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Chapter 290 Difficulties

Guangzhou, outside the city.

Li Zhen's army arrived outside Guangzhou City, but the city gates were closed tightly, preventing Li Zhen from entering the city.

The army is encamped, and the Chinese army has a large tent.

Li Zhen and all the generals in the army gathered together. Li Zhen's eyes fell on Zhu Wu and asked: "Zhu Wu, you led the special forces of the Jiandao Battalion to Guangzhou first to inquire about the situation and talk about the current situation in Guangzhou City."


Zhu Wu nodded and said immediately: "The soldiers who sneaked into the city reported that after the city was broken, Ye Mingchen preferred to die rather than surrender and was imprisoned in the governor's office. Bai Gui, the governor of Guangdong, colluded with foreigners and jointly controlled Guangzhou City. If the commander-in-chief It’s even more difficult to enter the city.”

"Bai Gui."

After hearing this, Li Zhen's eyes were already flashing with blazing anger.

It would not be an exaggeration to call such a person a traitor.

Li Zhen looked gloomy, glanced at the generals in the army, and said coldly: "The city of Guangzhou is strong, and it is definitely not cost-effective to attack by force. Even if we spend countless artillery and ammunition, we may not be able to capture Guangzhou. At present, what is before us The problem is how to win Guangzhou. If you can't fight hard, you can only win wisely. Let's discuss how to win wisely."

Liu Taiping sat on the left side and said: "Your Majesty is right. This battle can only be fought wisely, not fought head-on."

Zhu Wu geared up and said: "Commander, some soldiers from the Sharp Blade Battalion have sneaked into the city. As long as they convey the order, they can carry out the beheading mission and get rid of Burlon, Bao Ling, Russell, Adams and others in one fell swoop. Once The foreigners in the city have lost their coach, and this war is over."

After Zhu Wu led his soldiers to Guangzhou, and then Guangzhou was under martial law, Zhu Wu was thinking about taking Guangzhou.

For the soldiers of the Sharp Blade Battalion, beheading is undoubtedly the best way.

If it were a large-scale battle, there were only more than a hundred soldiers in the Jiandao Battalion. If they rushed up, they would be dead in a short time. The moment Li Zhen proposed to outwit Guangzhou, Zhu Wu knew that the opportunity had come.

Before Li Zhen agreed, and Zhu Wu's joy did not last long, Smith stood up, poured a basin of cold water on his pocket, and said loudly: "Commander, I don't think Captain Zhu's plan is feasible."

"Why isn't it possible?" Li Zhen asked immediately.

Zhu Wu raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Captain Smith, you are jealous of the soldiers of the Jiandao Battalion. The special forces of the Jiandao Battalion are trained to perform special tasks. The foreigners have controlled Guangzhou, and the army cannot break the city for the time being. , this is an opportunity for the soldiers of the Jian Dao Battalion to stand out, and what you did is clearly aimed at the Jian Dao Battalion."

Zhu Wu's excitement was blocked by Smith, who spoke very rudely.

Seeing this, Li Zhen waved his hands to comfort him: "Zhu Wu, don't be anxious, wait until Smith finishes speaking."

Zhu Wu was still angry, but said nothing.

Smith understood Zhu Wu's mood and was not angry. He said calmly: "Commander, I say that Captain Zhu's proposal is not feasible because he is carrying out a beheading mission. The British and French allied forces are attacking Guangzhou in a large scale. This is already a national war. It was Britain and France who declared war on the Manchus, it was no longer a small fight."

"The war launched by the British and French coalition forces must have received the support of the British Plenipotentiary in China and the Governor of Hong Kong, Wenhan. If the Sharp Knife Battalion sneaked into the city and killed Adams, Russell, Bourlon and Baoling in the city, it would be detrimental to the commander-in-chief in the long run."

