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Chapter 1304 Inner Fort

Yang Jianhou looked calm. He had been fighting for many years and had long been accustomed to the bloodshed on the battlefield. The attack in front of him was simply childish. It was not surprising. Yang Jianhou rolled his eyes and said: "Mr. Li, with the Li family's many years of management in Java Island, It is impossible to fail if the gate is breached. As the saying goes, a cunning rabbit has three burrows. For a century-old family like the Li family to continuously reinforce the Li family residence, there must be follow-up measures."

Li Wangdao smiled proudly and said: "Governor Yang is right, the gate is the external defense line of the Li family. In addition to the front-line defense of the gate, the Li family also has an inner fort for defense."

Duan Fusheng immediately said: "What else do you need, leave immediately."

Zhou Kunyu then said: "Hurry up, if Su Kenuo's people get here, none of us will be able to leave."

Li Wangdao said loudly: "Here comes someone."

In an instant, a burly man ran in from outside the hall. He was Li Wangdao's retainer Li Bi.

Li Wangdao leaned on his cane and ordered: "Give me the order and return to the inner castle immediately."


Li Bi agreed and immediately went to deliver the order.

Li Wangdao led people from various major families to the inner fort. Yang Jianhou, Chen Jun, and Li Wangdao's children also left the hall and rushed towards the inner fort. The inner fort of the Li family was quite strong, equivalent to a city. In the inner city, the distance from the previous gate to the hall is equivalent to the urn of a city. Li's clan members usually live in the inner fort, and the hall is used for reception.

Sucono's men took the gate, only breaking through one line of defense, and there was another line of defense.

The group of people moved quickly, and in less than ten minutes, they had entered the inner castle.

After Yang Jianhou entered, he was shocked by the situation of the inner fort. The inner fort was built with a city wall. Although it was only about five meters long, it was fully equipped with watchtowers, towers and other defenses. It was completely built according to a city tower, covering an area of The Li family, with an area of ​​over a thousand acres, is worthy of being a century-old clan on Java Island, and is worthy of being the largest Chinese clan on Java Island.

Inside the inner fort, there are thousands of warriors dressed in black, all carrying guns and ready for action. At a glance, each warrior has a fierce aura that cannot be compared to ordinary soldiers. This is the spirit of the Li family. real power.

Li Wangdao did not care about the Li family's details being exposed and immediately ordered the soldiers to defend.

After a short time, Li Bi led the soldiers back to the inner fort. He came to Li Wangdao's side, bowed his back slightly, and said seriously: "Master, the situation is not good. The number of people gathered by Su Kenuo is very large. It's rough." It is estimated that there are no less than 5,000 people. In addition, Sucono also used artillery bombardment. With the 1,000 people in our inner fort, I am afraid that we will not be able to delay the attack for long. I humbly suggest that we protect the people at home and break out."

Li Wangdao frowned and said: "Su Kenuo's power is not that strong, how can there be so many people."

Chen Jun shook his head and chuckled, and said: "Have the old man forgotten the Netherlands? Su Kenuo dared to bring people to attack the Li family. If there was no Dutch support behind him, even if he was given a hundred courages, he would not dare to come. But there are With the support of the Dutch, and probably the huge benefits promised by the Netherlands, Sukono dared to take the risk."

Duan Fusheng said: "This time I really failed. I was caught off guard."

Zhao Liangfa smoothed his short beard under his chin and said seriously: "If we can mobilize the power of the major families, we can compete with Su Kenuo, but if we break out, we will be like a mouse crossing the street. Moreover, the families have not received the news, so it is difficult to do anything. It’s difficult to come up with countermeasures.”

Yang Jianhou asked: "Mr. Li, there should be a secret way out of the Li family."

Li Wangdao's expression was cold and solemn, and a glint flashed in his eyes.

Yang Jianhou smiled and said: "This is the simplest thing. Anyone with a little bit of wisdom can think of it. Although a big family like the Li family has been prosperous for a long time, it is difficult for things in the world to remain unchanged for ten thousand years. With the Li family, The wisdom of the ancestors of the family will definitely worry about encountering something that is difficult to contend with. In order to ensure the inheritance of the family's bloodline, there must be a secret way to escape."

"Governor Yang is as wise as the sea, which is admirable."

Li Wangdao nodded and admitted that the Li family had a secret passage through which they could leave.

Yang Jianhou continued: "In that case, immediately send people to mobilize the troops stationed on the island."

Duan Fusheng said: "The Duan family can dispatch eight hundred people."

Zhou Kunyu said: "The Zhou family can dispatch five hundred dead soldiers."

Zhao Liangfa continued: "Although the Zhao family does not have elite soldiers, they can mobilize 1,200 people."

The heads of each family spoke.

After hearing this, Yang Jianhou secretly sighed.

He believed that the data given by these families could mobilize so many people, but he believed that this was not all the power of the major families. Take the Li family where Li Wangdao was located as an example. In addition to the thousand people guarding the inner fort, there must be others who could not do anything. The power that everyone knows can only be activated when the Li family is at a critical moment of life and death, and the apparent power of the major families is superimposed, and everyone is twisted into a rope. Not to mention Su Kenuo, it is the 10,000 troops in the hands of Yang Jianhou , and it is difficult to defeat these families.

Yang Jianhou glanced at the people present and said: "In my opinion, the power of your family should not be used lightly. The Dutch incited Sukono and his people to attack the Li family, and they may also incite the other indigenous nobles on Java Island to lead their people. To attack your family, I suggest that Chen Jun, who is beside me, go out through the secret passage to mobilize the army. On the one hand, a brigade can be dispatched to rescue the Li family; on the other hand, a brigade can be dispatched to capture the family. Sukono’s old lair is going to be drained from the bottom of the cauldron.”

"Okay, let's do it."

Li Wangdao looked as normal and said: "With the power of the inner fort, it is not a problem to resist for three hours. Three hours will be enough for reinforcements to arrive."

Yang Jianhou looked at Chen Jun and said, "Leave it to you."

Chen Jun said: "Please rest assured, governor, I will definitely complete the task." He raised his hand and gave a military salute to Yang Jianhou, and then looked at Li Wangdao. Li Wangdao was also unambiguous and immediately called his eldest son and asked him to He took Chen Jun away through the secret passage. After Chen Jun left, Li Wangdao, Duan Fusheng, Zhou Kunyu and others were on the tower of the inner castle, commanding the black-clothed warriors to resist the attacking enemy troops.

"Boom, boom,,."

Two cannonballs landed on the tower, causing sand and rocks to fly.

"Pah, pah, pah,,."

Gunshots were also heard continuously.

After the troops under Sukono approached the inner fort, they launched the final attack. Behind these troops, the old god Sukono looked at the situation with a telescope at ease. He saw that the troops under his command continued to advance, and he was quite happy, but when he saw When he arrived at the Li family's inner fort, he couldn't help but secretly cursed the old fox. Li Wangdao controlled the Li family, and the family rules were strict and difficult to penetrate. He spent a lot of effort to place his own people at the gate of the Li family, so he could easily Break through the Li family gate.

But what Sukonuo didn't expect was that Li Wangdao's home also had an inner castle. This was something he didn't know about.

"Even if you still have a layer of defense, you will still die." Sukonuo's brows were full of gloom, and he made up his mind to kill everyone, especially Yang Jianhou, so that the man who wanted to occupy Java Island would die without mercy.

Burial place.

ps: Three updates, call it a day;

This chapter has been completed!
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