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Chapter 1257 Surrounding the Presidential Palace

When the negotiation teams from various countries requested to meet with Li Zhen for the third time and were rejected, with the vigorous promotion of the negotiation teams from various countries, overwhelming public opinion surged out again, like a storm sweeping the entire Beijing, and then spread from Beijing to the whole country.

The situation has become increasingly serious.

"Please put aside your prejudice against foreigners, show the magnanimity of China as a great country with 5,000 years of history, and meet with the negotiating team. Please meet with the negotiating team."

On the street, a middle-aged Confucian scholar shouted loudly.

"Meet the negotiating team,."

Behind the middle-aged Confucian scholar, there were countless people shouting loudly.

The roars that shook the sky got louder and louder, and the middle-aged Confucian scholar heard the shouts behind him, and his excited face was already full of smiles. Before that, the middle-aged Confucian scholar had not planned to participate in this demonstration, but A man came to him and promised to give him a generous reward. Therefore, the middle-aged Confucian scholar succumbed to the money, used his personal connections to call on countless people to participate, and asked President Li Zhen to meet with the negotiating teams from various countries.

Among the people behind the Confucian scholars, there were also some who shouted slogans.

The middle-aged Confucian scholar didn't know if any of these people had received money like him, but at least he had received money.

"Please put aside your prejudices and meet with the negotiating team."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar shouted again, his eyes becoming firm. When the middle-aged Confucian scholar organized people's demonstrations, countless people also came out to demonstrate in other streets in Beijing, calling on Li Zhen to meet the negotiating team. , at this time, Peng Yulin of the Ministry of National Defense had already made arrangements, and Liu Jintang was fully responsible for the people's call for Li Zhen to meet with the negotiating team to ensure that the gaffe did not expand.

After Liu Jintang took over, he immediately mobilized the army and strictly controlled all the people marching to prevent people from rioting.

Parades are allowed, but riots are not allowed.

This is a fatal order issued by Liu Jintang, and this bottom line will never be allowed to be trampled.

As time passed, the demonstrators, under the guidance of some people, actually ran towards the Presidential Palace. After the news came back that the people gradually gathered at the Presidential Palace, Zeng Guofan, Hu Linyi, Zuo Zongtang and others who were sitting in the hall were all gone. They all frowned, and a look of coldness flashed across their faces. They all realized that the matter was difficult and felt it was difficult to deal with it. After all, they were all their own people.

Zeng Guofan said worriedly: "President, the matter has developed to the current point. The foreign negotiation team has entered the situation. We can close the net. If the situation is allowed to continue to develop, in the end, the injured will definitely be our people, and they are innocent. , they don’t know what’s going on and shouldn’t be dragged into it.”

Li Zhen nodded and said: "Don't worry, I understand what you are saying. After the people arrive at the Presidential Palace, you will personally come out to clarify this matter to the people. I will not participate in how to do it. I will let you do whatever you want. I believe that Uncle Brother Han will definitely be able to explain it clearly."


Zeng Guofan's face fell, and he thought that I was the one to clean up the trouble you caused, but the moment an idea flashed through his mind, he said loudly: "President, please rest assured, I will definitely complete the task."


Li Zhen smiled and nodded.


A guard ran in sweating profusely and said loudly: "Report to the President, people have been found in the streets around the Presidential Palace. It is expected that people coming from all directions will arrive at the Presidential Palace in five minutes."


Li Zhen nodded, and the guard retreated.

"Premier Zeng, it's time to prepare and think about how to clarify with the people. Time is tight. You only have five minutes. This is related to the first negotiation with a foreign negotiating team. You can only win, not lose."

Li Zhen smiled, giving people a sense of firmness.

Zeng Guofan nodded, stood up and left the living room.

Zuo Zongtang, Peng Yulin, Shi Dakai and others relaxed after seeing Zeng Guofan leave. Now that the matter was over, and the candidates to deal with it had been decided, it was difficult for them to change their approach, so they easily put aside the matter of people gathering. At the back of the head.

It didn't take long before people from all over the city gathered at the Presidential Palace.

Among them, there are those who fully support Li Zhen, some who have saved money to watch the show, and of course those who hope that Li Zhen can meet with the negotiating team.

"Please ask the president to meet with the negotiating team and show my China's broad mind."

Outside the presidential palace, the voice of Confucian scholars came out.

"Meet the negotiating team, meet the negotiating team."

Countless people shouted loudly, but at this time, the people who fully supported Li Zhen strongly opposed it, calling on Li Zhen to be more decisive and directly expel all the negotiating team members. In the battle between the two voices, the crowd outside the presidential palace The streets were in chaos. Fortunately, there were soldiers guarding the presidential palace, and there were also soldiers with guns controlling order. The restless situation was barely stabilized. Otherwise, the impulsive people would have already rushed forward.


The door of the Presidential Palace opened, and countless eyes immediately gathered there.

Zeng Guofan was wearing a neat black robe, a pair of leather shoes on his feet, and his hair was slicked back. He strode out. He was not walking fast, even a little slow. As he walked, he looked at the situation outside the house, but there was still no silence outside. When it came down, the chaos became more and more chaotic. When Zeng Guofan saw this, he felt that Li Zhen's actions were even more unworthy, because such actions clearly caused the people to become chaotic.

"Quiet, quiet,."

Zeng Guofan shouted repeatedly, but his voice was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no response.

At this moment, Zeng Guofan's expression turned grim.

"Fire a warning shot,."

Zeng Guofan decisively ordered the soldiers following him to shoot.

"Pa, pa,,."

Sudden gunshots were heard, and after several soldiers fired into the sky, the noise outside the presidential palace stopped immediately. There was no more sound. Some people who were coaxing Li Zhen to come out began to have a look of fear on their faces. , the soldiers who followed them did not fire before, so they felt that the soldiers did not dare to shoot, but when they suddenly heard the real gunfire and felt the fear in their hearts, they really regretted it.

Zeng Guofan looked around at the people present, his eyes as cold as a knife.

"Everyone be quiet. If anyone makes a sound again, he will be shot immediately after being caught."

He suddenly spoke, and his voice was like thunder on the ground.

Outside the house, no one dared to speak out.

Zeng Guofan sneered in his heart, and then continued: "As for the negotiation group formed by various countries, the President has entrusted me with full authority to handle the matter. Since I am handling it, I will not talk in circles with everyone and go straight to the topic. Regarding this time, I have received three consecutive negotiations from various countries. The group's notifications have been rejected time and time again. This is for a reason, and it is not something the president did intentionally."

"What's the reason? I have to give you an explanation."

"As long as the President gives a reasonable reason, we will still believe in the President."

"I know the president has a reason for doing this, and it is true."

In the crowd, people began to rush to speak.

Zeng Guofan raised his hands and pressed down. In an instant, the hall immediately became quiet. There was no more sound. All eyes once again focused on Zeng Guofan's face, waiting for Zeng Guofan's explanation.

ps: Second update, call it a day;

This chapter has been completed!
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