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Chapter 285: Healing the Injury (Part 2)

Fang Su saw the steaming water in the copper basin and knew to wipe the wound. However, her wound was on her right breast and it was close to a private place. She felt even more embarrassed. For a moment, Fang Su began to feel shy again. After thinking about it carefully, Fang Su gritted his teeth and said, "Master Li, I, I'd better clean the wound myself, I don't need your help."

The thought of taking off my clothes in front of a strange man was really embarrassing.

Li Zhen didn't intend to clean Fang Su's wound. He nodded, but still asked tentatively: "Are you sure you can clean and bandage the wound yourself?"

"Yeah, okay."

Fang Su was too shy to look into Li Zhen's eyes and whispered. The fairy-like Fang Su with fluttering clothes disappeared and was replaced by a young girl who was a little shy and a little scared.

Li Zhen didn't force it and said, "It's up to you. I'll lay out the things you need."

As he spoke, Li Zhen opened the medicine box, took out gauze, scissors, liquor, medicine, etc. He also took a towel to wipe the wound and put it in the basin. He quickly placed all the things that needed to be used. Zhen checked carefully and made sure there was nothing missing before he said: "You clean the wound in the tent, and I will wait outside. When you have bandaged the wound and put on clothes, call me in again. I still have something to say to you." Say, it’s about some things about the Tiandihui.”


Fang Su agreed and watched Li Zhen leave.

After the tent curtain was lowered, Fang Su hesitated and kept staring at the tent curtain, as if he was afraid to take off his clothes. Li Zhen suddenly rushed in again. Fang Su thought that Li Zhen was a good official and also thought that Li Zhen would be a good official. A good person, but when she got to the tent where Li Zhen lived and took off her clothes, she still felt very uneasy and slightly worried.

After five full minutes, Fang Su felt relieved when he saw that the tent door curtain was not moving.

Fang Su endured the pain in her chest, untied the belt around her waist, and took off her upper body half naked.

It was already June and the weather was getting hotter.

Especially as we walked towards Guangzhou, the weather became even hotter. Fang Su only wore a coat with a bright red bellyband embroidered with patterns. At this moment, Fang Su looked back at the tent door curtain again and found that there was no tent door curtain. After opening it, and there were voices coming from outside, Fang Sucai was completely relieved, turned on the phone, took off the bellyband, and cleaned the blood from the wound.

Outside the camp, Li Zhen ordered the soldiers guarding the entrance of the camp to retreat five meters away from the camp.

Li Zhen also stood outside the camp, letting Fang Su clean his wounds.

Liu Taiping learned about what happened at night and couldn't fall asleep. He wandered around the camp and saw Li Zhen still standing outside. He strode over. Liu Taiping sat down next to Li Zhen and said, "Sir, what happened at night The old man already knows, I heard Xiaolang say that the woman asked you to clean the wound, why did you come outside the camp, and you are still so far away from the camp."

Li Zhenxiao said: "She cleaned the wound by herself without me taking action."

Liu Taiping asked again: "What is the reason why this woman and another person suddenly assassinated you? When you were talking to the woman, did you reveal anything?"

Li Zhen nodded and said: "The woman in the tent is the adopted daughter of Chen Qiankun, the chief helmsman of the Guangzhou Tiandihui. Her name is Fang Su. The man who escaped earlier is named Wang Rui, and he is a helmsman of the branch helmsman of the Guangzhou Tiandihui." Lord, the two of them came to Shanghai to assassinate me under the orders of Chen Qiankun. However, according to Fang Su, Chen Qiankun was also instigated by Bai Gui, the governor of Guangdong, before he sent someone to assassinate me. Therefore, the source should be Bai Gui, the governor of Guangdong. ."

"Bai Gui."

After Liu Taiping heard this, he said in a deep voice: "This old man has some impressions."

"Oh, sir, tell me." Li Zhen said immediately.

Liu Taiping said solemnly: "In the past, when Lin Zexu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, was in charge of Guangzhou, Baigui was still a county magistrate with a humble status. Now he is the governor of Guangdong. What a big change. Baigui has a treason behind his head and has always been close to foreigners. , this person colludes with foreigners from Britain, France and other countries, is willing to be the foreigners’ lackey, and even persuades his colleagues to be loyal to foreigners. He is an out-and-out thief.”

Historically, Baigui was more than that.

At the beginning of the third year of Xianfeng (1853), Baigui became the governor of Guangdong.

Bai Gui and Ye Mingchen, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, jointly suppressed the peasant uprising in Guangdong and ordered all prefectures and counties to kill soldiers who had liaisons with the uprising without mercy. Hundreds of thousands of people were massacred one after another.

In the sixth year of Xianfeng's reign, Britain and France launched the Second Opium War. Bai Gui had always advocated surrender and promised the British to impeach Ye Mingchen through a memorial. It was precisely because of Bai Gui's impeachment that Ye Mingchen was dismissed from office the next year. As a result, Bai Gui temporarily acted as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

In order to continue to serve as governor, Bai Gui accepted without authorization the request of Britain and France to form a committee composed of Parkes, Harroway, Shulay, etc., to be responsible for the security of Guangzhou. Such an approach can be described as betraying the country and seeking glory. But Bai Gui really agreed.

As a result, announcements and notices issued by Guangdong must be approved by Parkes and others. Even the edicts conveyed by Xianfeng were intercepted by Parkes and others. Outside the governor's office, they were guarded by British and French soldiers. Moreover, Bai Gui and the British and French invaders jointly issued a notice confirming that beating foreigners would be punished as treason.

The Guangdong governor's office headed by Bai Gui was actually the first local puppet government in modern Chinese history. In order to maintain his position, Bai Gui constantly persuaded his colleagues to give up the war and exonerate the British and French. He gradually lost Xianfeng's trust. After the British and French invaders took control of Baigui, Baigui fell into depression and died of illness in Guangzhou in 1859.

Li Zhen was not familiar with Bai Gui, but after hearing Liu Taiping's words, he became angry and said in a deep voice: "Bai Gui is willing to be the lackey of the foreigners and must be eliminated."

Liu Taiping continued: "Sir, no matter whether the foreigners let Bai Gui take action or not, Bai Gui will deal with you as the governor of one party. From the time you entered the official career, Yang Nengge was destroyed and Xu Naizhao was repaired by you. Yes, other officials dare not go against you, which gives Bai Gui an impression of being difficult to get along with."

"Besides, Bai Gui is the governor of Guangdong and the largest civil servant in Guangzhou, and you are the largest military officer."

"If you don't cooperate, Guangzhou will be in a state of split power. On the surface, Bai Gui is the governor of Guangdong, and his official position should be one level higher than yours. However, Bai Gui only has the power to command the army verbally and cannot truly command it. The right to command the army and actually dispatch the army rests with you."

"Once Bai Gui can't command you, it means you can't mobilize soldiers."

"In order to control Guangzhou and control the military and political power in Guangzhou, Bai Gui has to deal with adults."

Liu Taiping figured out the trick and told everything. It must be said that Liu Taiping's words really guessed Bai Gui's thoughts. Bai Gui was afraid that someone would appear in Guangzhou to confront him, so he found him. Chen Qiankun, let Chen Qiankun take action.

After hearing this, Li Zhen nodded and said, "Sir, what you said makes sense. I understand."


Suddenly, Fang Su's scream came from the camp.

When Li Zhen heard this, he said, "Sir, you go back and rest earlier, and I'll see what happened." Li Zhen hurriedly turned around and rushed back, rushing into the camp and was stunned.

ps: third update;

This chapter has been completed!
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