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Chapter 1263: A Turnaround Appears

Seward heard the conditions Li Zhen offered to each country and knew that the United States Federation could not escape.

He took the initiative and wanted to take the dominant position.

Li Zhen chuckled and said calmly: "Your Excellency Seward knew that the United States Federation could not escape, so he actually took the initiative to offer it. He is an honest person, very good, very good, but how to handle the matter of compensation from the United States Federation is very difficult. Because the U.S. federal government has no territory under its control overseas, and the country is also facing the aftermath of the Civil War, this situation is difficult to handle."

Seward took the opportunity to say: "It's touching that President Lee understands the difficulties of the Union. Since President Lee knows the difficulties of the Union, please ask President Lee to agree to the terms of the Union and redeem the captured Union soldiers for one million silver dollars." ." There was a very kind smile on his wrinkled face, and he did not feel that his conditions were shameful at all.

How much is one million silver dollars worth?

At the same time, officials from Britain, France, Russia and other countries stared angrily, but they could not find any reason to criticize Siward. At the beginning, the negotiating team officials unified the conditions together, but the conditions proposed by Siward did not undermine the unity, but only stated his own difficulties, and then put forward conditions for all countries to discuss together. Having said that, Britain has to transfer a big piece of the pie, India, and France also has to transfer areas such as Laos and Cambodia. The Netherlands and Tsarist Russia are not much better, both facing the transfer of colonies. , the conditions received by these countries were extremely harsh, and the United States Federation only provided one million silver dollars, which obviously aroused dissatisfaction among the countries.

Li Zhen smiled and said nothing and did not answer.

Seeing this, Seward couldn't help but asked: "President Lee, the situation in the American Federation is like this. There is no money at all, and there is no place for China. What do you think we should do?" Casting stones to ask for directions failed, Seward immediately Changed strategy.

Li Zhen said: "It's actually very simple. The U.S. federal government doesn't need to do anything, not even one million."

"Really?" Siward asked hurriedly.

Li Zhen smiled and asked, "Do you think it's possible?"

"Li Zhen, you lied to me."

Siward stood up abruptly and glared angrily.

Li Zhen shrugged and said: "When did I lie to you? I'm afraid these words are inappropriate. I only said half of what I said just now. You took the half and ran away. Can you blame me? My original words were 'Beautiful' The federation doesn’t need to do anything, not even a million dollars, and we can go back and forth wherever we go, and those who are looking for their father are looking for their father and their mothers, and those who are looking for their mothers are looking for their mothers.”

At this point, Li Zhen's face turned cold and he said in a deep voice: "If the United States Federation does not pay any compensation, wouldn't it encourage the United States Federation to attack China again next time? If the battle is defeated, I will let you take the people back easily. Promise You still have to get benefits from me. Is there such a good thing in the world? As a defeated country, it is absolutely impossible to take people away without compensation."

Siward smiled, thinking that he was so excited that he lost his sense of proportion.

If you think about it carefully, this is not Li Zhen's style.

After all, Siward was an old fox. He took a deep breath to calm down, and then said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "President Li made fun of me, and I felt comfortable. May I ask what conditions President Li intends to impose before he is allowed to be released?" No matter what the conditions are for the captured American federal soldiers, you can put them forward first and we can discuss them together."

Britain, France, Tsarist Russia and the Netherlands stared at Li Zhen without blinking, their eyes shining brightly.

The four countries have all encountered the harshest conditions.

Now that it involves the United States Federation, officials from the four countries are also extremely concerned.

Li Zhen withdrew his eyes from the officials of various countries, and did not rush to offer conditions. He said calmly: "Back in the Hawaiian Islands, the U.S. Federation sent troops to attack, but they were defeated and captured. So far, there has been no discussion about compensation; While in Hong Kong, the United States Federation participated in the battle to attack Hong Kong. The commander of the United States Federation who participated in the war and the envoys who stayed in Hong Kong were captured. The United States Federation launched two consecutive attacks, which had a huge impact on China. If China did not Counterattack, all countries in the world believe that China can be bullied, allowing other countries to think that they can attack China at will, but China can only cowardly let its enemies go."

Seward said with a smile: "President Lee is joking. China is a powerful country in the world today. What you say cannot happen."

Li Zhen narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "If I send Chinese troops to attack the United States Federation twice in a row, no matter what the final outcome is, the United States Federation will have to come over and beat me. Do you think it is feasible?"

Siward smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Li Zhen's tone became tougher and he said loudly: "The U.S. Federation must compensate. If there is no money, I will allow the U.S. Federation to transfer its iron ore or other mineral mining rights to China to make up for China's losses."

"No, you are making trouble unreasonably. It is impossible to sell the country's iron ore mining rights."

Siward's face was gloomy and his expression was extremely serious.

The mining rights of a country's mineral deposits are related to the national economy and people's livelihood. Even the lack of a mineral deposit may lead to a series of subsequent situations. Siward cannot agree to it.

Li Zhen turned his attention to other countries and said: "Similar to the United States, you have no land and no money. You can use the same method to transfer the mining rights of a certain mineral deposit in your country to China."

"No way, Italian mineral rights will never be transferred."

