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Chapter 277 The Most Precious Gift

The atmosphere of the scene reached its highest point with Li Zhen's assurance.

The atmosphere is lively and lively.

The applause sounded like thunder.

Li Zhen looked at the heartfelt joy that appeared on various faces. There was not much joy in his heart, but it was heavy. In this era of rampant foreign powers, he had to save this troubled country. It's a long road but a long way to go. Li Zhen made it clear what he was thinking very early on, but this time he deeply felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

This important task may be a bit far away and may even be difficult to accomplish, but Li Zhen must work hard for it.

For a moment, Li Zhen was crazy looking at the cheering people.

He deeply loved this country and even more so the people of this country.

"Get out of the way, everyone, make a way for you to come out. Don't block your way." The people standing at the steps outside the gate of Daotai Mansion shouted loudly. As the words fell, the people themselves turned sideways and made way for them. .

"Sir, please..."

"Master Li, remember to come back often, we will never forget you..."

"Sir, we can't bear to leave you. You are a good official."

The people were talking in gibberish, but they spontaneously gave way to a road. This road was not spacious or luxurious. It was only two meters wide, but it carried the eyes of all the people expecting blessings. Li Zhen stepped towards As he was walking down, the servant of the house wanted to go down first. When Li Zhen saw this, he directly stretched out his hand to stop him and walked alone in front.

In front of these ordinary people, Li Zhen does not need anyone's protection.

Moreover, Li Zhen believed that no one would dare to take action here.

Zhilan, Alice and others followed behind, but there was no one to protect them. Liu Die was pregnant and was afraid of being crowded by the crowd, so she walked down the steps under the protection of the attendants and followed behind.

As Li Zhen walked, he bowed and thanked the people around him.

Wang Rui and Fang Su stood in the distance. When they saw Li Zhen walking down the steps, their hearts lifted. Wang Rui's heart was excited because he had the opportunity to assassinate Li Zhen, but Fang Su couldn't bear it. , because she saw from the demeanor of the people around him that Li Zhen was not a cruel and murderous person. Even if such a person killed people from the Tiandihui, he was still a good official.

Two people, waiting in the distance.

Wang Rui stood quietly in the distance like a poisonous snake lurking.

Li Zhen walked forward unhurriedly, and the people voluntarily gave way to the road. After walking about seventy meters, an old man with a bright head rushed out from the left side of the two-meter-wide road. This old man was exactly what he wanted at the beginning. The old man who saw Li Zhen was leaning on a cane and staggering a little, but with an eager look on his face, he stretched out his hand and shouted: "Sir, please stay."

When the voice fell, Li Zhen stopped and asked: "Old man, what's the matter?"

The old man smiled innocently and put his crutch in front of him.

Immediately, the old man reached out and took off the one meter long tube with a diameter of ten centimeters that was carried on his back.

This action made the people standing behind to protect Li Zhen become nervous. Li Zhen looked calm, because the old man in front of him was already old and frail, and the sincerity in his eyes could not be faked. In addition, that look The heartfelt smile on his face made Li Zhen lower his guard and knew that the old man in front of him was not an assassin.

Li Zhen was a special forces soldier in the army in his previous life. He received a lot of training and worked hard at identifying people's expressions, which was enough to tell whether a person's expression was true or false.

When Wang Rui saw Li Zhen stop, a hint of gloom flashed between his brows.

However, Wang Rui could not see the situation ahead and could only wait patiently.

After a while, the old man opened the long tube and took out a scroll that looked like calligraphy and painting. This scroll was very long and wrapped around and around. It could be seen from the long tube that contained the scroll.

Li Zhen strode forward, supported the old man, and asked in a harmonious voice: "Old man, you are already old, so it is enough for you to give it to me. There is no need to worry so much."

The old man shook his head repeatedly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, sir, my body is very strong. It doesn't matter."

As he spoke, the old man untied the red rope that tied the scroll.


The scroll was unfolded and Li Zhen saw the contents on the scroll.

In an instant, Li Zhen's body trembled slightly.

The content on the scroll is not a peerless ink painting, nor is it a peerless calligraphy and painting full of the atmosphere of heaven and man, nor is it a praising poem. There is only one line on it: "In the fourth year of Xianfeng, your Excellency moved to Guangzhou to be the admiral. He left Shanghai and went to Guangzhou."

If it were just this line of words, it would not be worthy of Li Zhen's excitement.

Behind this line of words, there are a lot of names. The first name is Hao Zhengde. The font is strong and powerful, and it looks like a scholar's handwriting at first glance. The second name is Zhong Ming. The font is crooked and can be recognized; the third name is Hao Zhengde. The three names are Pan Fu, and the fonts are even more staggered, as if they were crawled by earthworms...

Densely packed names are scattered all over the scroll.

There are even countless red handprints pressed by people who cannot write. This scroll contains the hearts of countless Shanghai people. How could Li Zhenyan not be touched by such a precious gift? How could he not be touched by it? Touched, Li Zhen originally thought that the people came to see him off and recognized him very much. Seeing the vivid names on the scroll, his heart felt warmer.

Li Zhenqiang resisted the urge to cry and took the scroll with trembling hands.

Handing the scroll to Li Zhen, the old man breathed a sigh of relief.

He leaned on crutches and said with a smile: "Your Excellency has done many good things for the people in the past year when he was an official in Shanghai, and the people will remember it in their hearts. It's just that your Excellency was promoted to the Admiral of Guangzhou. If you don't lack food and clothing, you won't give food and eggs." Something like that, put the names or fingerprints of every common person on the scroll, I hope Mr. Li won’t dislike it.”

"Thank you, old man. I don't dislike it. I don't dislike it. This is the most precious gift that Li Zhen has received in his life."

Li Zhen read it carefully, tied the scroll with a red rope, and handed it to Ye Chengzhong to put it away.

For Li Zhen, this calligraphy and painting was priceless and moved him beyond measure. Ye Chengzhong took the scroll and put it away carefully. At this moment, Ye Chengzhong was also affected and very shocked. He felt that following Li Zhen It was the most correct choice and God's favor for him.

Li Zhen took a deep breath and said: "Old man, please take care of yourself, I will come back."

The old man smiled and said: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely be waiting for you to come back."

After finishing speaking, the old man automatically stepped aside and let Li Zhen continue to move forward. This time, there was no obstruction and he gradually moved away from Daotai Mansion. Wang Rui carried a long sword and watched the wave after wave of people. The people retreated, full of expectations, and Wang Rui adjusted his condition to the best and was already ready to take action.

This time, he must succeed with one blow.

ps: The third update, I have feelings about this chapter and feel satisfied.

This chapter has been completed!
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