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Chapter 1392: Capture Prawandine Alive

Prawandin heard the roaring sound of explosions and the sudden firing of machine guns. He had a stunned expression on his face, and then became extremely frightened. He shouted loudly: "Singh, Singh, why are there still ambushes?"

Singer was helpless and the pain in his heart was unspeakable.

Under the intense bombardment of bullets and bombs, Prawandin's already scattered army completely lost control and was no longer under control. Countless Indian soldiers seemed to be going crazy and just wanted to rush forward and escape. , however, the dense hail of gunfire and bullets on both sides of the hillside formed a line of defense that blocked all the soldiers. No matter how hard the soldiers rushed, they could not get through.

At this moment, the army is in a desperate crisis.

Li Zhen shouted: "Light the fire."

"Huh, huh,,."

On the side where Li Zhen was, torches were quickly lit, lighting up the night sky. Then, on the hillside opposite Li Zhen, torches were also lit. The torches on both sides were like lightning, directly dispersed. In the darkness all around, at this moment, one could finally clearly see the machine guns and rows of soldiers at the foot of the mountain and on the hillside, all exposed.

By this time, Prawandin and Singh had lost the courage to fight again.

Keep fighting.

No, fighting again means death.

There are layers of soldiers protecting Prawandin around him, otherwise he would have been shot into a sieve by machine guns. He glanced around, watching countless soldiers running around like crazy, watching each soldier screaming. He fell to the ground, feeling the shrill roar, and felt inexplicable sadness in his heart. He started fighting on the battlefield at the age of twenty, and fought for a lifetime, but in the end it ended like this.

"Singh, give the order to surrender."

Prawandin had already got off the soldier's back and said lonely.

Singh looked serious, shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, hold on, we still have a chance to rush out."

"Boom, boom,."

Continuous explosions were heard on the road.

Some of the soldiers who rushed forward braved the hail of bullets and rushed over, but they were greeted by rows of landmines. As soon as they rushed up, they stepped on the mines and were blown to pieces.

Singer's mouth twitched, thinking that Li Zhen was really cruel.

What a great job.

This time the ambush created a complete pocket, with the left, right and front blocked, and there were pursuers from Tripura coming from behind, so there was no way to escape.

Prawandin said again: "Send the order and surrender."

"As commanded."

Singer shouted: "Surrender."

A loud shout spread throughout the army, and the soldiers who were still resisting relaxed and shouted to surrender. At the same time, these soldiers slowly retreated to avoid the bullets and artillery fire of Li Zhen's army soldiers. Li Zhen captured the Indians at the foot of the mountain. After the army surrendered, the order temporarily stopped firing, and then ordered the Indian soldiers under Prawandin to put down their weapons.

The fierce war came to an abrupt end in an instant.

There was no sound of gunfire, and everything became quiet, as if nothing happened.

Li Zhen frowned and ordered: "Send a battalion of soldiers to collect the weapons, and then control all the Indian soldiers. At the same time, bring me Prawandin. This is a big fish."

Guo Songtao ordered to go down and start collecting weapons and controlling Indian soldiers.

After clearing the battlefield, all the dead Indian soldiers were burned on the spot, and the injured or uninjured were all taken into custody. At this time, the governor of Tripura also came up with soldiers from Agartala City. Seeing that the war was over, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He stayed up late to catch up. It was not easy to run continuously in such a cold weather.

Not only the consuls, but also the soldiers could hardly stand it, but in order to perform in front of Li Zhen, they could only persist.

Now that the war is over, I can finally relax and take a breath.

Li Zhen did not meet with Prawandin immediately, but directly ordered the army to escort the prisoners of war back. It was already early in the morning, and everyone had stayed up all night, and their spirits would definitely not be strong, so Li Zhen ordered them to return and wait until they returned to Agartala. , it’s already dawn, and hawkers who got up early can already be seen on the streets carrying vegetable baskets and rushing to the market.

Since it was still early, many people had not gotten up yet, and the doors on the streets were closed. The army entered the city without causing any sensation, and quickly entered the military camp.

The soldiers can rest, but Li Zhen, Guo Songtao, Genia and others cannot rest yet.

In the Chinese army tent, Li Zhen looked at Prawangdin who was standing in the center of the hall, his eyes were sharp, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Come here, drag Prawangdin down and shoot him."

As soon as he finished speaking, two soldiers rushed in from outside the camp.

After Genia translated, Prawandin was so frightened that he knelt down, kowtowed quickly and said: "President, don't kill me, don't kill me, I am useful, I will be useful to you."

After Genia translated, Li Zhen asked: "Oh, what are you good for."

Prawandin's eyes rolled, and he quickly replied: "If I were killed, officials in Calcutta and other cities would definitely organize soldiers to resist desperately. Although the troops given by the president are powerful, once there is a fight, there will always be There is a certain amount of losses and a waste of arms. As long as the president spares my life, I can help the president reduce the losses and make officials in various cities surrender."

Singer knelt beside him, sighing in his heart.

If Li Zhen really planned to kill Prawangdin, he would not capture Prawangdin. Instead, he would order Prawangdin to be executed when caught. Now it is nothing more than intimidating Prawangdin. In such a situation Under the circumstances, Singh didn't bother to remind him. Even if he did, it would be useless. Prawandin was frightened and would definitely not be able to compete with Li Zhen.

Li Zhen raised a smile on his lips and said with a smile: "He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Your Excellency Prawangdin is a person who knows the current affairs. If you perform well, you can contribute to China's unification of India. After India is unified, I will give you an appropriate position so that you can spend your remaining years peacefully."

After hearing the translation, Prawandin was greatly surprised. He rolled his eyes and asked tentatively: "President, I admire China very much. Can I go back to China with you?"

Prawandin had long been fed up with this little corner of India.

He knew that China was prosperous and prosperous, and he thought that living in China would be a magical life.

Li Zhen laughed even louder and replied loudly: "Since you are willing to go, of course you can. I welcome you. When the time comes, you and your family will return to China with me."

"Thank you, President, thank you, thank you."

Prawangdin kowtowed repeatedly, with a smile on his face.

But Singh shook his head. The majestic leader of a country behaved in such a way. It was a disgrace to Indians. He even wondered how he could meet such a leader.

Li Zhen looked at Singer and said solemnly: "Your name is Singer, right."

"I am," Singer replied.

Li Zhen said: "You are the military minister of Prawangdin. You are quite talented, but you are willing to submit to China."

"I don't want to."

Singer had a cold face and decided directly.

In an instant, the expression on Li Zhen's face turned cold.

ps: first update;

This chapter has been completed!
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