, took a deep breath, and then asked calmly: "The purpose of your coming is that you are not willing to serve as the National Defense Committee. Is it possible that the National Defense Committee is a tiger, which is scary."


Everyone answered in unison.

"a bunch of idiots."

Li Zhen pouted, shook his head and said.

Liu Kun couldn't hold it in any longer and replied loudly: "President, what's the good thing about being a member of the National Defense Committee? I can't train soldiers or lead troops to fight. I sit in the Ministry of National Defense doing nothing all day long. I can't live like this. Please let me go back." Lead the troops. Even if you don't go to the battlefield, you can still do some serious work by training your soldiers every day."

Huang Qiang thought for a while and then said: "President, I also agree with Brigadier Liu's idea. I would rather continue to lead the Sharp Knife Battalion than become a member of the Ministry of National Defense."

Li Zhen looked at the rest of the people and said in a deep voice: "You all think so."

Everyone nodded one after another, but none of them were willing to join the Ministry of National Defense as a committee member.

Li Zhen frowned and asked with a smile: "Huang Qiang, do you plan to stay in Jian Dao Camp for the rest of your life? Although Jian Dao Camp is very good and a special team, the contact situation in Jian Dao Camp is too narrow and it is difficult to broaden your horizons. If you don't leave, If you go out, you will not be able to move to a bigger stage. I asked you to serve as a member of the National Defense Committee of the Ministry of National Defense. I am not asking you to hang around. I want you to learn new things, learn how to look at problems from an overall perspective, and broaden your horizons. To enhance your structure, without such a process, you will have problems if you want to move up."

Huang Qiang suddenly stopped talking and fell into silence.

He hadn't thought about it so much before. When he heard Li Zhen's words, he didn't know how to answer.

Li Zhen's eyes fell on Su Lei again and said: "Su Lei, you have been stationed in Taiwan to protect Taiwan's security. Logically speaking, you can be regarded as the ruling party, but Taiwan is just a province, and Taiwan has not even been upgraded to a province. At that time, it was just a city. Compared with large provinces such as Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou, and compared with important locations such as Beijing, Nanjing, and Guangzhou, you lacked a lot, and it was far from enough. Therefore, you needed to study in the Ministry of National Defense and broaden your horizons. Only by increasing your knowledge and experience can you serve as a garrison commander in an important place."

Su Lei originally wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, it was indeed true.

For a while, he also fell silent.

Li Zhen's eyes fell on Guo Songtao and Liu Kunyi again, and continued: "When Liu Kun said that we should do practical things, I felt even more ridiculous. There is no practical work in the Ministry of National Defense, or do you think that the Ministry of National Defense is for pensions, and the National Defense Ministry The Ministry of Defense is above the seven military regions. Do you know the significance of the establishment of the seven military regions by the Ministry of National Defense? Do you know what military plans the country will formulate next? Do you know what the weaknesses are in the country’s defense front? Do you know what the country’s arms are? Are there any shortcomings? Aren’t these things worth doing and studying? It’s impossible to touch these things with just a brigade.”

Li Zhen looked serious and continued: "You are the backbone of the army. You should not only consider fighting, but also consider national-level strategies and tactics. You must consider the country's military development. You must be able to be both civil and military. You must be able to do both. Only by being tough can one be considered a qualified military talent."


Liu Kunyi and Guo Songtao nodded and did not dare to refute.

Compared with Zeng Guofan's speech, Li Zhen's speech was more powerful and more convincing to the two of them. Li Zhen groaned and waved his hands impatiently: "Go ahead and think it over for yourself. If you are still not willing to join the Ministry of National Defense as a committee member, People, I won’t force you to go back to your original place and work. What you want to leave behind is for me to work hard and do something to improve your abilities and contribute to the country.”


Everyone answered in unison, with loud voices.

Leaving the study alone, Li Zhen also had a smile on his face.

These are all people who have their own strength and are so rebellious that they are unwilling to enter the Ministry of National Defense. But now they are thrown into the Ministry of National Defense to train for a period of time and then released outside, so that everyone can maximize their talents.

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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