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Chapter 1318 The Li family has a female name Yu Rong

Duan Kezheng looked at Li Yurong, with a hint of encouragement in his eyes.

Compared with China, the East Indies in Nanyang were ruled by foreign countries early on, and the restrictions on women are relatively low. There is no saying that it is a virtue for women not to have talent. Li Yurong has been extremely smart and talented since she was a child, so Being able to gain respect was the reason why Li Yurong was sent to China by Li Wangdao to take the front line. The heads of the other families looked serious and looked forward to Li Yurong's next performance.

It is said that there are women in the Li family who are arrogant to their men, but they have never seen them before.

This time, there is a chance.

Li Yurong looked serious, bowed respectfully to the elders present, then stood with her head upright, and said slowly: "After staying in China for a while, I generally agree with Duan Kezheng's view of China. This is a thousand years." The era of unprecedented great changes can be called the contention of a hundred schools of thought. We must grasp why there is such a conclusion. I have made a summary and elaborated it in five aspects."

When it comes to business matters, Li Yurong's voice is less soft and more tough, and her voice is very nice. When she pronounces words, it feels like jade beads falling on a jade plate, which makes people feel very comfortable. Plus, Li Yurong's appearance Outstanding and a beautiful scenery.

Her appearance and pleasant voice alone have attracted everyone present.

Both young and old are killed.

Everyone's attention was drawn to Li Yurong, with expectant eyes.

"What are the five points to summarize."

Li Wangdao raised his white eyebrows with a rather expectant expression, and a proud look on his wrinkled face.

The old man was very satisfied with Li Yurong's performance. People from the Li family, whether they are men or women, must be talented. However, Li Wangdao still had a trace of regret in his heart. If Li Yurong was a man, For the Li family, this is a real good thing. After all, a daughter cannot stay at home all her life and will always get married. After she gets married, she will throw out the water and focus on her husband's family instead of her natal family.

Li Wangdao did not show this little thought.

Li Yurong bowed again and said unhurriedly: "First, political stability. Throughout the ages, any period of prosperity and prosperity, any period of great development of a country, must have a major prerequisite, and that is the country's stability. Political stability, the rule of Wenjing during the Han Dynasty, was because the Han Dynasty at that time was generally stable and the kings were diligent, so there was a brilliant governance in the Wenjing period; and just like the rule of Zhenguan, the prosperity of the Kaiyuan Dynasty was also in a stable It was born under the general environment.”

"Let's not talk about the distant ones, let's talk about the nearest Manchu and Qing Dynasties. In the prosperous days of Kangxi and Qianlong, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were the center of the world, which made countries around the world tremble. This is also the benefit of political stability."

"Only with a stable situation can we achieve prosperous results."

Li Yurong smiled and said loudly: "With political stability and prosperous commerce, businessmen will have opportunities. Of course, what I just described is the situation of past dynasties. As far as China is concerned, there is no doubt that political stability is stable, and at the same time, officials govern the Qingming Dynasty. Corrupt officials have even gone into hiding. Under the leadership of President Li Zhen, China's officialdom has become increasingly clear and clear. It is no longer an era where corrupt officials are rampant. This can also ensure that our interests are not harmed. In addition, political stability also includes major policies. , This is the encouragement of President Li Zhen. Li Zhen encourages business development and advocates the simultaneous development of agriculture, industry and commerce. This is our development opportunity. With the big environment, business will avoid many detours and encounter no problems. Too many difficulties.”


In the hall, discussions began to occur.

Each of the family heads nodded and agreed with Li Yurong's statement.

The first point has successfully attracted everyone's attention and won the approval of all the family heads.

Li Yurong continued: "Second, domestic prosperity. China has been a country for many years. Under the governance of Prime Minister Zeng Guofan, Vice Prime Minister Shi Dakai and others, the country has developed rapidly. The people no longer suffer from the threat of hunger and cold. Their families have gradually become richer and their hands have become more prosperous. I have some extra money in my pocket. During the Qing Dynasty, when people were living in poverty, it was pretty good to be able to survive, let alone the extra money. At that time, it was almost difficult for people to buy things."

"It's different now. When people have money, they can't keep it at home all the time. They must buy all kinds of items. People's willingness to spend money is the basic guarantee for our business. If people can't even afford the goods, Without buyers, will our goods be useful? That is playing tricks on a cow. Therefore, with domestic prosperity, we have opportunities. In fact, Guangzhou, as one of the first ports to be opened, had the earliest contact with foreign countries, developed early, and has a certain business foundation. , and also laid the foundation for us. It is most suitable to open a factory in Guangzhou for business."

"Third, the people were liberated. During the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, the people were imprisoned. They did not dare to say many things, did not dare to do many things, and had various shackles on them. After the founding of the country, President Li Zhen abolished the eight-legged essay and abolished the Kneel down and abolish many bad customs one by one. After the people are freed, they no longer stick to their original lives and become more receptive to new things. In such a general environment, the people will also have a different view of businessmen, and Our fresh products are easily accepted by the people."

"Fourth, the development of science and technology. The Manchu Qing Dynasty closed the country and did not have contact with foreigners. As a result, the country's strength was low and it was repeatedly invaded by foreigners. The president vigorously developed science and technology, which led to the rapid development of science and technology. We businessmen who are engaged in business should not be satisfied with just selling We can also set up factories to process goods, and control the entire system in our own hands. Then, technological development will also improve our factory products, reduce our costs, and speed up our speed."

"Fifth, the strength of the country is strong. Domestic political stability is a prerequisite for doing business in the country, but political stability is not enough. The country must be strong. Imagine that the country is developing stably, but the foreign enemies are strong. If it cannot defeat foreign countries, it will not work. It is very vulnerable to external aggression, but as China becomes stronger, no foreign businessmen will dare to attack us, ensuring that we will not be treated unfairly, which is also a prerequisite for ensuring our commercial development."

Li Yurong made five points in a row, confident and calm from beginning to end, with a smile on her face.

"Pah, pah, pah,,."

I don't know who was the first to applaud, followed by a round of applause in the hall.

Her performance has impressed everyone present.

Duan Kezheng's eyes were full of brilliance. There was no trace of jealousy in his heart. Instead, he was extremely excited. He thought that Yu Rong was indeed the woman he had chosen. She was talented and not inferior to other women.

After the applause stopped, Li Yurong smiled and said: "In addition to the above five points, there is actually another reason that is the most important and the reason that is most closely related to us."

"What's the reason?" Li Wangdao asked.

The old man was already very impressed with his granddaughter, even though he thought he had overestimated Li Yurong, but Li Yurong's performance made the old man think that he still underestimated Li Yurong.

ps: second update;

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