"The mineral deposits of the Austro-Hungarian Empire will not be sold."

"Denmark is sparsely populated. It wants money but no money, and it wants people but no one. If China does this by force, then let the captured soldiers be executed."

At this moment, countries began to resist collectively.

Li Zhen ignored the reaction of the negotiating team officials and said: "It seems that you have no intention of negotiating. You just want to retrieve the captured soldiers without any effort. Yes, if it were me who led the troops to invade other countries, I would not be able to negotiate after the failure." I would be lucky enough to think that I could bring back the soldiers without any effort, but unfortunately, this is impossible."

Li Zhen's eyes were full of sarcasm, and he was determined to make a big profit.

Peng Yulin remained silent. Seeing the fierce reactions from various countries, he said: "China does not take the initiative to attack other countries, but if other countries dare to attack China, they will be severely hit."

Liu Jintang continued: "Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are."

One sentence made the officials of the negotiation team feel nervous.

Temple stood up and said calmly: "President Lee, the conditions you have offered are unacceptable to us. It is unreasonable. In my opinion, everyone should calm down and sit down to continue negotiations."

Li Zhen nodded and said: "Forget it, calm down."

Temple turned and walked out, followed by Philip, Muravyov and others.

After the negotiation team left, Li Zhen and others were still in the conference room.

Liu Jintang changed his tough tone and said: "President, judging from the reaction of the negotiating team officials, we want them to transfer the territory they control, or let other countries transfer their local mineral deposits, which is tantamount to cutting flesh from their bodies. , it’s very difficult, I’m afraid, it’s not easy to achieve.”

Peng Yulin nodded and said: "Britain, France and other countries spent a lot of effort to occupy the territories of other countries. Now I find it difficult to let them transfer it unconditionally."

Hu Linyi said: "This kind of thing is difficult to say, easy to say, it depends on who persists to the end."

Li Zhen agreed with Hu Linyi's view and said: "Speaker Hu is right. As long as we persist, I don't believe they will eventually let the captured people from various countries stay in China. In the long run, they will capture a large area of ​​southern China, as well as The mining rights of a certain mineral deposit in each country are most suitable and most beneficial to the country." He looked firm and did not waver, because Li Zhen had already made such a plan when he discussed it with Peng Yulin, Liu Jintang and others. .

It will cause countries to bleed.

Those who offend China will surely pay the price.

British Embassy, ​​in the living room.

The officials in the negotiation team were all filled with indignation and had anger on their faces.

"Li Zhen bullied people too much. He was asking for an exorbitant price. We can't agree to Li Zhen's conditions. Even if we leave the captured soldiers alone in the end, we can't cede the country's land." There was endless coldness in the eyes of the Dutch librarian. Now the Netherlands It is no longer a coachman on the sea, and even the Netherlands is inferior to Britain and France, so the overseas colonies it controls are very important.

Li Zhen asked the Netherlands to cede the colonies they controlled, which was more uncomfortable than attacking the Netherlands.

Muravyov said solemnly: "Li Zhen unexpectedly asked Tsarist Russia to cede land. This is absolutely not allowed. I would rather leave the captured soldiers than agree to cede land."

Siward said: "Come here, bring a map."

Not long after, the guard took the map and placed it on the ground.

Siward walked to the map and squatted down, pointing at the places on the map, and said seriously: "Let's take a look. Let's talk about Lake Baikal in the north first. It is next to Mongolia, which means it is close to China. , look at India, Cambodia, Laos and other places in the south, which are also close to China's borders. Vietnam among them has become a province of China. Once these places become Chinese land, China's territory will expand again, plus East India Islands and other areas, China has completely controlled this area and has become a veritable hegemon. Once such a situation occurs, it will be a huge disaster for us."

"Hiss, hiss,."

The officials in the negotiation team gasped, feeling chilled in their hearts.

Li Zhen's thoughts were too terrifying.

Although they did not allow other countries to cede their own land, they were working to strengthen China.


A loud shout came from outside the hall.

A soldier wearing a Russian military uniform stood outside the door, strode to Muravyov's side, and spoke in a low voice. Muravyov nodded from time to time, his face gradually became excited, and even there was ecstasy in his eyes, so After a while, the soldiers withdrew, and Muravyov looked at the officials from various countries and said happily: "I have good news for you, which will be beneficial to the negotiating team."

"What news?" Temple said immediately.

Muravyov said: "Before we came to China, Mongolia in the north had launched a rebellion with the intention of subverting China. Among them, Huang Shihai under Li Zhen led an army to fight with the Mongolian army. We just got the news that Huang Shihai has begun to fail. I believe that it will not be long before , the Mongolian army can completely defeat Huang Shihai, and then head south boldly. By then, China will face difficulties domestically, and we can use this opportunity to bring back the captured soldiers at the minimum cost."

"It's good to take advantage of the situation," Philip said with a smile.

Siward said seriously: "No, no, it's not about taking advantage of the situation. It's about taking advantage of opportunities. This is a great opportunity given to us by God. How can we take advantage of it? Well, well, what a war."

At this moment, all the negotiating team officials in the hall were excited.

ps: There is only one update, there are still a few more days like this, you can keep it for a few days.

This chapter has been completed!
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