"Imagine that the general killed the commander of the British and French coalition forces, took all the hatred into his own arms, became the object of hatred of the British and French coalition forces, and angered the British and French coalition forces. The British and French forces would definitely take advantage of the situation where countless soldiers died. Inciting the domestic people, arousing the sentiment of revenge, and once again sending a larger fleet to take revenge."

"Too many people have died, and the hatred cannot be suppressed."

"When the time comes, I'm afraid your lord will have to bear the wrath of Britain and France."

"However, if beheading is replaced by capture, and only Adams, Bourlon and others are captured, the news of the defeat of the British and French allied forces will be sent back to Britain and France. They will have to accept it and dare not raise a large number of troops. After all, war requires money, and it is huge. There are countless prisoners in Shuai's hands."

"Once Britain and France sent troops, the general threatened to kill all the British and French soldiers, forcing Britain and France not to act rashly."

"This is a foreign matter, let's talk about domestic matters."

Smith stopped to take a breath, and then continued: "If the commander-in-chief kills all the foreigners, and Britain and France take revenge, they will definitely coerce the emperor. Once the Qing Dynasty cannot support it, the commander-in-chief may be pushed out as a scapegoat. As long as the commander-in-chief Without a deadly feud with the foreigners, and with the commander-in-chief still having elite soldiers, the British and French forces would not dare to act rashly."

Smith said calmly: "Considering all aspects, there are more benefits to capturing Bourlon, Adams and others. Killing them would really cut off the future."

When Zhu Wu heard this, a smile appeared on his face again.

Whether it is capture or beheading, it is the soldiers of the Sharp Blade Battalion who take action, as long as this is met.

After hearing this, Li Zhen didn't believe everything.

Xianfeng might push him out as a scapegoat, Li Zhen believed this.

However, the so-called avoidance of mortal enmity with foreigners is not correct.

The relationship between Li Zhen and the British and French allied forces has long been a fight to the death, and it only involves the issue of how to earn the maximum profit. After all, the British and French consuls in Shanghai were killed by Li Zhen, and the British and French consuls were also killed. Dozens of fleets sank into the sea, and countless soldiers were lost. This was a never-ending situation.

Furthermore, when Russell, Adams, Bao Ling and others left Shanghai, they were humiliated by Li Zhen in every possible way, which made it impossible for Bourlon and Bao Ling to give up their hatred.

Li Zhen knew this very well.

However, Li Zhen agreed with Smith's opinion of capturing rather than killing him, because he could earn more profits by leaving his life alive. Li Zhen looked at Zhu Wu and ordered: "I have decided to adopt Smith's suggestion. Soldiers from the Sharp Knife Battalion will Take action in the city to capture Bourlon, Adams and others."

"Yes, General Mo will make arrangements right away."

Zhu Wu was so happy that he immediately turned around and prepared to leave.

"Captain Zhu, wait a minute."

When Zhu Wu walked out excitedly, Liu Taiping's voice came from behind him.

Zhu Wu asked: "Mr. Liu, what are your orders?"

Liu Taiping said: "Capturing foreigners by the special forces of the Jian Dao Battalion is only one aspect. We must consider the unsuccessful situation. You send a message to the soldiers lurking in the city and ask some of them to contact Chen Qiankun, the chief helmsman of the Tiandihui. Ask Chen Qiankun to help. Once Chen Qiankun agrees, the foreigners in the city will not be a problem."

"Yes." Zhu Wu nodded immediately.

Li Zhen was inspired and ordered: "I will give you another task. Send someone to contact Ye Mingchen, who is imprisoned in the governor's office. He is the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi and has stayed in Guangzhou for a long time. Even if he is imprisoned, he still has certain channels to let him Ye Mingchen also took action to deal with Bai Gui and the foreigners and coordinate our entry into the city."


Zhu Wu received several tasks in a row. Not only was he not worried, but he was even more excited.

The more tasks there are, the greater the usefulness of the Sharp Knife Battalion.

ps: First update, Xiaodong is still on the train, suffering...

This chapter has been completed!
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