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Chapter 262: Violent Murder

Qin Rigang whimpered in his throat, but his mouth was blocked by a piece of cloth. No matter what, he couldn't make a sound. He lay on the ground, his eyes were in a trance, and he vaguely looked at the transformation of the most trusted Taoist priest in front of him. He felt a darkness, and even felt like the world was collapsing. He clearly remembered that the Taoist priest in front of him was named Mu Chen. He was a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain and a person favored by the leader of Longhu Mountain. He went down the mountain to find the Ming Lord and assist him. The Ming Dynasty ascended to the position of Ninth Five-Year Plan.

Qin Rigang also knew that Taoist priests were proficient in magic and could perform divination and hexagrams, and could know what was happening thousands of miles away. Not only that, Taoist priests also knew health-preserving and house-keeping techniques, which he liked very much.

However, seeing the transformation of a living person, Qin Rigang's mind became confused.

Qin Rigang recovered, but he had to face it.

He stared at Li Zhen with burning eyes, but his mind was spinning rapidly. On the one hand, Qin Rigang was thinking about a way to escape; on the other hand, Qin Rigang had to consider the true identity of the Qingyao in front of him, but Qin Rigang had no idea. My hair turned white with thought, but I couldn't think of a way to escape, and I couldn't even recognize the identity of the clear demon in front of me.



have no choice.

The three emotions were changing with each other in Qin Rigang's heart.

Qin Rigang thought about how he had asked Qing Yao for some advice on Fang Zhongshu in a low and humiliating manner without any regard for face, and even almost took off his pants, and had exposed his situation in the middle of the night. He suddenly felt angry that his privacy had been leaked.

The more Qin Rigang thought about talking to Qingyao with all his heart and soul, especially when he said both what should be said and what should not be said. In addition, the Qingyao in front of him was a fake Taoist priest, and his anger was already rising uncontrollably. .

Evil fire burst out, wishing to burn the person in front of him.

After being angry, Qin Rigang felt even more humiliated.

The powerful King of Yan in the Celestial Dynasty has a noble status. He is less than a few people and more than ten thousand people. He is a big man who can cause earthquakes by stamping his feet. However, such a big man was deceived by a little Taoist priest dressed as a pure demon. He felt terrible. Unexpectedly, a kind of shame emerged from the depths of his heart and spread in Qin Rigang's heart. It really brought shame to the eighteen generations of ancestors.

When Qin Rigang's sense of shame reached its highest point, he felt deeply helpless.

The dignified King Yan, who was originally a powerful figure in the heaven, became a prisoner of Qing Yao. His mouth was gagged, his hands and feet were tied, and his whole body was tied up. He looked like a big rice dumpling, and it was difficult to even move.

This situation left Qin Rigang helpless.

He was already a piece of meat on the chopping board, being slaughtered by the demon in front of him.

Li Zhen watched Qin Rigang go from glaring with anger to being ashamed and angry, and finally turned into a lonely man. He didn't have a trace of sympathy in his heart. If he failed, he might be the one who was humiliated. The two armies were fighting. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If Qin Rigang failed, he would be the bandit and bandit. He could only let Li Zhen handle it.

Li Zhen sat on the chair, cleaned up the beard stuck to his lips and the long beard on his chin, removed the slender eyebrows, and cleaned up the wig. He felt refreshed. Li Zhen did not wash off the traces on his face. , just sitting quietly, waiting for news from Zhu Wu and others. Not long after, the sound of banging gunshots came from the house.

A smile appeared on Li Zhen's lips, knowing that the special forces from the Jian Dao Battalion led by Zhu Wu were coming to kill him.

"Bang, bang,."

Soon, there were two knocks on the door again outside the study.

Li Zhen frowned and shouted: "Who is it?"

"Military strategist, a group of murderous men suddenly entered the county. There were dozens of them. They were all armed with guns and murderous weapons. My brothers couldn't resist. Please inform the prince to evacuate the county immediately. Otherwise, we will be killed." He's going to be captured alive."

The soldier spoke quickly and seemed very nervous.

