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Chapter 1381 Robbery

Coxima City, Government.

There is a large drum placed outside the government gate. This large drum was installed at the request of Guo Songtao. It is found outside the office areas of governments at all levels. Its function is to provide a channel for people to redress their grievances. This method is very old-fashioned, but in In Guo Songtao's hands, the people actually saw Guo Songtao's efforts and recognized Guo Songtao.

"Dong, dong,."

An Indian common man came up, grabbed the drumstick, and banged it hard.

The powerful sound of drums instantly spread throughout the government office area.

The person playing the drum is a burly man, nearly 1.8 meters tall, dressed in gorgeous clothes, with a string of crystal clear crystal necklaces around his neck. He wears short sleeves, the muscles of his arms are bulging, and he is waving the drumsticks, giving people a He looked tall and sturdy, standing tall under the drum, staring into the government gate, with a wild look in his eyes.

"Who, who's playing the drums?"

Soon, a guard from the government office ran out.

The burly man said loudly: "Let the mayor in charge come out, I want to expose the evil deeds of Chinese soldiers."


The guard exclaimed, staggered and almost fell down.

Prior to this, the Chinese army entered Nagaland. Governments at all levels in Nagaland, including Coxima City, were frightened for fear that the Chinese army would drive them all out of the government. However, Guo Songtao issued an order that all officials should Perform their duties and continue to hold their original positions. In this way, officials can relax and work carefully.

As a member of the government, although the guard was a humble person, he still had information and could not provoke the Chinese army. The man in front of him actually sued the Chinese soldiers.

For a moment, the guard felt a twinge in his heart.

He had just surrendered to China and became involved with Chinese soldiers.

He did not dare to delay and hurried back to report.

Not long after, the mayor of Coxima came out in a hurry. The officials of Coxima were originally based on the Indian system, but with the changes of Guo Songtao, the Chinese official system was integrated into India. After the officials got Guo Songtao's arrangements, they all I changed my job title myself.

The mayor came out, looked at the burly man, and asked, "What's your name?"

The burly man replied: "My name is Hussein."

The mayor tried his best to keep a kind smile on his face and asked softly: "Your Excellency Hussein, what exactly did you do to expose the soldiers of the Chinese army?"

Hussein clenched his fists and said angrily: "Last night, three Chinese soldiers suddenly appeared at my cousin's house and robbed me. According to my cousin, she went to a jewelry shop last night and sold some of her picks. Diamond, my cousin came home, and suddenly three Chinese soldiers rushed out. At that time, everyone in the family was afraid and did not dare to resist. These three Chinese soldiers were worse than animals. A precious diamond passed down from the family's ancestors was taken away, and Some unpolished diamonds were also taken away, and they threatened my cousin not to tell anyone, otherwise they would kill her whole family."

The mayor frowned and said, "How did you know?"

Hussein replied: "My cousin and I don't live together. My cousin lives in the center of the city, and I live in the south of the city. I went to my cousin's house this morning and learned about the situation last night because it involved China. Soldier, my cousin is afraid of retaliation and dare not come to report the crime. But I know that the more I endure it, maybe they will go back at night. Mr. Mayor, please make the decision for us. The Chinese officials have said that they will not treat us. It has affected the people, but what do you think we should do about the current situation?"

The mayor took a deep breath, knowing that the matter was serious.

It is difficult to deal with Chinese soldiers.

But he is also an Indian. Even if he is a naughty official, it is his own people who will be harmed after all. Moreover, the mayor has talked with Guo Songtao and is sure that Guo Songtao is not an unreasonable person.

The mayor made a quick decision and asked: "In that case, do you dare to go to the Chinese military camp with me?"


Hussein nodded, with an angry look on his face.

"Just wait a moment, I'll make some arrangements, and then I'll go to the military camp with you."

The mayor turned around and went back to make arrangements, while Hussein was waiting alone at the gate.

In less than ten minutes, the mayor came out. He looked at Hussein and ordered: "Let's go to the Chinese army. Remember not to be impulsive and try to be calm. This matter is the fault of the Chinese army, but will the Chinese be biased?" As for people, this is an unknown quantity, so we must deal with it calmly and try to resolve the matter properly, and we cannot spoil things because of impulsiveness."

Hussein nodded and said, "Mayor, don't worry, I know what's appropriate."

The two of them rode a carriage towards the military camp. When they arrived outside the military camp, the mayor kindly asked the soldiers standing guard at the entrance of the military camp to report. Not long after the soldiers reported, Guo Songtao came out to greet him personally. Next to Guo Songtao was Gini. Ya, he is the person responsible for translating for Guo Songtao, otherwise Guo Songtao would not be able to understand the local dialect at all. These days, Guo Songtao has begun to learn the local language from Genia, hoping to master some popular words as soon as possible and be able to communicate with the locals by himself. .

"Governor Guo, hello, hello, I'm sorry to have you come out to greet me in person."

The mayor bowed repeatedly, feeling quite excited.

Guo Songtao nodded slightly and asked: "Your Excellency, Mayor, please come inside."

Immediately, Guo Songtao led the mayor and Hussein to the military camp, and came to Guo Songtao's tent. The guests and hosts sat down, and Guo Songtao asked: "Your Excellency, the mayor is here to visit in person. What's the matter?"

He glanced at Hussein, wondering what must have happened.

The mayor looked respectful and replied: "Yes, something happened today that I can't handle, so I can only ask Governor Guo for help." He pointed at Hussein and said: "Governor Guo, his name is Hussein. Because he is a local, his cousin's home was robbed by three Chinese soldiers last night, and the most precious diamonds were taken away, and they were also threatened."

Genia frowned and relayed it carefully.


Guo Songtao's face darkened and he slapped the main table.

He groaned angrily, his brows furrowed into the character "Sichuan", he did not expect such a situation to happen in his army.

Hussein looked at him coldly and said in a cold voice: "Governor Guo, could it be that he became angry after hearing this? If Governor Guo doesn't give an explanation for this matter, this matter will never be over."

When the mayor heard this, he glared at Hussein.

Genia shook her head and relayed everything to Guo Songtao.

Guo Songtao looked at Hussein with an apologetic look and said: "Your Excellency Hussein, my anger is not against you, but against our own soldiers. I did not expect that our soldiers would commit such a crime. For I apologize for the mistakes our soldiers made, and I promise you that I will give you a proper answer."

Genia translated. After hearing this, Hussein sneered: "What is a proper answer? Is it half a month or a year? When the British were here, the British committed crimes, then shied away from everything, and finally nothing happened." ,Hey, that’s your plan, right?”

After hearing what the translator said, Guo Songtao shook his head and said: "Please believe me, Your Excellency Hussein, China is different from the UK. We absolutely strictly abide by the law. If Your Excellency Hussein can wait for a while, then please wait in the military camp.

I will investigate thoroughly immediately."


Hussein nodded and said, "I'm waiting for your Excellency to conduct a thorough investigation immediately."

ps: first update;

This chapter has been completed!
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