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Chapter 1407 Peaceful Resolution (1)

Ili, the capital of Xinjiang.

The current governor of Xinjiang Province is named Jin Xinren. During the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Jin Xinren was the governor of Xinjiang appointed by the imperial court and took charge of the province. After Li Zhen established China in Beijing, Jin Xinren knew that it was difficult to resist, so he changed his position and publicly fought The flag surrendered to China and became a province under the Chinese framework.

However, the policy implemented by Jin Xinren was to obey the instructions but not the declaration. He only surrendered in name but did not hand over military power. Under the circumstances at that time, Li Zhen had been busy with the outside world and was involved in various things. He had no time to deal with Jin Xinren, so things continued. After a delay, Zhang Zhidong now serves as the governor of Qinghai Province and has stationed troops on the border of Xinjiang, which has put great pressure on Jin Xinren.

At the same time, the envoy sent by Li Zhen also arrived in Ili, the capital of Xinjiang Province.

Government building, reception room.

Jin Xinren sat at the main seat in the reception room, his eyes falling on the envoy.

The envoy was dressed in a black suit, with cool leather shoes. His temperament was elegant, and his demeanor was neither humble nor overbearing. He said slowly: "Governor Jin, the President asked me to deliver a message, asking you to come to Beijing to report on your work. Governor Jin is asked to confirm a time and leave as soon as possible. "After the envoy finished speaking, he did not say anything more. Compared with China's power, Xinjiang controlled by Jin Xinren is not the strongest. Under such a premise, the envoy seemed quite strong as soon as he opened his mouth, overwhelming Jin Xinren in terms of momentum. .

This is the strategy set by the envoys to use force to force them.

After hearing what the envoy said, Jin Xinren's face turned gloomy. After thinking about it carefully, he said with a smile: "Sir, please go to the guest room to rest for now. I will explain the affairs in Xinjiang and then give you an answer."


The envoy knew that Jin Xinren wanted to discuss with his confidants, but he did not reveal it.

He followed the soldiers down, and Jin Xinren immediately summoned his confidants to discuss the matter. Soon, Jin Xinren's confidants came to the hall and saluted respectfully. Jin Xinren stepped back and asked the soldiers to close the door of the living room. He looked at his aides and said seriously: "Sir, Li Zheng has pacified various places and even expanded the territory. Now he finally uses troops against Xinjiang. What should we do?"

The staff member rolled his eyes and after thinking for a while, he did not answer directly. Instead, he asked: "May I ask the governor if the issue of stationing troops on the border of Qinghai Province is true."

Jin Xinren nodded and said: "It's true."

The staff paused for a moment and then continued to ask: "May I ask the governor, which one do you think is stronger in Xinjiang and the Borzigit tribe in the Mongolian Horqin Grassland that previously united with Tsarist Russia?"

“There is so much in Xinjiang that it’s not as good as it is.”

Jin Xinren sighed, shook his head and said: "There are many Mongolian tribes on the Horqin grassland. They are all warriors on horseback. They are powerful. The Borzigit tribe is a hereditary tribe. Its strength is far beyond my ability." Comparable."

The staff asked again: "May I ask the governor if we can have Russian help?"

Jin Xinren shook his head gently and said helplessly: "Tsarist Russia suffered successive losses at the hands of Li Zhen, and even ceded the Lake Baikal area to China. It has already regarded Li Zhen as a tiger. If it doesn't dare to confront Li Zhen, how can it dare to help? We, even if we went to ask for help, Tsarist Russia would probably be too frightened to move."

The staff nodded and said seriously: "Since Xinjiang's strength is not as good as that of the Mongolian tribes, and we do not have foreign aid like Russia, and our weapons are backward, how can we resist it."

Jin Xinren took a deep breath and said, "Sir, I am unwilling."

When the staff saw this, their eyes rolled.

Looking at the current situation, you cannot forcefully persuade him, otherwise you will get burned.

The staff had a plan in mind and said: "If the governor insists on resisting to the end, I will definitely follow the governor to the death and fight to the end. Although Xinjiang has many disadvantages, it has the advantages of geographical location and people. The Chinese army is not familiar with the geography of Xinjiang. The environment may also be difficult to adapt to the weather in Xinjiang, which is a major advantage for us; secondly, most of the people in Xinjiang are not Han people. As long as they are incited a little bit, they will definitely hate the Han people. Once the Chinese army enters the territory, the people in Xinjiang will definitely rally As for attacking, with these two conditions, we can deal with Li Zhen."

Jin Xinren's face kept changing, sometimes excited and excited, sometimes gloomy and livid.

Obviously, Jin Xinren was already making a decision at this time.

After a long time, Jin Xinren asked: "Sir, if we fight, how much are we sure of winning?"

The staff members looked slightly embarrassed. Jin Xinren waved his sleeves and ordered: "Sir, please speak frankly. This is related to the future of Xinjiang as a whole and the future of my Jin family. I hope you can tell the truth."

The staff member replied: "Less than 30%."


Jin Xinren exclaimed, his heart feeling cold.

Although he had no confidence in himself and no hope in Xinjiang's strength, Jin Xinren was at least 40% sure of what he had calculated. When he heard the staff's judgment, he felt that the gap was too big and it was difficult to accept the staff's inference. Jin Xinren took a deep breath and said, Let yourself calm down and ask: "Sir, why did you say it was less than 30%?"

Jin Xinren still didn't believe in his staff's views.

Less than 30%, it must be too low a view of his strength.

The staff member glanced at Jin Xinren and felt like a mirror, knowing what Jin Xinren was thinking.

