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Chapter 1332 Guangzhou people panic

West of the city, Nanxi Hotel.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, tourists staying in the hotel have begun to check out one after another. In the morning, the hotel rooms are gradually vacating the peak period. By around 11 o'clock, there are very few people checking out, and there are many guests staying at this time. Most people would continue to stay. Near twelve o'clock, a burly man came down.

He has a short haircut, a Chinese character face, a high nose bridge, and a full face of beard. The beard under his chin is curly, but extremely tough, giving people a rough and domineering feeling. He is wearing black clothes and carrying a Bao Bao, his eyebrows were furrowed, his expression was cold and solemn, and his eyes were filled with gray, as if he was so cold and serious that he could kill.

"I want to check out."

The burly man came to the service counter and said to the woman in charge of the checkout.

The woman frowned and looked up at the man in front of her.

This person has such a strong smell, it smells really bad.

The woman was thinking in her heart, but it was impossible for her to say what she was thinking. She paid the man with a smile. After checking out, the man walked out with his bag. The man walked out not very fast, step by step, step by step. It felt as if it was filled with lead and was very heavy. After he walked out of the hotel, the sun outside was hot. The dazzling sunlight shone down and hit the man's body. The heat in the air began to gather on the black clothes.


Flames suddenly shot up on the black clothes, and the man's clothes caught fire instantly.

The fiery red flames were extremely dazzling.


Soon, the flames had burned into his skin, and the severe pain caused the man to scream miserably. In a moment, he had become a burning man, struggling constantly.

The boundless pain stimulated the man's nerves.

Inside the hotel, the woman who had previously paid the bill for the man heard the voice and instantly saw the most terrifying scene in her life. In her eyes, it was reflected that the man who walked out of the hotel had turned into a burning man. The burning man kept struggling. , I saw the man stumbling around, a shrill roar coming from his throat, and even the bag in the man's hand was burning.

The woman screamed, and the hotel guard rushed out.

When all the guards saw the man's body on fire, they were too frightened to go out and no one went to rescue him.

Everyone present was more or less aware of the burning incident that occurred a few days ago.

Now, there is a incident in the hotel where the passengers are on fire, which instantly makes the women and the guards in the hotel feel chilled. Could it be that God's punishment has already arrived in the hotel?

The owner of the hotel heard the news and rushed out quickly.

When he arrived at the scene, the man had already died and fell motionless on the ground, leaving only his bloody body. After all, the boss was a well-informed person and was used to seeing people coming from all over the world. His psychological quality Even better, he didn't panic and ordered: "Quick, go to the government to report the case immediately."

The guards in the hotel hesitated for a moment, but no one moved.

What to do if a fire breaks out after you go out.

The boss became angry, with a straight face, and shouted loudly: "Why, don't you want to do this anymore? Get out of here if it's irrelevant. I don't care for disobedient people."

As the boss got angry, the security guard in the hotel quickly ran out to report the incident. Seeing that the person who ran out did not have any accident, the rest of the people in the hotel breathed a sigh of relief. They were worried that if they ran out, they would also catch fire. If you encounter divine punishment, wouldn’t that be a loss?

Now that it didn't happen, the guards could take a breath.

However, the idea of ​​divine punishment took root in the hearts of the guards. When the people and passersby around the hotel saw the man who was like charcoal on the ground, their hearts were chilled, and they began to believe that the dragon's veins were cut off and caused divine punishment. The so-called three people become tigers, this is probably the case.

In the center of the city, Sanxing Commercial Street.

Guangzhou's Thirteenth Line is the most prosperous business center in Guangzhou. This place brings together large and small businesses in Guangzhou and the whole country. It is prosperous and prosperous. However, the shops in Thirteenth Line are engaged in commercial activities and are not factory processing areas. , does not conflict with the Pearl River Delta Industrial Zone planned by Li Zhen.

In the middle of row 13, there is a Wu Ji jewelry store.

Compared with other jewelry stores, Wu Ji Jewelry Store is not particularly outstanding. It is just an ordinary jewelry store in the commercial street. The owner is named Wu Gao Ku, a Han Chinese. At this time, Wu Gao Ku is working with him. Chatting with friends who have business contacts, Wu Gao Ku’s friend is named Gurhan. He is a Mongolian, very tall, with a beard and a short hair. Because he often comes to Thirteen Rows to sell jewelry, jade, etc., he comes and goes. The two became familiar with each other.

Hurhan played with the jade ring on his thumb, sighed softly, and said: "Old Wu, I heard that the recent spate of deaths is because the dragon veins in Guangzhou were cut off. Do you believe it?"

Wu Gaoku smiled but did not answer.

He is a businessman, and he would not dare to talk about such things casually.

Be careful that trouble comes from your mouth.

Hurhan grinned and said: "Old Wu, you are so cowardly. You are still worried that I will report you. In my opinion, this must be false and absolutely untrue. Someone is causing trouble behind your back. I deliberately did something like this to cause trouble for the president."

Wu Gaoku nodded and agreed with Hurhan's statement.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew.

Wu Gaoku shrugged his nose and said unhappily: "Hurhan, why do you smell like garlic today? How much garlic did you eat yesterday? After all, you are also a businessman. You eat so much garlic. People don’t dare to get close to you and you still do business, so you have to be careful.”

"Yes, yes, I will pay attention."

A flash of panic flashed across Hurhan's face, but he quickly hid it.

Wu Gaoku said: "It's almost noon, let's stay and eat."

Hurhan shook his head and said, "No, I'll go back to pack my things today and rush back to the grassland tomorrow to get some good things and make more money."

"You, you are really..."

Wu Gaoku chuckled and shook his head, but did not stop him.

Hu Erhan stood up and walked out. He just took two steps and looked back at Wugao Grottoes with a trace of reluctance in his eyes. But then Hu Jue turned his head resolutely, walked forward without looking back, and walked out of the gate. The strong sunlight shone down and fell on Hurhan's black clothes.

In almost a moment, Hurhan's body was on fire.


Screams could be heard on the streets of Thirteenth Line.

In this prosperous and prosperous area, there were many people coming and going. Gurhan's body suddenly burst into flames, attracting countless people to watch, and also shocked the passers-by around him. At the same time, Wugao Grottoes in the shop saw this At this scene, I was so frightened that I couldn't speak. I felt my tongue was tied and it was difficult to breathe.


Really dead.

Does divine punishment really exist?

Wu Gaoku originally didn't believe in the so-called divine punishment, but when he saw Hurhan's body on fire and how quickly he died and fell to the ground, one can imagine the shock in his heart. Broken apart, I began to believe that maybe I was really punished by God, otherwise how could Hurhan die?

Suddenly, a wave of panic spread in the thirteenth line.

Such things began to spread in Guangzhou, and the entire Guangzhou became panicked and impetuous. People were afraid that they would suffer, and some people even dared not go out.

ps: third update;

This chapter has been completed!
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