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Chapter 1276 Unexpected visitor

Chinese military camp, in the military command post.

Huang Shihai was waiting for news from Beijing. At this moment, he couldn't calm down. Huang Shihai paced back and forth in the command post with his hands behind his back, with obvious anxiety on his face. The Mongols were colluding with Lao Maozi, and Lao Maozi He also prepared an extremely powerful weapon, so he had to be cautious. Huang Shihai had suffered from smoke bombs in the past. Because he didn't know the function of smoke bombs and didn't know how to deal with smoke bombs, he was repeatedly defeated.

Simply put, smoke bombs have little effect on the soldiers of the army, and the army can retreat unscathed.

But things are different now. The poison gas bomb developed by Lao Maozi is so lethal that it can kill ten sheep silently. If soldiers appear on the scene, it can also kill soldiers silently. This is what Huang Shihai is worried about.

Liu Xiaoyuan was shaken so hard that he felt dizzy and said, "Commander, stop and take a rest."

Huang Shihai asked rhetorically: "Has there been a telegram from Beijing?"


Liu Xiaoyuan shook his head, feeling a little frustrated.

Liu Xiaoyuan also knew that the foreigners' new weapons were powerful, so he was worried.

"There's news, there's news."

Suddenly, a voice of joy came from outside the command post. The telegraph operator rushed into the command post quickly, waved the telegram in his hand, and said loudly: "Commander, the president has sent back the telegram. You will know after reading the telegram." The expression on the officer's face was not relaxed, but rather solemn. He already knew the contents of the telegram, so he felt that the situation was very bad.

Huang Shihai took the telegram from the guard and asked the telegraph operator to step back.

He sat down and read the contents of the telegram carefully.

Gradually, the expression on Huang Shihai's face became serious, and even the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch slightly.


Huang Shihai slapped his hand on the desk with a stern expression.

Liu Xiaoyuan was curious and asked: "Commander, what is going on."

"See for yourself."

Huang Shihai handed over the telegram in his hand, frowning, feeling extremely worried.

Liu Xiaoyuan glanced at ten lines and quickly read the contents of the telegram. The expression on his face was extremely solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Commander, if it is really as the president mentioned, things are really not easy to operate. After all, Lao Maozi developed There is no way to restrain the poisonous gas bombs coming out. Once the wind direction is towards us, the results will be unpredictable. We will not be able to resist such weapons, and the final result will be to retreat and lose in a hurry."

Huang Shihai nodded, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly ordered: "Yes, yes, the wind direction is very important. You should immediately find someone to estimate the wind direction in recent days. Immediately, quickly, and accurately."


Liu Xiaoyuan suddenly realized it and hurried out.

Huang Shihai stayed alone in the command post and murmured to himself: "President, this really poses a problem for me. There is no way to restrain the poison gas bomb developed by Lao Maozi, and I can't retreat, so I can only With God's blessing, we can only completely take down all the weapons before Lao Maozi's weapons are used, otherwise once the gas bombs are used, the consequences will be unpredictable."

He held his chin in his hands, thinking rapidly.

One by one, methods emerged in his mind, but he rejected them one by one.

It’s not easy to handle.

It is simply difficult to completely control poison gas bombs.

Huang Shihai scratched his head and scratched his ears, his eyes were impetuous, even bloodshot, and his expression looked ferocious. He clearly knew what Lao Maozi's weapon was and what the Mongolian army would do next, but he couldn't restrain himself. There is no way to solve it. This feeling is like watching the flood reach your neck and then swallow yourself up but there is no way to stop it. It is very uncomfortable.

Huang Shihai became increasingly agitated, unwilling to retreat.

"We can't retreat in embarrassment. We can't. The war has progressed so far and we have reached Kyaktu. We are only one step away from complete victory. I will never admit defeat. I will never admit defeat. Even the King of Heaven will have to retreat from me."

Huang Shihai gritted his teeth and thought to himself.

Time gradually passed and the sky became dark.

The grassland was pitch black, the cold wind was howling, and a biting north wind was blowing. Huang Shihai was sitting in the command post, listening to the whistling sound outside the command post, but he had not yet formed a complete plan in his mind.

The sound of footsteps came closer and closer, and Liu Xiaoyuan returned to the command post.

Huang Shihai asked: "How is the situation?"

With a bright smile on his face, Liu Xiaoyuan nodded and said: "Commander, according to the forecast of the soldiers who know the most about the weather in the army, in the next three days, the wind will be from the north, and the wind direction will be towards the Mongolian army. According to the general The news mentioned in the presidential telegram means that the Mongolian army will not dare to act rashly for three days, so we have more time to prepare."

Huang Shihai's eyes lit up and he said, "This is an opportunity."

"What opportunity?" Liu Xiaoyuan asked.

Huang Shihai's eyes flashed and he said coldly: "Taking advantage of the north wind blowing in the next three days and the Mongolian army not daring to use poison gas bombs, we will attack the Mongolian military camp in a big way and capture Kyaktu in one fell swoop. This is the last chance. If we miss these three days and wait for the wind direction to change, the situation will greatly deteriorate and be very disadvantageous to us. By then, we will be unable to fight and will have to retreat."

"No, no, I don't think it's appropriate."

Liu Xiaoyuan shook his head repeatedly.

Huang Shihai asked: "Why is it inappropriate?"

Liu Xiaoyuan replied: "Commander, think about it carefully. As long as the Mongols have the poison gas bombs provided by Lao Maozi, it will be difficult for us to control them. For example, you said that Kyakhta should be captured within three days. I, once there is no way to survive, I will definitely choose to die together. At that time, no matter what the wind direction is, I will directly use the gas bombs when the battle between the two armies is fierce, and then die together. If such a situation occurs, we ourselves will also be in trouble. .”

Huang Shihai suddenly became speechless, his brows furrowed into the character "Chuan".

Things are too complicated.

Huang Shihai took a deep breath to calm down and think.

He thought carefully for a long time, and then said loudly: "Xiao Liu, it is impossible to do things perfectly. At most, it is the lesser of two evils, choosing the one with the least impact. If we do not grasp the next three days, we will suffer Even if the loss is greater, I still decide to launch an attack tomorrow and capture Kyaktu. Even if the Mongolian army wants to die together, there is no way to do it and they can only bear it."

Liu Xiaoyuan remained silent, he couldn't think of a better way.

Moreover, Huang Shihai's choice is the most suitable.


A loud voice came from outside the command post.

A guard strode in, quickly came to Huang Shihai, raised his hand and performed a military salute, and then reported loudly: "Commander, a Mongolian was captured outside the camp. He said he wanted to see the commander."

Huang Shihai raised his eyebrows, waved his hand and said, "Bring him in."

ps: second update;

This chapter has been completed!
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