He smiled slightly and said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: "Governor, I humbly conclude that the chance of winning is less than 30%. There are two reasons for this. First, over the years, there have been people in Xinjiang who are against the governor and they have not been completely eliminated. Once we fight with Li Zhen , when the time comes, these hostile forces may seize the opportunity to cause chaos for us. This will cause unrest in the rear. They may even submit to Li Zhen and act as Li Zhen's lackeys. With the help of these people, we will occupy the favorable location and people. and advantages will be greatly reduced, reducing the chance of winning."

"Secondly, our foundation is insufficient. When Li Zhen started the war, he had enough food and weapons to support him, and he continued to attack Xinjiang with energy. On the other hand, food is a big problem for us. If we start a war, it will be difficult for us to sustain food for a long time, and we The arsenal is slow to produce weapons, and the weapons it produces are backward and cannot compare to Li Zhen's powerful weapons."

At this point, a look of horror appeared on the staff's face, and he said: "I heard that Li Zhen has a weapon called a tank, which can attack on flat ground. It is not afraid of fire or guns. It is extremely ferocious. Based on Based on these two judgments, I conclude that our chance of winning is less than 30%. In fact, I think that 30% chance of winning is considered an overestimation, and it may be even lower."

After Jin Xinren heard this, he broke into a cold sweat. He estimated that he had a 40% chance of winning, but after listening to the analysis of his staff, his heart became cold and he decided to sit down and watch the sky.

The odds of winning are really too low.

Jin Xinren waved his hand and said: "You go down, I will think about it again."


The staff left the hall, and Jin Xinren sat alone in the hall in a daze. He had been the king of Xinjiang for decades, and once he handed over all the power in his hands, he was naturally unwilling to accept it, but he was not a man of general ideas. People who feel strong will immediately consider whether they can win, so they chose to ostensibly submit to Li Zhen.

"It's difficult."

Jin Xinren sighed and hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I surrender, I don't want to worry."

After Jin Xinren decided, he did not change it and immediately ordered someone to invite the envoy. He looked at the envoy and said: "Sir, please tell the president that I will leave for Beijing in the near future to report my duties to the president in person."

The envoy smiled and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "I hope Governor Jin can rush to Beijing as soon as possible. The President has already been waiting eagerly in Beijing for Governor Jin to arrive in Beijing."

After speaking, the envoy took his leave and left.

Jin Xinren nodded in agreement. After the envoy left, he called for his wife and children at home, and invited close officials from Xinjiang to the hall to arrange things. This time, the future of entering Beijing was uncertain, so he naturally had to be fully prepared. It took him two days. After arranging everything at home, I set off to leave Xinjiang.

At the end of March, Jin Xinren arrived in Beijing.

Li Zhen personally met with Jin Xinren at the Presidential Palace. In the office, Li Zhen looked at Jin Xinren and said with a smile: "Governor Jin returned to Beijing this time. It was a long journey and hard work. The climate and time here are slightly different from those in Xinjiang. Jin Province Can you adapt to it?"

Jin Xinren replied: "Thank you, President, for your concern. I can still get used to it, but I'm getting older and my body can't bear it."

Li Zhen smiled and said, "Yes, as we get older, we lose energy. This is normal."

After he said these words, he seemed to smile but not smile, giving people a very strange feeling.

Jin Xinren heard this and felt that this was a hint from Li Zhen, saying that he was old and should abdicate in favor of others. This was the purpose of Jin Xinren coming to Beijing this time, so he borrowed the opportunity to say: "President It makes sense. As I get older, it is difficult to consider many things comprehensively. I plan to resign as governor of Xinjiang Province and I sincerely ask the president to agree."

Li Zhenwan said: "While Governor Jin was in Xinjiang, he made many achievements for the people, but the people couldn't bear to leave Governor Jin."

Jin Xinren snorted in his heart and said in his heart that you wish I would resign, but he said with a smile: "Thank you for the praise from the President, but I am really old and lack energy, and it is difficult for me to be qualified for the position of Governor of Xinjiang Province. Please ask the President Choose someone wise."

Li Zhen looked regretful and said helplessly: "Since Governor Jin insists on this, then I can only agree. However, Governor Jin has been in power for many years and has rich experience. If he retires at home, it will be a waste of Governor Jin's ability. In my opinion, how about Governor Jin being transferred to Beijing after retirement and continuing to serve the country in the government."

Jin Xinren said quickly: "Thank you, President."

Li Zhen added: "I heard that Governor Jin has a son who is very talented. In my opinion, what does Governor Jin think about transferring Governor Jin's son to Xiamen to serve as mayor?"

"Thank you, President. Thank you, President."

Jin Xinren is not a fool and naturally knows the importance of Xiamen.

Li Zhen did this to compensate him.

Li Zhen chatted with Jin Xinren about Xinjiang affairs and daily family affairs before letting Jin Xinren leave. That night, Li Zhen held a banquet at the presidential palace residence specifically to cleanse Jin Xinren. After Li Zhen settled Jin Xinren's affairs, Immediately let Zeng Guofan re-select an official to serve as the governor of Xinjiang Province, and he will return with Jin Xinren to complete the handover.

In this way, the Xinjiang issue in the northwest border can be completely solved, but to really stabilize Xinjiang, it still needs the efforts of the new governor. This is no longer Li Zhen's matter, but the task of the new governor.

ps: Call it a day; Xinjiang is a sensitive area and is prone to harm, so I don’t dare to involve it, so I’ll just brush it off, so forgive me.

This chapter has been completed!
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