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Chapter 1273 ceding two provinces

Mikhail looked extremely serious and said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, the Chief of the Borzigit Patriarch, in the attack on China, poison gas bombs will play a very important role, but the more so, the more careful you must be when using poison gas bombs. The content in the cylinder The poisonous gas changes with the direction of the wind. If the wind direction is aimed at the Chinese army, then the poisonous gas will be blown towards the Chinese army's position. If the wind direction is aimed at our own side, the poisonous gas will be blown towards our own position."

"If the wind direction is towards you, you must not use it. The result of the ten sheep is already obvious. If it is a human, the result is still the same. Therefore, you must test the wind direction before using it, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable."

When it comes to the use of poison gas bombs, Mikhail reminds us again.

"Hiss, hiss,."

Chief Borzigit took another breath and suddenly thought of a possibility.

His scalp was numb and he felt cold all over.

Seeing this, Mikhail asked again: "What's wrong, Your Excellency?"

Chief Borzigit swallowed and said slowly: "If the war starts and the wind blows towards the Chinese army's position, and after the poison gas is released, the weather changes suddenly and the wind direction changes towards our position, then what will happen? What should I do? Isn’t there a way to rescue me?”

"No, that can only mean you are unlucky."

Mikhail said: "The poison gas bomb has just been produced and there is no solution."

"If this is the case, what should we do if an accident occurs? Oh, it is really a difficult thing to handle."

"Yes, if you kill your own soldiers, wouldn't it be like shooting yourself in the foot? This kind of thing is too dangerous, we can't take risks, otherwise we will be lucky if we die in our own hands."

The heads of the Mongolian tribes were discussing in low voices, looking embarrassed.

After thinking for a while, the chief of the Borzigit clan shouted loudly: "The men on the grassland are all warriors, so what are we afraid of? Besides, I believe that the gods in the sky will be on our side and protect us from defeating the Chinese army and allowing us to dominate China." , this matter has been settled, no further discussion is needed." After a pause, he looked at Mikhail and said: "How many poison gas bombs did you bring? It is not an easy task for us to fight the Chinese army. It requires You can provide as many poison gas bombs as possible."

Mikhail narrowed his eyes, put a smile on his face, and said unhurriedly: "Your Excellency, the Chief of the Borzigit Patriarch, smoke bombs are easy to produce and the cost is not high, but the production of gas bombs involves huge risks. It is risky and consumes countless equipment, so the supply of poison gas bombs cannot be given to you for free like smoke bombs. It must be purchased with money before we can provide it to you."

With a flick of the brush, Chief Borzigit's face darkened.

He stared at Mikhail and said: "Your Excellency Mikhail, what do you mean? We are allies and support each other. How can you raise conditions at this time?"

Mikhail said calmly: "There is no free lunch in the world. Besides, this is a war. Mongolia and China are fighting. We stand on Mongolia's side and provide weapons support. This is already quite kind. Without our strong support from Tsarist Russia, Mongolia can only be destroyed, and the Borzigit tribe can only be drowned in the torrent of history. Gas bombs must be purchased with money. How to choose depends on your own decision. If you don’t need it, , I took the gas bombs back and treated them as a wasted trip."


The Borzigit patriarch pointed at Mikhail and groaned angrily.

The clan leaders of each tribe had cold faces and were extremely angry. They had always thought that Tsarist Russia provided weapons for free and was helping their comrades, but they did not expect that their comrades would act like this and stab their allies at critical moments.

Mikhail stood up and said, "Your Excellency, think about it carefully. I'll leave first."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked outside the camp.


Mikhail had just taken two steps when the shouts of the Borzigit patriarch came from behind.

Mikhail raised the corners of his mouth, turned around and said, "Have you thought about it clearly?"

Chief Borzigit said in a deep voice: "I agree to your terms, but in the battle with the Chinese army, all the money and materials of the tribes on the grassland have been completely consumed. Now only some food and weapons are left, and there is no money to pay for the gas bombs." Purchase, Your Excellency Mikhail, you really can’t afford it and you are powerless.”

"This is very simple."

Mikhail smiled, as if he had already planned it, and said directly: "Tsarist Russia believes that you can sweep through China, so you are allowed to advance Chinese land as a price, such as Xinjiang, and you can transfer Xinjiang to Tsarist Russia as payment. "

"No, no, it's not appropriate."

Chief Borzigit shook his head repeatedly.

Xinjiang has a vast territory. If Xinjiang is ceded, it will have a huge impact on China.

Mikhail sneered twice and said: "What's inappropriate? I think it's very appropriate. If the leader of the Borzigit tribe wants to take over China without any effort, then I tell you, there will be no pie in the sky." "After a pause, Mikhail said coldly: "Your Excellency, you are like a panicked and bereaved dog. How could it be worse than now? It is so refreshing and wonderful to be able to transform from a panicked, bereaved dog to a man who unified China. Fortunately, the cession of Xinjiang has no impact and is a small problem."

After hearing this, the chief of the Borzigit family had a gloomy expression.


He is a frightened and bereft dog. If he has the opportunity to become powerful, that is a great thing.

Besides, he couldn't allow himself to stay in this embarrassment.

It's worth exchanging one Xinjiang.

After some weighing in his mind, the Borzigit patriarch finally nodded and said: "Your Excellency Mikhail, after the matter is completed, this area of ​​Xinjiang will be ceded to Tsarist Russia."

"Okay, the patriarch is indeed a courageous person."

Mikhail laughed, and the smile on his face even made Borzigit scared. He said with a smile: "Your Excellency, the cession of Xinjiang is compensation for the poison gas bombs provided by Tsarist Russia. Li Zhen invaded and occupied Tsarist Russia several times during his administration. Land, if you defeat China, you must return the land occupied by Li Zhen to Tsarist Russia."

"Where?" Chief Borzigit asked immediately.

Mikhail said: "Heilongjiang Province and all areas north of Heilongjiang will be returned to Tsarist Russia."

"No, that doesn't make sense."

The chief of the Borzigit tribe flatly refused. If this was really the case, how could he see anyone?

Mikhail's eyes flashed coldly and he said calmly: "Your Excellency Borzigit, China is a vast country with abundant resources. Xinjiang and Heilongjiang are both poor places. Cessioning these two places will have no impact, especially since Heilongjiang was originally controlled by Tsarist Russia. If you don't want to, in a few days, you will be defeated by Huang Shihai and turn into a handful of loess. No matter how hard it is to take revenge, please think twice."

The Borzigit patriarch had a sullen face and secretly cursed Mikhail for being insidious.

This man identified his famous family and tried to seduce him again, but he could not refuse and could only agree.

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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