Qin Rigang was horrified, breathing heavily from his nose, and was completely desperate.

Soldiers have invaded the house and there is no way to escape.

However, Qin Rigang still has a glimmer of hope in his heart, because the Qingyao in front of him has taken off his beard, hair, etc., revealing his prototype. If the soldiers outside can't wait and rush in directly, Qingyao will reveal his prototype. In this way, Come, he still has hope of being rescued from the sea of ​​misery. Although his house was attacked and the hope of escaping is very slim, there is still hope.

Qin Rigang was looking forward to it, but he heard Li Zhen say: "The prince is practicing. At the critical moment, let the brothers work harder and hold on for another half-quarter of an hour. We must hold on. If we get through it, we can withdraw from the county."

"Military advisor, the situation is urgent."

The soldier outside the door frowned and said loudly.

Qin Rigang secretly thought that the Qingyao in front of him was too cunning, but he also hoped that the soldiers outside the door would break in.

Li Zhen said in a deep voice: "No matter what, let the brothers hold on for at least half a quarter of an hour and let everyone in the house block the incoming enemies. After the prince finishes practicing, I will cover the prince and come out and lead you to kill him together." go out."


The soldier reluctantly agreed, then turned and left.

The footsteps gradually went away, Qin Rigang shook his head and sighed, feeling extremely disappointed.

Li Zhen looked at Qin Rigang with a smile and said: "You should just lie down and don't think about unrealistic ideas. Now not only are you in trouble, but also your general Pan Qingyang is in trouble. Pan Qingyang led the army to attack. According to your The plan was to attract the Qing army with the first wave and attack with the second wave, but I had already spread your plan. Smith and Lu Shaochuan decided on a way to deal with Pan Qingyang. This time, Pan Qingyang must follow Li's footsteps. Following Xiucheng's footsteps, the entire army of 40,000 will be wiped out."


Qin Rigang made a loud noise, his body kept twisting, and his face turned red.

Angry, angry.

At this moment, Qin Rigang was like an angry ant, his face turned red and his eyes widened with anger. However, he could only vent his anger because the Qing Yao in front of him had tied him up, and the person in front of him even just had to stretch out his hand. You can kill him by grabbing his neck.

Killing people is like killing ants, it's too easy.

"Bang, bang."

Suddenly, gunshots were heard from the yard outside the study.

"Tap, step,."

The sound of footsteps came over, and the soldiers guarding the mansion began to knock on the door violently. Li Zhen knew that Zhu Wu was coming with his soldiers, and there could not be too many people fleeing to the study. Li Zhen locked the door tightly. The soldiers hurriedly failed to open it. When Zhu Wu led the soldiers to the study and fired, there were screams and screams. One after another, the soldiers fell down, with a look of unwillingness on their faces.

Why don't you open the door?

This was the thought that came to the mind of the soldier who fled outside the study.

Zhu Wu led his army to shoot, and in the blink of an eye there were only four soldiers left.

At this time, one of them kicked the door open. When the door opened, the soldiers rushed inside. When Zhu Wu saw the door opened, he asked the soldiers to put away their guns and pull out their guns. The three-edged army spear faced the enemy. At the same time, the soldier who had just rushed into the study suddenly felt a biting chill, and at the same time saw Qin Rigang wrapped into a rice dumpling in the room.

Where is the military advisor?

When the soldiers saw Qin Rigang's appearance, doubts arose in their hearts.


The soldier hesitated for a moment, and Li Zhen, who was hiding on the left side of the door, suddenly came out. Li Zhen had already taken out the triangular thorn tied to the outside of his thigh, and rushed out like a tiger and leopard.


The Triangular Army stabbed unexpectedly into the soldier's chest, and was immediately pulled out.

Blood splattered everywhere, but Li Zhen didn't stop.

Li Zhen was like a ghost. After killing the first soldier, he moved his body and waved the three-sided military thorn in his hand. In the blink of an eye, there were three muffled sounds, three blood arrows sprayed out, and the other three soldiers also had their chests sprayed. A bloody hole was stabbed.

Ps: First update;

This chapter has been completed!
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